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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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they don't have to be perfect, it not like some1 is goin to look at them with a magnifi glass eerr lol well i hope not, i bet there be perfect any way as u have worked so hard on them .... just make sure no1 cosplaying norton.


Nooo no no. No Norton. XD He's creepy!!

Hehe thanks for all of your support ^o^ How's your webpage coming along??
So cute it\'s deadly!


errr oh tht web page thing ... do i still have tht, yes i do just don't use it lol .. it not tht good u can't edit it much, they give u background and u choose so it in the back of my mind, oh rdhdtwns there was a member of this site the did cosplay in ME-tan ... she dosen't post much now but she has a site u may want to check it out errr her name was MakoChan.

Q4(V) added the following  3 minutes after last message : here the site address if u want to chack it out, nothing new

Q4(V) added the following  6 minutes after last message :

look at the time i got to go it 1.00 in the mornin here c u later rdhdtwns.

bye bye and good night lol


aló? anyone here?
Im off here for about a week and this thread fills of posts...this page bug doesn't help to read them. Sorry for not connecting, but I have been REALLY busy.
*curses school teachers* Why can't they give us 2 weeks of rest!!!? no...they have to give us tons of homework -_-

Oh, yah: Congratulations Pitkin for passing your Tax exam


QuoteQuote from : Q4(V)

oh may as well ask Pitkin wht he doing this weekend too?

An excellent question. My friend's busy with some chess tournament of his for all weekend, so playing pool as we usually do is impossible. Furthermore, I'll go help in my long-term part-time job at the mall on Saturday... five hours of work, but the day's going to be hectic thanks to the Easter holidays. ^^;

QuoteQuote from : rdhdtwns

Its going well ^^ I'm almost done with Me-tan. I need to sew the apron and attach the collar. Then it's in Cori's hands to make the props. XP-tan needs a little more work, and I'm kind of nervous. I was thinking of sharing the results  with you guys when I was done, but I'm nervous because I want it to be perfect so you guys don't laugh at me ._.;;;;

Aww, we'd never laugh at Emuii-san and Ekusupii-san... I'm dying to see the costumes, really. ^__^ If you just want to share pictures at some point, we would all be really glad, aye? *looks around*

Besides, like Q4(V)-san already said, they don't have to be perfect; you've put a lot of work into them already, so they _cannot_ be bad. ^_^

QuoteQuote from : Darknight_88

aló? anyone here?
Im off here for about a week and this thread fills of posts...this page bug doesn't help to read them. Sorry for not connecting, but I have been REALLY busy.
*curses school teachers* Why can't they give us 2 weeks of rest!!!? no...they have to give us tons of homework -_-

Oh, yah: Congratulations Pitkin for passing your Tax exam

Thanks for the congrats, Darknight-san. ^_^ It's good to see you again, and remember the saying that goes for having a lot of homework: it's not the amount of homework, but... err... umm... now that I began thinking of it, I don't know any saying for homework. ^^; Just hang in there! :D


oh yes i forgot u pass an exam Pitkin, well a little later but Congratulations ... chess tournament, u know how to play ... could u teacher me, i've always wanted to play, but i don't know how.

Darknight_88, i got to homework problem too, but i can't, i can't sit down adn work ... i know i should but i can't lol .... but i am not giving up i'll keep try to do work lol ... three course works have to be finish by the end of next week.


I'm a terrible chess player myself, Q4(V)-san, but if the only thing you need to learn is the basic rules, sure, I can teach you. How the pieces move, etc... :D

And thanks for the congrats. ^_^


chess is simple, yet hard.
I dont' really play it myself but I know how.


err Iââ,¬â,,¢m having fun lol, hereââ,¬â,,¢s a story uââ,¬â,,¢re goin to like ââ,¬Â¦ Iââ,¬â,,¢m getting better at writing them

