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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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What's this 'PA' Rammstein's having? ^^;


Parental Advisory; can't be sold to minors.
and because I'm not 18 I can't buy it.


ur not 18, i'm older then u o.O
wait how am I, I always forget
... well tht band is ..... er
hey Pitkin, why Man utd ... everybody like them, can't u pick liverpool or some1 else ... well i'm not a football man myself, but a lot ppl like it ... but i still know u wht to be british, so don't give cold look, i know u ook up to me



hello panda and rdhdtwn, how r u 2?
wants some tea ... Pitkin can gave us some lol or me


oi, na, don't really like tea much.
what's up?

panda added the following  2 minutes after last message :

did ya see the new bands in the music topic?


well we missed rdhdtwn ... nothing much just abt to post something in random picture thread, if i can gat in to me DVD rom




some thing personal,
I don't know if I did something to offend a person, or if its life problems and they just can't IM.


oh u think u offend some 1, well the one thing i would do is say sorry ... or get down on my knee's beg them forgiveness, so in the end try to get them to talk to me to find the problems, if there is one ... can i ask who it is?

Q4(V) added the following  4 minutes after last message :

oh don't try the begging on boys ... and also girls, they all run a way


it was just technical difficulties,


how come, is there a problem in contecting the ppl or something?


msn WEB messenger srews up some times.


well u could just download it or send an e-mail, there are other ways of getting in contect ... just get them to talk to u.
yo pitkin

Q4(V) added the following  2 minutes after last message :

and he gone