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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I'll take a look at those links, Q4(V)-san. Not tonight, perhaps, but during the week for sure. *nods*


Hi everyone. That includes rdhdtwns, whom just connected while I was I was writing this
Quote from: "Pitkin"Sleep? I remember hearing of that... yes, it might come to question again when the Central Committee of the Brain accepts my application for rest. In other words, not in a long while still. :D
God bless the slowness of burocracy
Its good to see that Panda is finally happy
*checks ortography, trying to correct his engrish*
*curses Hegel & Lenin*
Can*t believe Im just finishing this stupid I only need to finish that biology homework .-.


can't wait till spring beak?


Back....again....what happened, panda has a man? hurra! *Please note that the previous statement was made after reading my firet 3 or 4 posts when coming back, and if its not true at all, im sorry :P *


Quote from: "panda"can't wait till spring beak?
Me? yah, of course. 2 weeks of doing nothing!!! Hoorray!!! I'll finally be able xD

Hello Mith.
Well...from what I can understand, based in my knowledge of engrish...yep, it looks like your statement its right


2 weeks?! I only got 1!

panda added the following  9 minutes after last message :

QuoteQuote from : Mith~Of~RoseBack....again....what happened, panda has a man? hurra!

Yes I do. And I love him very dearly.


Yep, 2 weeks. And we don't call them "Spring break". In Mexico, its called "Semana Santa" (Holy Week, literally). Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Mexico its a very Catholic country.
yay!!! just 1 more week!!!!

YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Windows 95 rank!!!!!!!!!!!
This must be celebrated. HURRA!!
Ha! Not even Pitkin could stop me!!!MUAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!!!!!!!!


oh, that's right, your in mexico.
I hope you enjoy it!


thanks, of course I'll enjoy it :D
But, the best thing of all its that just 1 week after returning from holydays, the exams will start....thats great....=/

Windows 95 !!!!!


yo panda, english

Q4(V) added the following  45 seconds after last message :

he gone, like the wind

Q4(V) added the following  1 minute after last message :

Darknight_88 u should stop post or ur lose Windows 95



yo Darknight_88, how r u?

don't post, don't post .. u'll lose ur window 95 thing
have to read ur mind from now on ... lol

Q4(V) added the following  2 minutes after last message :

and again he gone

all i got to say is this i was here, NOW I'M NOT

*flash and smoke*
*smoke goes away*
*i still standing there, then run off*


hi. Im fine, some homework, but at least Its not philosophy.
NOOOOOO!!!! now I have 92 Win95 rank will fade if I keep posting  !!! T.T



u have 28 post till ur next rank, post wisely young one ... the force is not so stong in this one

Q4(V) added the following  8 minutes after last message :

hi Darknight_88

Q4(V) added the following  15 seconds after last message :

we meet again