The sun, how it play with me today, no time to watch it, no time to feel the warm grass with my feet, no time to lay and watch the world go by ââ,¬Â¦ no, of me there is only time to work, it calls for me ââ,¬Å"this is ur fate if u fail, this is ur fate if u failââ,¬Â ââ,¬Â¦ first I start by moving boxes, big, medium and small they all weight the same in at end, I do not know how long I work for ... so many boxes, I move them all, I ask for no help, of tht is weaknessââ,¬Â¦ ââ,¬Å"I AM NOT WEAKââ,¬Â I scream this over and over in my mind, I keep on goin I do not stop ââ,¬Â¦ my arms r numb, but I still work ââ,¬Â¦ the boxes laugh at me, all I hear is laughter ââ,¬Å"HA, HA, HA, HHA, HA, HAAAAA, HA, HA, HHA, HA, HAAAAA!!!ââ,¬Â all I can say is ââ,¬Å"I HAVE NOT STOP YOU HAVE NOT BROKE ME, I WILL NEVER STOP!!!ââ,¬Â but they continue laugh, why do they continue to mock me ââ,¬Â¦ my arms are as heavy as lead, my body I no longer can feel the burn, it can no longer sweat ââ,¬Â¦ it is over no more I HAVE WON, I ââ,¬Â¦ alone have won, why did they mock me why? Forget them I must continues working, I must not stop or they will win ââ,¬Â¦ ââ,¬Å"I WILL NOT LET THEM!!!ââ,¬ÂÃ¢â,¬Â¦ what must I do next, what must I do next ââ,¬Â¦ the cement again with the cement ââ,¬Â¦ I must move it down stair two rooms full of it, I must move it ââ,¬Â¦ so much of it moved, but so much left ââ,¬Â¦ dust ever where I breath it in the mask does not help, it only slow it down a bitââ,¬Â¦ dust in my eyes the goggle r no use to me I can not c, so I take the pain of the dust ââ,¬Â¦ I finally feel my hands again, a burning pain ââ,¬Â¦ both my hands have friction burns from holding the shovel, all I can do is laugh ââ,¬Â¦ there come a point where the burning reaches it max, where my mouth is no longer has slaver mix with dust, but only dust, it just make me want to vomit, where my eye r burning from the dust and it impossible to c ââ,¬Â¦ question start to be popping up in my mind, like, why am I here? Why donââ,¬â,,¢t I stop? Why did I hear laughing? And I find myself scared of the answer, but I have to answer ââ,¬Â¦ ââ,¬Å"WHO CARE WHERE U R, HELL OR HEAVEN, U STILL LOVE IT HERE ââ,¬Â¦ YOU CANââ,¬â,,¢T STOP, U SAID Uââ,¬â,,¢RE NOT WEAK ââ,¬Â¦ they donââ,¬â,,¢t laugh at u any more, they pity u now, maybe it because of the bed of question and answer u lie in ââ,¬Å"I DONââ,¬â,,¢T NEED UR PITY, Iââ,¬â,,¢M STRONG, FASTER AND BETTER THEN Uââ,¬Â

r u, r u?

So in other word, had to help my uncle again and the move the cement at the old house, I so tried

This happened in the space of 5 min ââ,¬Â¦

Well not really 5 hours lol

So now time for shower or bath ... Pitkin tell what pieces there r and how they move, then we play lol

Q4(V) added the following  25 minutes after last message :

oh these burn really hurt when u r rubing dust in to it


@Q4(V) : I finally took some time to put a chatroom on the forum :)

You can use it via the forum link or with an external software like mirc or gaim... i hope that's what you wanted ;)


thanks lol i test it out with Pitkin he online right now ...

hello Pitkin u want to test out the chat thing i'm in there right now lol

Q4(V) added the following  7 minutes after last message :

and he gone, well i'll wait a bit till some else come and c if they can test it out


Well basically there's no reason for it to not work, but sure that'll be more useful if some people hangs in there :D

Well anyway, it's here now so either it's used or not, it's available...

I'll try to put a bot to keep the channel registered ;)


Tnx! Good to have something like this...


The pages number problem and the "this topic has no posts" problem should be fixed... they should  ;020


aló pitkin!
wait a minute...PITKIN!!!what are you doing at this hour connected?!! wait. What time it is in Finland?

YAY!!! thanks DL (Chani...). It works perfect now. Oh, and thanks for the Chat room

And Q4(V), I havent read your story, but I will. I have been busy, (right.... but I have been in the chat -_-) maybe tomorrow I'll take some time to read it.