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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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across the palm by a metal grate

panda added the following  15 hours 17 minutes after last message :

yo darknight


yo panda.
Look's like everyone is busy...I havent seen Pitkin, Q4(V), red and Mith around... .-.
And I'll complain again about weather...yesterday was its 32Ã,°C..Ã,¬Ã,¬


Pitkin's sleeping, red I think is working on Cosplay stuff or working, and I have no idea about mith,


Hiya all. *sneezes*

Sorry I've not been around; caught myself a minor cold during the weekend and it's grown worse and worse every day... one of the reasons must be that I cannot rest properly at home due to the renovation, but instead I spend my days at uni. And my studies for tomorrow's exam've got bad because of the same reason... I can hardly wait till I get to answer taxation law questions with a running nose, slight headache and poorly slept night behind me. -_-



Colds are never fun. I hope it doesn't throw you off too much.

Hmm, hormones are easier to get then I thought from what I've read. 3 months with a physiatrist after you've been "diagnosed" with Gender Dysphoria, and a letter from the physiatrist for hormones.

panda added the following  7 hours 48 minutes after last message :

yo darknight


Of course that cold's are never fun
O.O...I also caught a cold 2 days ago...=/
And as if it werent enough, the gas pipe in my house just broke today. At least it didnt broke in the tap, so it could be stopped...But now i dont have hot water...and looks like it'll be like this for at least 2 more days...and the cold I just caught probably won't help.
And in my experience, you can never avoid the power of the Murphy Laws, so I predict tomorrow will be at 16Ã,°C (I repeat, that's cold in this place)
yo panda.


try playing a game of rugby in the freezing rain, and after that standing around for about 2 hours, That's cold.

panda added the following  6 minutes after last message :

gave me hypothermia.


Hypothermia... brrr... *shivers and shudders*

Oh, so you have also caught a cold, Darknight_88-san... but +16 degrees centigrade sounds soo unfair to me right now, no matter how you put it (it's -2 here at the moment). :D I'm freezing even at the uni right now... v_v

In the other news, I totally botched my exam today, partially thanks to the flu but also due to surprising questions chosen for the exam. It's more than probable I failed to pass the exam, but fortunately there are a couple of chances to retake it still. :| Meh meh meh, stupid taxation law anyway. ;051


Quote from: "Pitkin"

In the other news, I totally botched my exam today, partially thanks to the flu but also due to surprising questions chosen for the exam. It's more than probable I failed to pass the exam, but fortunately there are a couple of chances to retake it still. :| Meh meh meh, stupid taxation law anyway. ;051

There are times when you feel that you'll gonna fail something afterwards you've hit the jackpot, but there are times that you think you'll get it then it's not :P


Cripes, it's been ages since I last visited here.  Yeah... I kinda forgot about my Troubled Windows game project.  Oh well, I need more ideas and characters and such, so I'm going to try to use ideas from my original ideas in another game I'm trying to make.

Or I'll end up making my Troubled Windows game later.  Hell, I don't know... college is driving me nuts.  Seems like I can't spare a moment of free time without having another project or assignment I have to prepare for.  Maybe this summer... -_-


If only i could finish those actionscripting tutorials :/


Sorry for dissapearing like that, but i cant keep up rabidly posting all the time like that :P Ive been trying to stay in game alot more, and school is killin me. Ill alert people the next time i run off the face of the earth for a week. And panda, are you considering getting an operation soon? If so, good luck varily :P


no, not any operations. not for a while, but with in afew years; my goal is to go to collage as a girl (minus total bottom surgry).

besides being a zombie, what's up rose?


Not a whole lot...I got my lecture about how i need to stop being lazy, and fat. And i need to stop playing games from my parents, those are always real winners. -_-


really?! I just got one yesterday, but mine also included "you have to focus on school!" but I can't its hard to focus with my TS hanging over my head.