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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I don't know what you gays are talking about... but imma gonna sleep...

expect some 300 new old MTG cards in the mail tomorrah...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


good for you.
nighty night~ <3
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Yeah, thanks...

Meanwhile it's tomorrow just in the afternoon and that dammed mailman still hasn't dropped by yet...
Dam our postal services; every time my sys gets a stupid package i get rung out of bed at 9-10AM on my days off and when i'm expecting mail (NORMAL ENVELOPE MAIL) the a-hole doesn't show up till the afternoon... ;091
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


i was over a friend's house today (first day in about 3 weeks when it hasn't rained once ^^ ) and the postman didn't come to his house till 5 pm.
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Well the post came 'round 2 pm that day, so it wasn't all bad...

But i just realized that there hasn't been a post in here for 3 days!  o_o
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


I was surprised that the finnish mail (and brittish airmail) were fast and managed to get my NeoGeo Pocket Color here in 3 days.

So yeah... I haz NeoGeoPocket.


ooooo shiny :3

ebay and amazon tend to be reletavily fast shipping, but i had to wait a couple weeks for stuff from other sites. :\
the postman came to our house at 4 one day. it was quite odd. :\

on a happier note, i FINALLY got a new bed after ELEVEN years of sleeping on this murderous mattress on this battered bunk bed. but my friend got a new bed, a nice one, so he gave me his nice old futon. :] (new mattress and mattress pad, steel frame, bigger than my old bed by a LONGSHOT ^^)

question: my new friend is hosting a pool party. attending the party will be a bunch of jesus freaks. normally i'd be able to handle that, old enemy of mine is also expected to attend. i'm most likely not going to spare my friend the drama, but a small part of me says i should go anyway.

take one for the team or face the music?
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Well, I'd like to preface what I'm about to tell you with the age-old adage of "never look for personal advice on the intarwebs", but this isn't the first time you've asked about such things so I guess it's a "no harm, no foul" situation.

So first off I'd like to point I'm not entirely sure of what you're asking.  "Take one for the team" and "face the music" pretty much sound like the same thing - can't really tell which is which.  My best advice would be, go with whatever would provide the most fun.  It is a pool party and should be really enjoyable, but since you mention the "jesus freaks", I'm given the impression that somehow they may spoil the fun (A jamboree with banal contemporary x-ian music anyone?  How about limbo under a crucifix?).  If you feel like your presence there may only serve to incite drama, it might be best to avoid going, but if you really think you'll enjoy yourself, go - that would be the whole point of going to a party, right?

The Choice of a New Generation.


OMG it's finally over. These exams never was so hard and long as this year. I'm glad that I finished them without repeating and with quite high marks^^ So I'm here and not dead }:->
Wit beyond measure is man\'s greatest treasure^^

I apologize for my English in advance, because it isn\'t my natural language. So if you see any mistakes or you don\'t understand what I\'m saying, please don\'t hesitate and tell me about your misunderstanding or where I have made a language mistake.


Welcome back, Vae-chan!  I'm glad you did well on your exams.  On a somewhat similar note, I've been helping my brother-in-law with his summer courses for community college.

The Choice of a New Generation.


congrats Vae...

Choco: Listen to your gut feeling (A.K.A. let the Force guide you ^_^)...

And i had my retest today for the airforce...i passed the physical strength test7, dentistry was good too (did the unevitable victory dance under the shower) but i need to wait for an appointment for the otorhinolaryngologist (ENT-doc) because my audiogram was under par at one frequency in my left ear with 'normal' sound (directed at my eardrum) but not with sound directed directly at my earbone... just like last time, so they need to know if it's something pathological and/or if it can be fixed... Man i could punch that officer out cold when he told me that ("You bastard! I didn't come here to get rejected or sent through to some other doc!!!)
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


hi vae! and congrats ^^ congrats on 2/3 smokey, how you get 3/3 soon. :]
all i have to brag about is i'm currently in day 3 of renovations. i feel exauseted....and slightly butch. xD in random pic thread i posted a pic of mah luver-type-person; let's just say he was right when he said that i wear the pants in our relationship. ^^;

eh, thanx for advice dudes. i'm not gonna go--1. my live-in friend isn't gonna be here for a few days (my mum's hitting the beach till thurs. and we're afraid my dad's gonna call the cops on her for "tresspassing"), we were going together if i was going at all; 2. i don't wanna put poor chris through all the drama of me facing angel. it's not right. ; 3. i'm used to being left alone at home, so it's ok.

how is everyone?
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Kinda tired since a couple this weeks I'm busy on work and church. And as for you choco, well, being alone in the house in both a blessing and a curse. But there's always the net and this forum. Lol.

Welcome back Vae. Congrats on doing well on the exam. Ahh, makes me remember back then when I'm known as the king of all nighter and the king of sleep in the class (Sleeping in class is VIP places since even the teacher very rarely wakes me up. Or they just plain bored waking me up. Lol). Yeah I know I'm not a good example, so kids, don't do this.

And yeah, I kinda understand your meaning smokey. Health check can be very boring and painful (both mentally and physically). I swear the last Health check before employment that once I rule a country, I will share a gift to those doc. A tactical nuke bomb send directly to your house free of charge. MUHAHAHAHA.
--- When it\'s worth doing, it\'s worth overdoing it ---


you're right, seamore. i can use this time to work on mah comic, and if i get bored possibly a banner for the site. ^^ thanx xD
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Thanks everyone^^ Glad to be here again
About courses and other study thing:
And did your brother-in-law do well with his courses and with your help Ian-kun?
I sometimes sleep at lectures with open eyes XD and the eyes in this case become big in shape and with too narrow eyes’ pupils which scares my desk neighbours. So Seamore you are not along in class sleeping XD
About docs and medical tests: Yeah, I understand you Smokey, cuz our university send us every year in summer to do this thing. We spend at our university’s clinic all day and these docs always pass us between them like tennis balls. But cuz you prepare to join air force I gees for you it is more worse (((
Yeah Today I finally find a job which is needed my specialty knowledge^^ I’m happy cuz employers don’t usually take students with only two courses of university education and students are always need the real practice very much from the start of education.
mah comic? Interesting to look at it when you’ll have finished Choco-chan^^
Wit beyond measure is man\'s greatest treasure^^

I apologize for my English in advance, because it isn\'t my natural language. So if you see any mistakes or you don\'t understand what I\'m saying, please don\'t hesitate and tell me about your misunderstanding or where I have made a language mistake.