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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Houston, we have uplink.



Quote from: "stewartsage"Also: Jeopardy college edition quiz thing tonight, maybe I'll get to be on national TV.

Oh wow. :B

Quote from: "nejinoniwa"I never even had to try to get around the need to fit in, because nobody ever dared get me closer than satellite orbit >_>

I'm slightly unsure as to whether that should be enough for the amount of alienation I've gone/put myself through, but I guess the rest can be accounted for with reputation and/or demonic aura or something.

I can sympathize with you... people seem to think I'm a sad person, I think that repels them slightly. O.o

I've never tried to fit in with anyone; maybe because I despise mob mentalities? I also carry the unpopular view that school isn't really the place to socialize, it's a place for work, work, work and more work, and that being popular shouldn't interfere with that work.

(You can guess how many friends I have.)

A bit OT: I've just realized that my main motivating force in real life is some combination of spite and family honour. Seriously... it's at the point where I dread going to college (the very thought makes me get all shaky and want to dry-heave), but am gottdamned determined to just so I can make a few relatives relatives happy, and spite some others who (I paranoidly believe) doubt me. You know, not to learn or get ahead in life or get a job. (I have a distinct feeling that I'm never going to have a job in which I need a degree. Mainly because I don't plan on ever working for anybody else.)

(You can guess how abhorrent I feel right now.)


Well, I'm sorry to hear that, Bella-san.  What job do you do now?

AndI voted for you Toki!
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


We should just stop with this RONERY-AND-MISUNDERSTOOD-thing, because it just gets everyone down. (´・ω・`)


Doesn't work on torrents though. -w-
(DOES work on TT or whatever I use to find the torrents, though...(╬ಠ益ಠ)


again with the teenage boys
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


why I the only one online here(not really, google bot is with me now :D)
I wonder if Windows already consider that Nanami Madobe will get rule 34-ed when they make her...
Oh, my XP tan working a bit faster today (but at cost of 20 GB of pr0nz deletion... T_T )
My XP-tan comic is done, I now just need to bring it to nearest Internet Cafe that have scanner and post it here (I don't have scanner)
Should I upload my comic here or at photobucket?
Thanks! :D
Quote"OS Tan Collection reminds you that your OS will never threaten to stab you(Unless somebody programmed it to do it) and, in fact, cannot speak(Unless somebody programmed it to do it, too). In the event that your OS does speak, OS Tan Collection urges you to disregard its advice(Unless it suggest you only good thing)."


I don't think M$ cares about Rule 34 in the first place...

Quoteagain with the teenage boys
I would like to point out that I happen to be a male of 19 years of age.

This is a fact that constantly seems to escape my environment because it sounds absolutely ridiculous to anyone who knows me >_>


Quote from: "Red-Machine"
Quote from: "Chocofreak13"i have a mild touch of asperger's syndrome

Oh wow, me too!  Hello fellow "freak"! :P
*HUG* i'm pretty sure about 5 of my friends have it, s it's nt that big of a deal to me. but it's not like i spread it around.

when it comes to school, i have NEVER conformed. there was ONE time in 5th grade when i wanted braces cause everyone else had them, but that faded fast.
i was lucky enough to have friends, even in middle school, but middle school was argueably my most hellish years of schooling. (in 3 years i had been dubbed the school bully and been shipped off to summer school, had an internet boyfriend, and at the end of 8th grade one of my best friends moved away. :\ )

i keep my school life and my LIFE life seperate. most of my really good friends are older than me, and most of them aren't in my school or in school at all. people seem to be afraid of me, since i give off the same air as a raised-quills porcupine. ("OMG, DO NOT TOUCH") as a result i keep mostly to myself and my little group of friends. the net is one of the places i can truely be myself. ^^

oh yeah, bella. i thought you WERE in college? :\
oh, and toki, voted. :3

nejin? .....*glomp*
click to make it bigger


Where would the world be without teenage boys? (don't answer that >>)

The only thing I remember about middle school was making napalm and reading Cosmic Banditos......

College is on my schedule right now because you can't fight a park ranger in hand to hand combat for a job anymore.

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "Toki"hmm... I never really felt the need to change myself despite the pressure to be like everyone else at the cost of being shunned.  I think I started highschool right when being "different" started being cool.  In highschool people started feeding on my weirdness and I had a lot of dopplgangers... people copying not only my fashion style but also the style of comics I drew then. That was the only thing that I annoyed me. Clothes are subjective, art is not... but thats that ^_^

I think it's cool that you were influential at your school, and you changed the status quo to be more interesting there. I like weirdness! :D

...but I don't think I'd like copycats either. Did you still get along well with the doppelgangers?

Quote from: "NejinOniwa"Bravely dashing in on the topic that was tossed around a few hours ago, I'd daresay that aside from my generally eccentric behavior and tastes, the best INSTANT ALIENATION tool in my arsenal is definitely my evil eyebrows...

I never even had to try to get around the need to fit in, because nobody ever dared get me closer than satellite orbit >_>

I'm slightly unsure as to whether that should be enough for the amount of alienation I've gone/put myself through, but I guess the rest can be accounted for with reputation and/or demonic aura or something.
Did you use those things to your advantage? ;006

I would also like to express my hate for all idiots who can't properly understand things that are vital to our existence (like the Internet and its connection tools), and yet are left responsible for their maintenance/upgrades. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG, seriously.
The tech sector needs to raise their standards like... you know... hiring people who know how to use computers properly! I've had to deal with some incompetent tech support before.

