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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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The fuck?  I mean, I thought I troped hardcore, but I thought the whole 100+ tab stuff was just tall tales.  Even though this does make me feel a lot better about my own habit, I think you should really consider curbing your Wiki Walks...


The Choice of a New Generation.

Aurora Borealis

I'm also prone to long Wiki Walks!

I stayed up until 6 AM browsing TV Tropes, which I swear I had been doing for nearly 8 hours straight (well, with a few short breaks). Then I was browsing for another 3-4 hours today! No wonder why progress on my comic series has been so slow!

Yeah. TV Tropes Has Ruined My Life, but has also enhanced it in other ways, because all my browsing has helped me come up with better characterizations in my stories and develop future plot points better, introduce me to new series, I learned the many pitfalls of bad writing, and learned of lots of literary and meta devices to explore! :D

Oh, and it helped me overcome my previous addiction to Encyclopedia Dramatica.


How is it better switching the crack for opium? >_>

For your information, I was wikiwalking corvidae until 7AM last night...didn't stray all that much, though, but biology is HUEG, so yeah.


Gah, ED, the abbreviation is rather suitable given its effect on me.  Of course, I'm sure that's the intention....

At least it's not as bad as gurochan...

Yes, that was completely unnecessary, but apparently google's image search has yet to learn what I like...

The Choice of a New Generation.


Woah I didn't expect this kinda response ;P. Actually most of the tabs/windows consist of modding/translation projects and homebrew and also tech/gaming news sites, I actually rarely wikiwalk I do admit though  that I once viewed Encyclopedia Dramatica for god knows how long. I just like having all my sites loaded for easy viewing I see no problem with it since I actually remember where/what all the tabs consist of ;P * I do admit I'm going slightly overboard* and it doesn't have any significant performance hit on my computer so it's alll gggooood.

My current session has 241 opened windows *I'm trying to cut back* btw ;P.

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


My god, I freak out at 30


Well, stewartsage, in my own experience, that kinda thing happens when you're not fully conscious of it.  Of course, with what little memory I have available I can't really afford to let myself go like that.

The Choice of a New Generation.


stewartsage, me too! O.o


Firefox just seems to hate me around that amount, so I don't like to open more then that.  Usually here plus another one of my forums or TV Tropes/Wiki.


you damn fukers made me lose the game. >:[

and on another note, you people make me feel like a newb all over again......i think the most i've ever had on a compy would be about 15.........i've never needed any more. :\

tv tropes.....i'm thankful i don't ^^
click to make it bigger


So.... Do I get a prize or something?? ^__^.

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


uhm, maybe nejin can reevaluate your lolis. maybe you got more.
click to make it bigger


If anything, he gets less. The lolis FLEE EASILY when you spread out your defenses like that, MAH BOI!


Do you know just how many more people you caused to lose by saying that, Choco?

Just think about it... for just a second...

The Choice of a New Generation.


Nonsense. My defenses are spread evenly among 7 windows, and if I can track down an audio file playing among 400 windows I can track down a fleeing loli.

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.