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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Laptop is back!
Well what happened was that we needed to buy a new hard drive for it, as it just failed on me.


bleh i cant get on right now, computer had to be unplugged and stored for a few weeks, roommate is letting me use her laptop. Poor Homeko, gathering dust in that nasty basement >< I'MMA GET YOU BACK UP HURR
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.

Aurora Borealis

Happy Festivus, everybody! ;006


happy holidays, yo.

and in response to nejin's institution of lolicurrency, i have compiled currency, hur hur. -w- BEHOLD MY LOLIS~

so how's everyone's holiday? i leave for a few days and chaos ensues. xD

and lucky fukkin you that your laptop works. :[ i still have no status report on mine. ><;
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Well, in my case the chaos has already ended... you'd be amazed the amount of people a death in the family draws out.  From what I understood, they had planned on visiting anyway, but such misfortune caused them to expedite those plans.

I believe bittersweet is the appropriate adjective for such a situation.

The Choice of a New Generation.


ouch, sorry to hear that. and i meant chaos here, though there's plenty at home too.

sory for the loss. hope you feel better. happy holidays, and may many lolis come to you.
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Yeah, pardon, I misread that sentence.  I'm doing okay now, still ill, but otherwise feeling alright.  I guess I've grieved enough this year, and I just don't have it in me to stay down very long.  Thank you.

The Choice of a New Generation.

Aurora Borealis

For my airing of grievances (It's part of Festivus!), I'm not sure about the idea of lolis as currency, because where are you supposed to keep them all, and care for them all? That sounds like a whole lotta cash I'd have to spend to maintain them! o_o

I probably don't have any of this new currency anyways. :(


shush you, you probably have the highest mauu value of them all! (sides nejin, no one knows how in hell he got THAT high of a post count. O_____O)

hope ya'll had some happy hilodays and such, ect ect. mine's been......uhm......eventful. :[
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Aurora Borealis

Happy holidays, everybody! From the near lack of activity yesterday, a lot of you were probably busy, and out celebrating with friends and family! :)

But for me, Xmas was a boring day this year- got some great gifts, but couldn't go anywhere, nor did relatives visit since the weather was bad. The weather alternated from rain, to snow, back to rain, and back to snow, all within the day! WTF?!


Well, at least we're covered in some stable snow here, so yeah. That's good, at least.

While I did get a new cellphone and a sleeky-ass pair of glasses that make my face look 70% less evil and 58% more intellectual, nothing particularly exciting has happened so far...I've been working, mainly, to gather some war funds for the Boston trip.


I wish we had snow here. All we get here is Sun,rain,lightning and terrible storms ;_;.

In other news I just notice I can't post at the hentai section yet. I could have sworn I already applied for the ostan citizen group.

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


lesee, i got:
an antique typewriter
3 GBA games
scratch tickets
a nice comik book :3
a digital camera <3
some (very) nice jewelry :3
other stuff

oh, and it was snowing yesterday, but when i woke up, i heard rain. (snow+rain = slushy mess OR icy coating on roads making it NEAR IMPOSSIBLE to drive)
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first off, merry belated christmas to everyone. ssecondly, I spent most of my christmas watching MASH after reciveing a bunch of clothes and a Nintendo DSi with Mario Kart DS
I just got into OS-tan, so don\'t be upset if i ask a question you deem "stupid"


Oooh, sleek-ass glasses and antique typewriters? Sounds liek nice gifts. :B

I got mostly clothes, and a pair of boots, some professional-ish illustration pens, candy, a piece of artwork, some sort of suncatcher-window-hanger-thingy, and a couple of piano sheet music books.