Quote from: "Bella"
I can sympathize with you... people seem to think I'm a sad person, I think that repels them slightly. O.o

I've never tried to fit in with anyone; maybe because I despise mob mentalities? I also carry the unpopular view that school isn't really the place to socialize, it's a place for work, work, work and more work, and that being popular shouldn't interfere with that work.
Ugh. I HATE the mob mentality too (part of it because people can do regrettable things under peer pressure), and also mainly go to school to learn! I'm pretty sure I've gotten some strange looks from classmates before because of that. I'm grateful for the friends I do/did have in school, but choose to be productive in class, also partly because I almost always end up forgetting to do my homework at home anyways.

Fortunately, college has been much better for me, and my classmates know where their priorities should be! :)

(You can guess how many friends I have.)
...I won't guess the number, but I will guess that the friends you have are loyal ones who like you for who you are, despite, or even because you are proudly an individual and went against the hive mind!  ;019

A bit OT: I've just realized that my main motivating force in real life is some combination of spite and family honour. Seriously... it's at the point where I dread going to college (the very thought makes me get all shaky and want to dry-heave), but am gottdamned determined to just so I can make a few relatives relatives happy, and spite some others who (I paranoidly believe) doubt me. You know, not to learn or get ahead in life or get a job. (I have a distinct feeling that I'm never going to have a job in which I need a degree. Mainly because I don't plan on ever working for anybody else.)
Whoa... You have relatives that doubt you?! That's awful! :(

When striving to impress your family, your main priority should be to impress those who are proud of you already. Be careful with your goals, and don't go too far if it means costing your happiness and free will.

For years I also dreaded going to college because I thought it was really intimidating, and because of the college student's stereotypically bad reputation (though the bad reputation mainly applies to sports-oriented colleges), but the place I go to is very friendly and is a great college for freshmen, plus I enjoy all of the new freedoms I never had in high school! :D

While I'm striving to get ahead in life and to learn, I realized that I have a similar main motive as you- I'm striving self-redemption, partly motivated by my family and peers.

Quote from: "Chocofreak13"
when it comes to school, i have NEVER conformed. there was ONE time in 5th grade when i wanted braces cause everyone else had them, but that faded fast.
YEEEAH! A fellow free-thinker, going against the status quo! :D

Really, I was quite like that, I've almost never conformed, only doing so a few times in middle school and high school, but not to much success.

...but I'm curious... were your classmates were choosing to wear braces, or was it just a coincidence? I'm not saying braces can't be stylish, but I wouldn't want to giving up eating gum or candy in the name of fashion.

i was lucky enough to have friends, even in middle school, but middle school was argueably my most hellish years of schooling. (in 3 years i had been dubbed the school bully and been shipped off to summer school, had an internet boyfriend, and at the end of 8th grade one of my best friends moved away. :\ )
I can totally empathize. Middle school mostly sucked for me too, but the teachers, the after-school clubs, and some very funny and creative friends I met made going to school worthwhile!

Sorry you had to go to summer school... How was that?... :(


QuoteDid you use those things to your advantage?
...well, I suppose I did, and I do, at that. >:3 I am a demon, after all, one has to use whatever gifts one happens to have... well as things you've taken or made by yourself. -w-


Well, at least I've never had to deal with that problem...the most weirdness about my fashionism is the dual-/triple-/quad-wielding of collars, and going about in suits/jackets most of the time, which isn't usually very fun to duplicate for others...
...and the ponytail isn't exactly easy mode to rip off either. /pun :V

QuoteThe tech sector needs to raise their standards like... you know... hiring people who know how to use computers properly! I've had to deal with some incompetent tech support before.


Is there no standard anymore?
What it takes, who I am, where I've been
You can't be something you're not
Be yourself, by yourself
Stay away from me
a lesson learned in life
Known from the dawn of time

The Choice of a New Generation.


Hiya ...

I've disabled a few sigs which exceed too much regarding what we agreed on maximum size (understand : what i agreed with myself). Nothing personal ;)
Feel free to put them back, just with a bit of resize. If you want to upload them on the forum so you can control the size, instead of linking, i'm fine with it (just create a topic for that, for ex, one topic for everyone should be ok)

I consider i wasn't too picky - even if ppl who had their sig disabled will think i am - since i tolerated up to 110px ( more than +20% than what was defined) while it was said 90px.

Apart from that, i tried the move of this domain on the new server, which ended in a total failure, it just doesn't fit. Even with lube. (see attached pict.) So i'll have to consider another and of course, more expensive option regarding what i planned. This shouldn't be a problem for the existance of that site, since i definitely plan to keep it, but i have to think about the impact on my expenses.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Hey, this is what the drive thread was for. Call 'em in, if it gets too much, it's what it's there for! -w-


Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"Whoa... You have relatives that doubt you?! That's awful! :(
don't act so shocked. it can be pretty commonplace sometimes. i come from a fairly screwed-up home, where my father (the grumbly ol bastard) has said to me that i would never make it as an artist.
my grandmother (whom is really very sweet and i luff alot) has also tried to discourage me from taking creative classes. is it just coincidence that they are both born in the chinese year of the rooster and both just a little racist? :\
Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"...but I'm curious... were your classmates were choosing to wear braces, or was it just a coincidence?
coincidence, i think. i was scheduled to get them anyway, but my insurance downgraded just as i was going in. dodged the bullet indiana jones-style there. ^^;
my teeth aren't that bad, so i don't NEED them. just a small overbite, is all. :3

Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"Sorry you had to go to summer school... How was that?... :(
suckish. the other kids called me "cleetus", still don't quite understand that one. :\ maybe it's cause i wore overalls on the first day?
i failed french, and another class (can't remember for the life of me) that year, which is why i had to go.
i'm thankful that's the only year i went, and if it weren't for that horrid time, i never would have made the plushie my sister dubbed "The Voodoo Banana". xD

Quote from: "NejinOniwa"...and the ponytail isn't exactly easy mode to rip off either.

sparkly as usual, master! *o*
click to make it bigger