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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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it's always so quiet when they're gone. it's peaceful and quiet, making one want to nap on the keyboard. but at the same time it is QUITE lonely, especially if you post at the time i do (i post at night, cause the internet only works at night), and after awhile you get sick of the peace and quiet and year for some chaos and fun again. you start to miss them, even if you have never met the in real life.

i like to consider you guys somewhat friends, we laugh together, and i've known you all for a little while now. you seem like good people, and for some odd, twisted, sadistic reason i was always a bit closer to nejin. i miss him, i do. smokey too, since when did he fall off the map?? O___O

oh gawds it's an epidemic  o_o
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Meh, it's not so bad for me.  I've got other places when I need to chill, but it does kind of stink that the activity in this place tends to drop off so drastically.  It'd be nice if some of the members we haven't seen in a long time decided to make a surprise appearance about this time, but meh.  Even though I'm doing other things, I do keep my eyes on the activity here, just in case something interesting does happen.  Of course, the newbs need greeters as well...

Quote from: "Chocofreak13"i was always a bit closer to nejin

If that's not a candidate for the Captain Obvious award I don't know what is XP.

The Choice of a New Generation.

Aurora Borealis

I don't like when this place is too quiet. I miss the fun and chaos! This place used to be very active from the late summer of '06 to late '08. :(

But I really do like that we are still a close-knit community.


Quote from: "IanDanKilmaster"

Quote from: "Chocofreak13"i was always a bit closer to nejin

If that's not a candidate for the Captain Obvious award I don't know what is XP.
OMG, i'm up for an obvi!? YAYS!!

eh, i have other places to go to, but like aurora-san said, it's nice that we're so close-knit. all the other sites i'm on i barely talk to anyone that i've talked to more than once there. it's so mainstream, that it's just...cold. this place is a haven. it's not good that we're losing the senior members!

and aurora-san, how DOES one get the custom title?
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Yeah, I don't like this type of quiet too. It's eerie.

QuoteBut I really do like that we are still a close-knit community.

And this is the reason why I joined this community. Sure there are times when we bash each other, but all in all, I accept everyone here as my friend.
--- When it\'s worth doing, it\'s worth overdoing it ---


Believe me, I'm with you there, but this is kind of the downfall of having such a small community.  Subtract a key contributor, and things just start to peter out.  It kinda helps when folks are networked - for example, there's a dA community with some of our members (I think it's in Aurora's sig) and that's a good way to see what they're up to.  Other members in this forum keep in contact through chat and stuff, I remember that Capt-chan was able to update us on Toki because they chatted on MSN.  Anyway, I don't if anybody has a way to keep track of Smokey or Nej outside this forum, so you're kind of SOL on that front.  Chances are they'll be back soon after they're done with whatever they're doing, so it's best just to try and keep things going in their stead.  Hopefully some new members or returning members show up to liven things up - it's getting really dead here...

EDIT:  nvm, the link to the dA group is in someone else's sig, I think...

The Choice of a New Generation.

Aurora Borealis

Here is DeviantOS-tans, the OS-tan club on DeviantART that Bella, C-Chan, Siya, other members and I are part of. Sadly, it hasn't been updated in weeks but we're still interested in OS-tans! Really!

The club also had a mini forum dedicated to new OS-tan conjectures but since the club's subscription expired (with no desire to renew it), it vanished. :(


Dammit, this forum's always here... and it's free (well, if you exclude the cost Fedora-dono pays to keep it up)!

Sorry, I know some of those members had their reason for leaving, and I also know for the rest, it's probably easier just to keep up on the same site where they do all their artwork.  It's just that the whole "paying to use another forum" just seemed a little whack to me...

The Choice of a New Generation.

Aurora Borealis

The reason DeviantOS-tans had that mini forum was so that Bella, C-Chan and I could continue discussing OS-tan conjectures, because C-Chan left OSC for good back in November and Bella probably did too.

And speaking of returning members, Infinity_zero returned today and with new OS-tan minis! :D

OS Freak

This is the topic less thread right? So I can post anything here with no problems... well not anything lol.
OK Instead of writing it again I will detail some stuff. Could you guys read my signature below this. That is my problem.
Does anyone know a reason or a fix by any chance? That's the only way that my Windows 95 (mainly) gets programs from a folder I have in my XP via shared folders and drops it in The MS DOS Virtual machine. There are additions for MS DOS but it's easier to just drop the files using 95 Chan. So that NT 3.51 access it and either reads or installs the programs. I have already used CD+RW for giving files to NT 3.51 but it's such a job to do it every time. If I do this drop procedure and MS DOS access later procedure successfully with the files saved there with NT 4.0, 95C, 98SE, ME, 2K, Neptune, WFW 3.11, XP Home, XP Pro, Fundamentals for Legacy PC, Vista Premium and Server 2003. Why is it NT3.51 is the only one who doesn't want to cooperate. She used to access it. The from one day to the other she gets a BSOD whenever the MS DOS is attached to her as second drive at the settings in VPC 2004. Any clues to her sudden antisocial behavior?
Death as come. 2K Chan has but killed in extended Support. She has finally become Unsupported She is finally fully rejected by her Birth company. It\'s so sad...


And as the winner of the "coming back with replies WAY too late"-award, I'll simply answer your questions with the truth:

I was Out in the Boondocks with No Internet Connection Whatsoever (not even mobile broadband because our villa is surrounded by bloody damn troll-size BOULDERS which screw the radio signals up royally) and Too Busy Not Giving A Damn About Pretty Much Anything (tl;dr - vacation).

Now, however, I'm to enjoy these last 2 weeks at home before I MOVE OUT, HELLS YES/NO/WTF IS THIS SHIT I DON'T EVEN/LAWL'D, so excuse me while I paint this part of the internet in ultraviolet rainbows. I need to blow off some steam. The explosive kind that glows in the dark.

And sure, it might feel pretty fun just sitting around doing nothing, sunbathing, bathing in regular (cold, lawl?) water, sailing, etc, etc, other meaningless stuffs but when push comes to shove, NOTHING is better for my geiger-meter-breaking mind than a huge, digital ether medium to just FLUSH THE SHIT OUT WITH.

And getting those fingertips some practice, too.

Yes, I think I've calmed down now, so good night.

Added after 31 seconds:




NEJIN!!!! *glomps* YOU'RE BACK!!!!
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I put that WHARRGARBL there for you to see, choco. There's always a water hose somewhere, if you look hard enough.

By the way, Bakemonogatari is awesome.


it sounds like a food. is it?

and AWWWWWWW~ you DO care <3

btw, since you're the demon overlord, perhaps you should use a pic of laharl as an avatar sometime.
good to have you back, un. it was BORING AS HEAVEN without you.
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Hell is most likely equally boring, just a shade darker.
And I never really fancied Disgaea anyway, so if anything I should use MYSELF as an avatar (but that's just stupid, so I won't). Or I could impersonate the current IRL administrator, and use an Orange. Yeah, that one's better.
And tastier.

Or maybe not, it's me we're comparing against after all...

Blood and flesh is decidedly much moar tasty than citrus fruits.

Yesh, go with that. Nejin is tastier than oranges, hells yes, boogaloo.