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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: "Bella"Sweet fancy b'jesus, I just finished watching Sunshine... what started out as your garden-variety "mission to save the world" sci-fi became FILLED WITH UNSPEAKABLE AMOUNTS OF SUSPENSE AND HORRRRRRRRROR. Seriously, I was clutching a pillow sitting at the edge of the couch doing my "OH GOD THE HORROR" face throughout the last twenty minutes. (Pretty much how I spent the entire duration of Cloverfield, though, so it could be worse?)

But still, it was a total hybrid of Solaris and The Core, two of my favourite sci-fi movies, with more zombieness and a guy who gets killed in a mainframe cooling system (ooops spoiler alert?), so it's totally being added to my List of Favourite Movies. >O<b

did i already mention this movie? cause i'm pretty sure i did. but yeah, this is on my list of FAVOURITE MOVIES OF ALL TIEM.

:3 i want to purchase it.

@sleepy: PLEEEEASE? :3
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Gonna be gone until Thursday doing a variety of tasks, no internet, having to put up with my mother's full out panic (even though she's not going {especially since she's not going})


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Boob mousepads lol. They look *really* comfy, but it seems like it'd be a little awkward explaining it to people. xD

Quote from: "Choco"did i already mention this movie? cause i'm pretty sure i did. but yeah, this is on my list of FAVOURITE MOVIES OF ALL TIEM.

:3 i want to purchase it.

Maybe you did? I don't remember. But yeah it was amazing. :D

Quote from: "Stew"Gonna be gone until Thursday doing a variety of tasks, no internet, having to put up with my mother's full out panic (even though she's not going {especially since she's not going})

I guess this is goodbye then. *hugs* I'm leaving on Tuesday or Wednesday, probably won't have internet on the Cape (which'll be a little over a week). Next time we talk, I'll be on the event horizon of Boston. >:3

(Yes, the city has an event horizon! It's the point at which you're close enough to feel the unmistakable effects of the city, but not so near that you get sucked in and lost forever in a tangle of closed timelike space and byoutiful architecture!)

Quote from: "Red"Lol, you mainframe fetishist, you!

Bwahaha, why are people always accusing me of fetishism? I'm just a fan of big beautiful computers, that's all. ^O^

*launches into a poor impression of a certain Sir Mix-a-Lot song*

I like big computers and I cannot lie, what you otha users can deny, that when a comp comes in with a nice big case and a terminal in yo face--

Red-Machine get TYPIN!

I know, that was bad.  But I couldn't think of anything computer-related the rhymed with "sprung".
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!



Quote from: "coldReactive"Spain won guys!
The octupus prevails again.

Quote from: "Bella"Boob mousepads lol. They look *really* comfy, but it seems like it'd be a little awkward explaining it to people. xD
It would, wouldn't it?
Quote from: "Chocofreak13"@sleepy: PLEEEEASE? :3
nuuuu, just let her stare into your soul instead~

Quote from: "Acher13"Sleepy: lol, I only had Dakimakura... meh..
dood, where do I get that prinny costume?
Go to the NIS America booth next year, and kidnap the prinny. heh


QuoteThe octupus prevails again.
The 3rd to 5th hits on a search for 'Bläckfisken' (swe for 'The Octopus") are related to Paul. This country is such a media-whore.

In other news, overlord is back, and I STILL haven't managed to get my sleep in order. IT'S BEEN A MONTH NOW, DAMNIT

Not reading old Topless posts for futility, so someone give me a tl;dr. Kthx.


Quote from: "NejinOniwa"
Not reading old Topless posts for futility, so someone give me a tl;dr. Kthx.
Well, for posts related to me:

Sleepy went to Anime Expo.
Got lots of pictures and swag.
Acher wants a prinny costume.
Choco wants my oppai mousepad.


You, sir, are a good tl;dr-er. Put your fist to your screen like a real bro.


So I'm the last guy at the office for the day (the others left early) and this Japanese chick calls up and asks for my boss, but he isn't there.  Then she proceeds to want to sell me -stocks-.  I tell her I have no interest nor have I ever dabbled in the stock market.  But she's like "Oh, but blablablabla".  So after 10 times telling her I don't want anything, I just have to hang up.   I wanted to tell her to GTFO in the little japanese I know, but I figured it's not really her fault, she's probably told not to take no for an answer.  :/


Hey guys. This thread is 420 pages long.


I think like a stoner sometimes :/


SOMEtimes? Come now, drillboy.


Quote from: "NejinOniwa"SOMEtimes? Come now, drillboy.



yay, dig-dug for the next generation!
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