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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: "Pitkin"I still couldn't hear... most people with iPods have trouble doing what? Shucks, my hearing's got so bad I cannot grasp the words... :D

But yes, you're right, panda-san; earphones are an extremely easy way to damage one's ears without noticing. Even with lower volumes, the sound intensity can be surprisingly strong, I guess. :|

That's why I never ever use earphones....


I told my parents.
They seem kinda sad, . . .
I probibly won't be on that much for a while.


*hugs panda-san*

Take care, panda-san! I hope to be talking on behalf of everyone when I say you have our support, and we'll all be hoping the best for you. Come back as soon as you can and feel like it. ;)

What can I say? You're brave, not only online anymore, but also in general. ^_^


it be less then a day and i'm missing him .... him and Pitkin would be online at this time  ;102  .. no 1 online

but i got to clap  ;019  panda ur r brave

do u know wht we need now ... tht right tea, let called out MR T (AKA Pitkin)


*pours tea for Q4(V)-san*

Can't be online at night during the week myself, so no wonder you didn't see me around, Q4(V)-san. ^^;

panda-san will come back at some point, I know. Still around, even if not posted today/yesterday... we'll just have to be patient. I suggest we have a party when panda-san returns. ^_^


Goodluck to him on whatever he's doing...:)


I told my parents I'm a transexual. I'm really a girl.


I just saw the dreaded results of the tax law exam I've been feeling sorry about ever since the 29th March.

[rainbow]I PASSED!! I PASSED, I PASSED AND I PASSED!![/rainbow]

I can't believe it, but I'm so happy. There are other reasons to be happy as well, but this is the one uni-related reason I wanted to share with everyone. ^_^




Good job Piktin!

panda added the following  10 hours 27 minutes after last message :

nothing happens when I'm gone does it?


panda-san, you seem to be right; the moment you went (partially) inactive, the whole forum stopped. ^^;

Well, err... I'm happy to announce that I broke my personal best score in an online Tetris clone called vBTetris. ^_^ The game tune, no matter how much I liked it in the beginning, really began feeling a wee bit repetitive after 6000 seconds (perhaps 300-600 loops) of playing. :D

Anyone else has anything to share? Q4(V)-san? rdhdtwns-san? Alfamille-san? Mith-san? Quetzalcoatl the Feathery Snake of the Wind from Aztec mythology-san?


I dunno really what to share...but if I tell you that I lost my wallet in a cab might turned you down...

...actually, i think you are already :P


Some of the members avatars aren't showing up for me... o.o

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy congrats Pitkin!! Let's celebrate wooohoo! (on both tetris and passing exam....tetris is important too)

Uhm.. I have 6 weekends until my convention x.x kya so much still left to do!!

Otherwise.. I'm very prepared to bake a strawberry cake I promised my sister.

I'm very sorry you lost your wallet alfamille o.o Have you taken the proper steps to get it back?

Yeah panda, you're like the board's social butterfly, everyone <3's panda! (and british pitkin tea)
So cute it\'s deadly!


I'm sorry Alfamille. forgeting your wallet is bad enough, but losing it! That really sucks.

QuoteQuote from : rdhdtwnsYeah panda, you're like the board's social butterfly, everyone <3's panda! (and british pitkin tea)

hehehe! that's the first time I've been called a social butterfly! Its really because I'm my true self here.