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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Ah haha... ^^;

Sorry, didn't notice you posting, Darknight-san, before just now. It was 7.45am here back when you posted, and now it's an hour later. I get to uni very early in the mornings these days thanks to not being able to sleep at home due to renovation... -_-

Oh, more in the refit-related news... I was at my parents' place for the long weekend, and obviously while I was gone, my fridge was turned off (I suppose the workers cut the electricity) and voilà: a temperature of +18 degrees centigrade inside the fridge, every single piece of food spoilt, a nice pond of water inside the fridge topped with a wonderful rotten smell. -_- The nicest thing is, the fridge still cannot be turned back on (I wonder if it's broken or the wires cut still), so I cannot eat _anything_ at home right now.

Sigh... and the weather's got colder again, just when I changed into my summer jacket. -_-

And how about the rest of you? ^_^ *twitches while smiling*

edit: Shucks, the 'no posts in this topic' bug still appears. v_v


*runs in one side of the thread screaming and then back out the other side*
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Hehey, CaptBrenden-san! ^_^

As I said already, good to see you're still in one piece. Just make sure you keep popping up even when you get back properly and/or move to Japan, aye?


*join in with Capt screaming and and running*

tht was fun ... he moving to japan wow tht sound cool i want to go, i want to i want to go ... Pitkin sorry to hear abt ur food and sorry Capt to hear abt work  ... so today i find my watch, didn't i know i lost it and don't where it went ... but think it some how got into the washing machine, but luckly no damage thank to be water proof or i think it is ... it say 100m but i never really test tht ...

so tht abt all i got to say

Q4(V) added the following  12 minutes after last message :

panda may like this one

Q4(V) added the following  7 hours 14 minutes after last message :

u catch ppl online but they just run ...


"discover the web with me"


firefox is a lot bigger then some of the ostan ... it has it own site err but i didn't know tht it was panda

Q4(V) added the following  10 minutes after last message :

Yo Pitkin how r u?


And then it takes me 45 minutes to notice... hiya Q4(V)-san! :D

Doing fine, still no fridge though. :|

How's it going with you? How about Darknight? Oi, Darknight-san!


wht draknight online ... where he go

*look around* *look in the IRC*

oh it look like he was here  
good afternoon Knighht ... i'm guessing it's afternoon there mexico

no food for Piktin and i'm eatting cake right now lol


lol. Sorry, I didnt noticed anyone online, and I have been somewhat busy (stupid derivatives!!!...but I must make exercises to upgrade that 8 into a 10, or 9 at least). In fact, by the time im posting this, its 12:28 pm in Mexico.
Ouch Pitkin, no fridge? and I thought that being without stove for 2 weeks was bad...


Pitkin, please make a thread locked on the no-posts bug so i'll can check what's wrong. Seems the pages problem is already solved, that's a start but for this one, i fear the database may be in question...

Linux-Tan added the following  50 minutes after last message :

I added rank pictures, hope you'll like them (1 star each 100 posts...)

Each ranks have been recalculated too to not reach max rank too fast (order of ranks may have been changed and a few renamed)



this admin thing as gone to his head

*look at gold star*

where not at war u know and how come u have 5 stars when u only posted 126 times ... this really has gone to his head, i would do tht if i was admin

*picturing wht it would do if admin in movie*


"hold me"

"i'll never let go"

"this is for admin and web site"

*picturing wht it would do if admin on the internet*

user- hey Q4(V), something worng
Q4(V)- what?
user- can't post on ur site
Q4(V)- ....
user- well are u goin to do something
Q4(V)- ....
user- come on Q4(V) try being an admin
Q4(V)- ok but if some go wrong, it not my fault

a day later the world internet crashes

two year later

user- Q4(V) ... wht did you do?
Q4(V)- me speak no english
user- Q4(V) ...was taten Sie?
Q4(V)- mich speak Nr. German
user- Q4(V) ... 何をãâ€"たかãâ,¬â€š
Q4(V)- 私はæâ€"¥æÅ"¬ã‚’話さない
user- ä»â,¬Ã¤Â¹Ë†Ã¥Å"°ç‹±ä½ åšäº›ä»â,¬Ã¤Â¹Ë†?
Q4(V)- 不必宣誓

but nice picture any way


I have the most posts, been called the social butterfly of the board, but I'm not even a mod.

but I don't care about beeing a mod


QuoteQuote from : Q4(V)


this admin thing as gone to his head

Just ask Pitkin, the fact i can't hold same nick long is far from being new  ;010
And about doing what i want... i assume it's the payback for maintaining the site :D

QuoteQuote from : panda

I have the most posts, been called the social butterfly of the board, but I'm not even a mod.

but I don't care about beeing a mod

I don't have any problems if you want to be moderator around since you're indeed active. I didn't put moderators since i didn't think it was needed (all is pretty smooth and cool) but if you have projects, ideas and//or think a moderator is needed, it's fine with me.

I wouldn't take Q4(V) anyway, he just criticized me (revenge :p )

Linux-Tan added the following  8 minutes after last message :

Besides i don't have 126 posts, i've 127  ;185


QuoteQuote from : Linux-Tan

Just ask Pitkin, the fact i can't hold same nick long is far from being new  ;010

I concur. *nods*

QuoteQuote from : Q4(V)

user- hey Q4(V), something worng
Q4(V)- what?
user- can't post on ur site
Q4(V)- ....
user- well are u goin to do something
Q4(V)- ....
user- come on Q4(V) try being an admin
Q4(V)- ok but if some go wrong, it not my fault

a day later the world internet crashes

;179 ;185

edit: Oh yes, my fridge is working again! Whoop-de-doo! ^_^

edit2: Hiya Q4(V)-san!


hi Piktin so ur fridge in is working again ... good still eatting this cake lol

and DrakLord you don't want to make me mod, you'll have no web site no wait the internet will crash ...  bet me think im joking i'm not it would really happen ... it a good thing i'm not mod .. really
DL i did say good picture

oh and CaptBrenden doesn't have stars