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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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err where did u go Pitkin


Where'd I go, Q4(V)-san? I went to edit one of my posts, as I re-posted my whole earlier message... apart from that, I'm where I always were.


right 'self-controlled discussing' gd word lol

more 50.6% from panda
me 50.2%

Q4(V) added the following  1 minute after last message :

four ppl online post now Darknight_88


hi everyone
No Q4(V), i didnt went anywhere...I just forgot to post while I was connected n_nU. I was trying to clean an scan to convert it into a wallpaper...but seems I need to learn more about Photoshop -_-'

wohoo!!!!My 80th Post!!!! xD
Looks like I'm very far from the 400 panda's post...


now panda gone, y do ppl disappear .. i have two tab one with the main page and one with this topic .. i go to the main page press F5 and there gone... u all disappear ... ur magicians

if we keep 'self-controlled discussing' then we catch up


QuoteQuote from : Q4(V)... panda when r u going to tell ur perents .... i know u shouldn't ... but u got to tell them sooner or later
I know, I plan to tell them with in the next few weeks.



a letter, and I'll also leave a book about ts for them.


Just some stats copy/pasted from member profiles, for the currently active members:

panda-san's posted 17.36% of all posts in the forum; more than every sixth post is by her!

(Here would be CaptBrenden-san with 15.66%.)

Q4(V)-san's helped accumulating the post count with 8.78% of total number.

I'm right below Q4(V)-san, with 8.61%.

Darknight-san, Mith-san and rdhdtwns-san are still statistically remarkably big names, the respective shares being 3.41%, 1.92% and 1.87%.

Alfamille-san's responsible for 0.90%.


i just need more post tht all ... u wait and see i be king.

... a letter gd plan err will u be moving out, just incase


In fact Pitkin, you have now 8.62% of total
Wohoo!!!3.48% from me!!!. Soon I'll become the mighty Windows 95

good luck with your parents,  Panda. Im mostly sure they'll understand


ppl have stopped posting, y?

Q4(V) added the following  3 minutes after last message :

where all online waiting for some to say something lol


QuoteQuote from : Q4(V)... a letter gd plan err will u be moving out, just incase
no. But I'm sure after the shock of it, they'll accept and hopefully support.
QuoteQuote from : Darknight_88
good luck with your dads, Panda. Im mostly sure they'll understand

dads? My parents are heterosexual, male and female.


lol's, I'll edit it. You know, Engrish :D
I mean parents  ;026
maybe Q4(V)...or maybe some people are searching information about the Vanarus Komodensis =P


don't lie Darknight_88 ur looking for ost site lol

panda make sure u plan for every out come, just incase