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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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someone remind me to post a pic of my tea mug and my typewriter (olivetti lettera 22 w/ carrying case ^^)

people, i like your teacups. i used to take this lovely mug of my mother's to school with me (it was bigger than most mugs) that had this nice quote on it.
then one day it smashed on the floor.
literally the first words out of my mouth, pure reflex, were "MY MOTHER IS GOING TO KILL ME."
click to make it bigger


did you mother kill you?
My my, aren't you lovely~


noo, though she was mad as hell. ^^; i want to find another one of that same mug and buy it for her, cause i feel bad about it. :\
click to make it bigger


This be my typewriter

However, I rarely write stuff...
Also, TIPP-EX, dont leave home without.

And my coffee mug, which at moment hosts a cup of hot cocoa.
I've had this mug for ages, hence the rather worn look of it.

I'm more of a coffee person than tea.


You received... apple cider?
But the bottle was already empty.

Heh, nice graphcard, even though I know a nothing about them...


It's an ATI, and I won't touch them these days.  My experiences of them have been bad ones:

A card that failed the day I got it
A budget card from 2006 that was even more hopeless than my GeForce2 MX400 from 2001!
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Don't worry, Yukio, this is the topicless thread. We just talk about whatever random things are in our heads at the moment, usually food, drink, music or computer-related stuff...

That's a sharp looking typewriter, VonDaab! ^^ But srsly, you guyz are giving me Typewriter Envy. :< I really want one, even though I've grown lazy to the convenience of writing on a computer (backspace! Spellcheck! Copy-paste!).

Quote from: "stewartsage"Naval Security Group Activities.... super secret spy stuff, sh!

A combination of Lipton's Yellow Label and decaf Green Tea handmixed before replacement in the bag.  ProTip: For the love of god never think it would even be "interesting" to mix coffee and Mountain Dew.  Perfect Dark and Tony Hawk Pro Skater.  The N64 is off camera left.

>< Punnnnnnns!

Coming soon, from the 80's college yearbooks! An Apple ][ with Apple Graphics Tablet (for all you artists), some sort of CAD running... thing, an Atari in the classroom, annnnd a PDP-11!


That tea... doesn't...sound...too bad. Unlike that coffee-Mountain Dew cocktail. >< Ah, I remember playing Pro Skater with my brother on his PS, good times. ^^

Woah, an Apple II with a tablet? And there was a PDP 11 at your school? o.O

Quote from: "Red-Machine"YAY! Bella-chan, I shall halp you get your fixes as much as possible! :P

Yey~! That, and my old microcomputer fixes too. d:

Quote from: "Chocofreak13"bella,

someone remind me to post a pic of my tea mug and my typewriter (olivetti lettera 22 w/ carrying case ^^)

people, i like your teacups. i used to take this lovely mug of my mother's to school with me (it was bigger than most mugs) that had this nice quote on it.
then one day it smashed on the floor.
literally the first words out of my mouth, pure reflex, were "MY MOTHER IS GOING TO KILL ME."

YES. :V Someday somehow

Aw, that's too bad... I hate breaking things (especially other people's things) which is surprisingly often for me because of my slight propensity for klutziness. . I used to have an aweome mug, with these interesting stylized owls all over it, but it seems to have been lost/broken because I haven't seen it in YEARS.

Good luck on your mug-quest, Choco! ^^\


Quote from: "Choco-san"literally the first words out of my mouth, pure reflex, were "MY MOTHER IS GOING TO KILL ME."

Don't know how many times I've said that, and it's almost always true :|  Good luck finding a new one though, I'm sure there is another.

Seconded on the sweet typewriter VonDaab, like the color.  Everyone can haz typewriter but Bella.  (Correcting tape, Dictionary, no comparison, but when they all combine ??? Profit)

Quote from: "Bella-san"OH NO, AND I'M SUCH A BLABBERMOUTH~! ;O;

That tea... doesn't...sound...too bad. Unlike that coffee-Mountain Dew cocktail. >< Ah, I remember playing Pro Skater with my brother on his PS, good times. ^^

Woah, an Apple II with a tablet? And there was a PDP 11 at your school? o.O

Guv'ment gonna come getcha.

>> It looks filthy, literally.  Yeaaah, let's say that was one of those things you realize is a terrible idea then just go ahead and do anyway because you're bored.  I used to play it on Gameboy, still do as a matter of fact!

Yes and yes, see random pictures later today.


Wasnt SpaceWar! made for the PDP-11? Oh wait, that was the PDP-1...

Bella, I wouldnt expect typewriters to cost much nowadays, though, theyre rather complex mechanical things, so most used ones could well be broken...
I dunno, I havent really researched that.
But they are fun little things to play with. Especially in this age of electronic computing that makes everything so easy.

There isnt really much info about my model, but I assume its made in germany, in the old Triumph motorcycle factory. Production year maybe 1970? guessing from its appearance and color.

Yeah, its color... Here's a picture a picture with fixed color to simulate what it really looks like, as the last image had incorrect color tint.

Also it comes with a hard plastic cover that snaps on it nicely and works as a "suitcase" for "easy portability". I cant imagine anyone these days carrying this thing around.


Mine has a similar ability..... and I lugged it around Books-a-Million the day after I got it.


Ok so I was wondering the origins of the OS-tan. Like who started it and things of the sort


that's better suited to the os-tan talk forum, sweetie~

and, mah typewriter, mug, and tea:

and other side of mug, and typewriter open:

turns out it's an olivetti lettera 32, built in 1963.
click to make it bigger



@choco. i'm actually more curious about that face in the back D:
My my, aren't you lovely~


Choco: Well, your writer seems atleast slightly more portable, and the case has pretty nice design.