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Topicless thread

Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I think I brought this up last year in the Top(ic)less Thread in the H-section, but now the guy has been officially tried and convicted.  Christopher Handley's getting 6 months on charges of obscenity.  On top of that, he's also getting 3 years supervised release, 5 years probation, and a "treatment program" (I'm somehow reminded of Sgt. Hatred's Nomolesterol --; ).  It's times like these my faith in the American legal system is so richly rewarded >_>...

Go get those criminals!

The Choice of a New Generation.


I'm actually a little worried about this.  You all know how I feel about lolicon...
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


I had no idea >_>...

Keep in mind this is the US, and it's the first case here where someone was successfully tried on loli alone (other cases involved loli, but the defendants were also found to be in possession of actual child porn).  I don't know how the laws differ across the pond, but you can probably find a shitload of info on wikipedia.  I know the laws seem to be getting more stringent in general over there, but I don't think you should be fretting just yet...

EDIT: Of course, if UNICEF has its way, NO ONE will have lolis.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Damn assholes screwing up my finances. THIS is why the Mauu is fluctuating these days. THIS. SERIOUSLY. GO DIE.


jesus christ D:
oh well
so tired im gonna die
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


So they cost him his job, took his freedom, and took his computer (along with other possessions), but hey, he won't have to register as a sex offender, right?

I love living in the land of the free...

The Choice of a New Generation.


personally, i don't like this, in the fact that he was tried for MANGA. FRICKEN MANGA. no ACTUAL kids were hurt in the making of this MANGA.
i hate child porn as much as the next upstanding citizen, but loli manga is just that, manga. i think it's more about how people are too "uncomfortable" with lolicon. free speech my ass.
fricken' right-wing facists....
click to make it bigger


You pretty much make a good point, but this doesn't have to be political...

You'd think maybe there was one lawyer that would see this as an opportunity, but I guess not.

The Choice of a New Generation.


where was he from again? i'm unsure if free speech exists anywhere around texas :\ except austin, maybe? i'm a democrat, what can i say.

i feel bad for the guy. me and a friend sifted through piles of os-kiddie-porn in the warp zone to find the few GOOD (non-porn) pics among them. my sould died a bit, but it was worth it for the amount of artwork i found. ^^ i should re-search sometime....

still. we have what is known as FREE SPEECH in this country, or so i thought. if no kids get hurt, then i see no problem. this sort of thing doen't really lead to molestation....animoos are harmeless, for the most part.
click to make it bigger


Iowa... the midwest, doncha know?

Free speech exists everywhere, but of course, there are limits.  It's when you decide to place limits and where that you encounter problems.  There's a thin line between keeping the peace and punishing thought crime.

The problem here is, the case was decided by a jury of his "peers", and if you've seen Let's Go to Prison you know the problem...

The Choice of a New Generation.


"peers" is too lose a term. and people are too close-minded. we advertise as being land of the free, but free is a lie.



click to make it bigger


And yet, choco, you save them without opening the thumbnail.
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Someday...Wait. I know what to do!
*moves ostan-forums link to toolbar*
This should help remind me to visit everyone here!


cockle, that's no thumb. that's actual size o___o; i TRIED to make it bigger....but this was at roughly 4? am this morning....
click to make it bigger


Ah, topicless thread.. Im not going to even bother trying to catch up on this one.   However, just one pervious page and I can see one issue that needs to be addressed, political talk.  Politics and Religion, the two subjects that it seems no one cant talk about them without getting into a heated argument.  Id rather they weren't discussed on the forum at all, its lead to nothing but problems in the past and generaly just makes the forum an unpleasent place to visit.

However that being said, its not exactly free speach to tell people they cant express their views. Free speach is great, I love it, but there is a time and place for everything. To that end, I will see about there either being a section added specificly for conterversial topics such as politics and religion, or a thread can be created specificly for it. I perfer the former as it will be easier to spot allowing those wishing to avoid conflict to stay clear, or for those wishing to express their political and religious views it makes it easier for them to know where it is appropriate.

Either way, political and religious views should henceforth not be discussed in any thead, including topicless, unless that thread specificly is designed for it with a disclaimer in the topic or topic description labeling it as thus.
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