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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Quote from: "Red-Machine"Cunty?

really? really??'s disqualified. >.>;

oh yeah, sleepyd, i kinda like "blasty", but i'ma wait around to see what everyone comes up with. :3
click to make it bigger


Oh well; I was just throwing it in there, anyway.  Didn't expect you to go for it.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


One, two, one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two,  one, two...


@Kari: How about Master Blasty? Buffy, Lucy, Woofy, Flashy, Spanky, Feisty, Sparky or Fuzzy? Like I said before, we'll hang out the next time you find yourself in the Northern Lakes Region. (I don't get out of my area a lot.) D:

So, I've spent about half of the last three days suspended in water. </gross exaggeration> The river, the pond, the pool (even went down the waterslides yay!), the shower... anything to keep me out of the freakish heat in- and outside.

Less than a week until I leave for vacation! I'm glad, since I'm currently teetering on an emotional crash and travel should take care of that. >>

In an unprecedented plottwist, it turns out my dad likes Doctor Who.


Quote from: "Bella"I'm currently teetering on an emotional crash

WTH!?  *hugs Bella*
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


@bella: you win with SPANKY!! this computer is now spanky. -w-
oh, and, i'll just have to come kidnappu you. :3 when ya getting back from vacation? :3 (where ya going, too?)
dr. who! yay!! ^^

@red: well, i dun like that. if it weren't for bella winning, i'd have let you back in the race. ^^;

@cold: .....uun?

so i'm making a chore chart, with the japanese words on it as well as the original. so me and bro can LEEEARNNN :3
click to make it bigger


I just got my P3p... I'm so gonna turn noctural again., or maybe bye bye sleep.

and horray for Spanky, I was gonna say Mandy, Patty and Pantty.. uh nvm that  ;012

asides that, this really are boring week when I come for classes and no one was there. I just know yesterday that there are no classes this week for my batch  ;026


Quote from: "Chocofreak13"@cold: .....uun?




does it load?


I hate my mother too, she was too abusive andmanipulative, and never let me have any of my money unless I worked for it, and even then, it was only like, 50 cents per cat box cleaning.

Even though mySSI checks were more than what hers were.


Gentlemen, behold.  I posses DSL now, so I can maintain reliable contact with you good people.

Emotional crash, Bella?






@Red: *hugs back* It always happens this time of year, I don't know if it's hot-weather-induced-neurosis or the weight of the past year piling up on me before vacation or what. ' '

@Kari: yey, I'm so honoured you chose Spanky. :,D Um, sometime in late August-ish? Mass, RI and Vermont, at least those are the ones I'm definitely visiting.

@Stew: woot, you're on the information superhighway now! Instead of the "information dusty back-road".

I had an emotional crash n' burn last year too, Massachusetts and being with old friends somehow snapped me out of it. I'm betting this'll happen again, or at least that's what I'm trying to convince myself.

It's like, I've lost the will to... do... just about anything. I just want to sleep all day and not do anything. (Either a sign of depression, or the heatwave. Maybe they're one in the same?)


AX IMAGE DUMP!! I rarely post images so... yeah. ^^;

here, Acher, have a prinny.

If you've never been to a convention as big as AX, here's a small fraction of the people going. (ah, I seem to have gotten a Remilia in there)

some cosplay shots:



Yuu Asakawa at the autograph booth:

And here's my AX loot:

Yes, that's an oppai mousepad. OTL