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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: "stewartsage"So someone nearby is selling a 1978 TRS-80 with two drives, a printer, and all the manuals for $50.  Thinking about buying it.

WHAT!? You're only THINKING? Get it.



@bella (and no, i do NOT intend to stop using the @ system.) good to hear squirelly got out. and i hope your dad gets better, last time i was in the emergency was either for me or my mom......can't remember.
btw, since you have an airsoft gun now, m bro was trying to start an airsoft LARP. lemme know if you want in. :3
as for weird new hobbies, i was thinking of making herbalism / poisionous plant cultivation a new hobby. :3 just picked up a lovely book at building 19 1/15 called "the poision diaries". part story, part poisonious plant guide. simply delightful, and written by the duchess of northumberland. ^^
glad to hear you didn't get buried in rubble.

@stew: wow, WWI. you don't hear of that alot (seriously, out of about 20 documentary shows i've seen on tv, maybe one was about the First Great War.) good for you for getting to know some family history, makes me wish i could know more about mine, but i either forget to ask or am afraid to.
hmm, does your work sell honey baked ham? i was considering getting one of those for the holidays. xD
old-puter ftw. maybe you can haggle them down, given that you're probably the only one in the area that will pay for it. xD
and sad to hear about another young one being snuffed out by a pointless war. a soldier from my town was killed this year, there was an assembly about it. and the westborough church can go F*** themselves. not only did i join the facebook group against them, but let's just say that if i saw one of them, i'd give them a lovely introduction to my foot........
when i get my car, no one will be allowed to borrow it. :3 (except my bro, since he's the one BUYING it.....)

@acher: good for you on finals, and cute plushies? nice new avi btw. :3
@zen: just read the name in front of the "@". then you know who it's directed at.
@nejin: it's easier than quoting. and you guys make me thankful i don't trope. (it sounds like a drug when ya put it like that. =\)
@von: did you update your location? i like it. :3
@red: my brother wants to get me into airsoft. i agreed, cause i had been meaning to learn how to fire a gun.

i love how all of you just missed that random dude's advertisement. BOTTTTTTTTTTT
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haha i know but my attention keeps swayingggg

@bella no one was hurt right? earthquakes have been scary lately >_<

and kidney stones are not good *_* *general obvious*
My my, aren't you lovely~


don't worry. i get like that too, especially when i'm away from forums for a few days. :3
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I'm going to buy a ~1993 tower running Windows 3.1 for $50 (that's w/monitor, mouse and keyboard). The seller is the same dude I bought my three old laptops from, he says he's had it up and running and that it works fine. I'll probably pick it up after this weekend... when my summer job starts and I have some cash flow... :D

@Choco: haha, my family is a bit paranoid-survivalistic so they've been meaning to teach me gun-handling 101 for years. In case I ever have to fight off zombie hordes or catch my own food or something someday... xD Shooting always seemed a little too... easy... to me, which is why I wanted to learn something a little more physical, like fencing or martial arts. But it's something my brother is into, it'll be another interest that we share (we already have snowboarding and anime and snarking, yey!)

My family has a fairly boring military history aside from my grandfathers. I have an uncle who was in the Air Force with some sort of clerical job, another uncle who worked on an aircraft carrier in 'Nam, another uncle who was in the Army Band or something, a cousin who was in the Navy on the USS Abraham Lincoln and pretty much spent his entire tour traveling around world carousing, and another cousin who was in the Army and nearly got killed in Fallujah about twenty times. :\

Poisonous plant cultivation, interesting...

@Zen: There have been no injuries as far as I've heard...

Kidney stones aren't good, but at least they go away in time. D:


Quote from: "VonDaab"WHAT!? You're only THINKING? Get it.

I want to, but it's going to require some haggling

@Choco: Oooh, the Duchess.

Unfortunately, it's a bigger deal in Europe and Canada then it is here. It seems.  Apparently his ear was disfigured during the war, I'm not entirely sure what he did but he was an Ordnance officer.  My grandma is pretty obsessive about the taking and sorting of pictures, I think that's where I got it.  My Nana on the other hand keeps most of them in a huuuuge box gathering dust in the basement.

Nope, Turkeys only I'm afraid.  But I might could get you a good deal on Turner ham.

Yeah.  My total cash reserves at the moment don't make fifty dollars.  I'm gonna start at twenty dollars, see where that gets me.


My dream car is something along the line of a 1969 Plymouth Belvedere or an early 70's Dodge Dart.....

@Bella: I'm gonna try!


did i post a pic of the car i'm getting? i did, right? :3

good luck haggling, stew. ^^ i only have once, but it worked out well. :3

@bell: my dad was in the swiss army, grandpa in korea, uncle in desert storm. that's pretty much it, not much happened. they don't talk about it (i know more about my grandpa's old day job than his war stories).
seriously. larp. think about it. xD
and good for you for getting along with yous sibling(s). i sure as hell don't (usually). (except for my unofficial brothers and sisters.)
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Airsoft!! cool, go for it...
I lost my word... brb,....


My dad was in the army.  Served in Ireland and Gibraltar.  Nearly got killed several times, once when a mortar went through the roof of the guard tower he and his partner were in.  Luckily it didn't go off...
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


@choco: yeah, changed it to more correct.

I've been thinking for some time about starting AirSofting, however, so far havent had enough resources to do it.
And now the move to the UK, hmm...

Over here airsofting has the bad image of being a "kiddy" hobby for 12-year olds running around in t-shirts and cheap springers, or over tacticooled with money from their dads wallets.
And when you look closer at the community, its actually 80% like this.

Also, I'm not much into the electric sewing machines, so my choice would be most probably GBB rifles of somesort.


hehe i've been thinking a lot about airsoft >_<

i think i might buy some within the year DX
My my, aren't you lovely~


God I fucking suck balls at Touhou. I can't beat SA on normal ;_;
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


@Choco: No, you didn't post a pic of your new car. :U

Yep, my brother is one of my best friends. :D

@Stew: To hell with haggling, borrow some cash from someone stat! >O<

I have no cash at the moment, it's all been spent on clothes and old computers. I'm actually in debt now, 'cause I kinda owe somebody ~$100 for that airgun kit. D:

Those are nice cars, but then again I like just about any autos from the 1950s thru 70s. :D My dream cars are the Saturn Sky Redline, 70s Opal GT, umh... about any VW bus, and the classic Mini Cooper.

@VonDaab: I'm not into airsofting. >:3 Don't airsoft guns, by definition, shoot plastic pellets? The air pistol I have shoots hollow-tip lead pellets or BBs.


Ah, a classic car lover.  I'm liking you more all the time, Bells!
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Quote from: "Bella"@VonDaab: I'm not into airsofting. >:3 Don't airsoft guns, by definition, shoot plastic pellets? The air pistol I have shoots hollow-tip lead pellets or BBs.
Yeah, I know the difference between airsoft and airguns, and had no intention to direct my last post towards you. It was choco who started the discussion about airsoft.