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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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^_^ amazing!

how are you doing?



I'm ok, just really hot. I'm down to a tank top and shorts -_-v
I also made up with a friend who I thought didn't want to talk to me anymore. I can't complain, I guess.
So cute it\'s deadly!


YAY!!!!The Captain is alright!!!!!! ;001

Hi rdhdtwns.
Oh, I guess Pitkin is no more here to prep some tea...I guess I'll have to make it...
*preps some iced tea*
here, I guess its better than nothing

Weather can be weird...sometimes It even rains when its sunny  ;015


Yes, we have that here too Darknight o.o The rain when its shining brightly outside. Southern weather is so weird sometimes.

Ooo ice tea! Thank you ^o^
So cute it\'s deadly!


*wobbles in and collapses on the couch (author's note: the couch had miraculously appeared from thin air, just for this scene)*

Ooh... hoho... hoho... I went to sleep after 7am, new personal record of mine... had such a good time...

*hugs the pillows and lies still*


sounds like you had a good time last night.


yes does ... yo panda and Darknight_88

200, yes my 200 post ... lol

what do i do

Q4(V) added the following  1 minute after last message :

panda what did u do when u got to 400 ... have party or something


your only half way to my +400 posts!


i'll catch u up lol just 199 post more and then i'm king

....  Darknight_88 can help too


but I'll continue to post, so I'll always be a head unless you spam the board


spam ... er gd plan ... err Pitkin can i spam plzzz

Q4(V) added the following  1 minute after last message :

Darknight_88 where did u go

Q4(V) added the following  2 minutes after last message :

so wht u doing panda?

Q4(V) added the following  1 minute after last message :

i can't i double post


QuoteQuote from : Q4(V)then i'm king

hehehe, I'm queen.


I'm losing in this race! Q4(V)-san passed me in the number of posts, and I cannot see a way to boost my spam rating. :D

Well, 200 posts. What can I say? Twice as much as 100, but compared to the posting queen panda-san, only 40-something percent. :D


not yet ... lol

... panda when r u going to tell ur perents .... i know u shouldn't ... but u got to tell them sooner or later

Q4(V) added the following  57 seconds after last message :

i post to slow


QuoteQuote from : Q4(V)

spam ... er gd plan ... err Pitkin can i spam plzzz

We call that 'self-controlled discussing', not spam. ^^;