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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Ooh, panda-san's now Windows 2000. Fits the signature and avatar perfectly, no? Congratulations, panda-san! ^_^

Talk about homework... *twitches*

I've already done three pages of statistics' homework from _last_ week today, and now I have three more pages of _this_ week's work left. Also have to read some macroeconomics, but as I find it very interesting it's a lot easier. Statistics's not that bad either... just that there are so many problems to work with right now. -_-;

Oh hohoho, but homework won't ruin a day. I'm still happy-happy. ^o^

Tea for everyone entering the Topicless thread in the next 12 hours! :D


Pitkin is now the tea man .... lol

i hate sony, they're evil all they thing abt is money and not customers, i bought  an sony nw-a3000 the 20GB one with no cable no software and nothhing else just it on it own ...  and now i wish i didn't the prices for a part cost a lot (this site i didn't buy from ,but u get the idea), i'm going to sell it on ebay and go out full on a colour screen ipod if i make Ã,£70 for it.

but i'm still happy like pinkin thank to the tea .... i hate SONY


O_O Those prices are... err... impressive. Shocking. Impressively shocking.

My mp3 player broke a few weeks ago... it was an 18-month-old Philips, and its software was absolutely terribly written; it was always 50-50 chances whether the songs were properly saved into the player drive or not. Finally, I accidentally dropped it (for the nth time; I'm not the one to give valuables to hold in my hands) when coming home from university, picked it up and was relieved it was still working. It froze when shutting it down, though, and never got back on. Haven't had an mp3 player since. v_v

iPods're generally looked very highly upon. But they're just an evil plot of the Apple clan! Never yield to the enemies, never! *stands on the table*

*climbs down*

Well, the next time I buy myself a portable player, it'll be an iPod... -_-x


Well, the next time I buy myself a portable player, it'll be an iPod... -_-x
Pitkin...I didn't wanted to do this, but you leave me no choice...
*pulls out his katana *

oh...right, I just remembered that I don't have a katana -_-
Oh well, Just be careful that 95-nee san doesnt hear you saying that kind of things...


Nooo you guys!

I own a Creative Jukebox 2.. I've had it for 3 years now. XD It has survived cross-country trips, trips to other countries, drops on concrete floors, and all sorts of abuse. It still works as well as the day I first bought it. :D The only thing wrong with it is that LCD display screen shifted about a millimetre one time I dropped it. Otherwise, perfect. So therefore, I recommend anything by Creative. (there see, awesome and cheaper alternative to an ipod!)

Otherwise.. Pitkin tea!!! ^o^

I'm really hungry x.x
So cute it\'s deadly!



QuoteQuote from : Darknight_88Oh well, Just be careful that 95-nee san doesnt hear you saying that kind of things...

*cold sweat*

*looks around nervously*

Hush hush... the more often that little slip-up of mine is brought up, the lesser my chance of living till the end of the month...

I mean, really, surely no one thinks anything or anyone can compare to the supreme MS Windows family... I mean, really. ;101

*turns around*

Pitkin: Emuii-san, are you coming with those files or not?

WinME: Haai~~! Wah!! *trips and the folders are spread all over the floor*

Pitkin: Good work, Emuii-san. Improving already. ^^;

WinME: Ow ow ow ow... sorry. v_v

Pitkin: Aww, don't cry, Emuii-san... you did well, really. v_v


Quote from: "Pitkin"O_O Those prices are... err... impressive. Shocking. Impressively shocking.

My mp3 player broke a few weeks ago... it was an 18-month-old Philips, and its software was absolutely terribly written; it was always 50-50 chances whether the songs were properly saved into the player drive or not. Finally, I accidentally dropped it (for the nth time; I'm not the one to give valuables to hold in my hands) when coming home from university, picked it up and was relieved it was still working. It froze when shutting it down, though, and never got back on. Haven't had an mp3 player since. v_v

iPods're generally looked very highly upon. But they're just an evil plot of the Apple clan! Never yield to the enemies, never! *stands on the table*

*climbs down*

Well, the next time I buy myself a portable player, it'll be an iPod... -_-x

War's over, both sides just came to rebuild and collect money they lost  ;012


do you notice how most people with an Ipod, are like can't hear?


err panda say tht again plz, i don't understand ... sorry


most people with Ipods have trouble hearing


I still couldn't hear... most people with iPods have trouble doing what? Shucks, my hearing's got so bad I cannot grasp the words... :D

But yes, you're right, panda-san; earphones are an extremely easy way to damage one's ears without noticing. Even with lower volumes, the sound intensity can be surprisingly strong, I guess. :|


oh ... but you can can tht with any1 who has a mp3 player and listen to to it at full volume.

*quickly put the volume down on my sony player*

I'm not one of those ppl

oh and those ppl that play music on their phone loud specker now, i dislike them, their taste in music is crap, but it is better then using headphone .. they thinking ear wise, which i should do soon lol

Q4(V) added the following  4 minutes after last message :

oh Mith~Of~Rose ur still leader, has no new ppl have posted ... new ppl post and then u become leader of the... wht the club called again Mith~Of~Rose?
well u become leader of some cool club


Shucks, if Mith-san has a club, I want one as well. ;051

No, not a Let's Pretend to Be British club, if that's what you think. -_-'

On the other hand, I'm very bad at committing myself to club activities... and those fancy exclusive members-only clubs can get pretty lonely with no one else around...

Oh, but I must leave now; another 11 hours spent at uni already. Have to go see if my apartment's still in the two pieces it's been since the refit crew blew up one of the walls... bloody O'Reilly; cheap sure, but the damages caused are counted in the same scale as Emuii-san's.


OK then the TEA CLUB for Pitkin

what, come on it good, all u have to do is give out tea .... we could called u MR T, come on that cool lol

Pitkin some blew up ur wall, this means warrrrrrr .. it was the MAC's ... the army are really sir, really to taste blood ... oh wait u got some to blew up ur wall, sorry ppl ... my bad, go home .... Pitkin if u wanted some to blow up ur wall just ask me ... i have an idea we need sheep, fire, matches, exploses and a catapult, we alll meet at Pitkin apartment ... yes this would work .... oh and an army to attack the MAC'S... well no point in wasting an army