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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Its just my imagination or there is a bug about in the pages of this thread?
God bless the google translator, at least its better than knowing nothing xD



and that's was my last kitty macro, I'm not an asidual 4chan's  /b/ user.


your active on 4chan?


more or less.
When I have enough free time. Mostly I keep on /w/, /wg/, /m/ and /k/


damn it. I got banned from PJ for a month. here if you want to see why I got banned. I don't think that's enough for a month, mabey a week. . .

panda added the following  1 minute after last message :

argg, its not like I was there alot, but I'm on spring break, and its some thing to do.

panda added the following  10 hours 1 minute after last message :

panda added the following  55 minutes after last message :

yo red


and she's gone...
and they banned you because that? wow.....strict mods?


kinda, they're doing an experament and banned all the "truble makers", and now the min. for a ban is one month.


Shucks, banning seemed really like a harsh thing to do in that case... no one really went over the top, and I've never seen anyone being banned so easily from going off-topic. Well, on the other hand the boards I usually visit always use the 'warn / permanent ban' method, so perhaps the temporary bans are delivered a lot more easily. ^^;

QuoteQuote from : Mith~Of~Rose

You know to many languages Pitkin, your making me look worse :P

Yeah, I'm, like, totally brilliant when it comes to languages. :D Seriously though, I studied German for seven years at school, and compared to that time my German skills are _terrible_. ^^;


yo red and darknight


Hi panda, and rdhdtwns.'s going the world without PJ?
Well...cause I dont have anything to say, I'll complain about the weather here xD. These days have been weird...2 days ago the temp was 35 Ã,°C outside house...yesterday today its 19 Ã,°C...its cold...but 2 days ago was hot...
Yeah, 19Ã,°C its cold


okay, I never really was there much, guess I'll just play RE 4.
oh, and I was working and sliched open my hand, so its suelled up and stuff.


ouch...that probably hurts. 2 or 3 months ago, a friend of mine also sliched his hand ...I cannot explain myself wth was he doing holding in a wall that had broken glasses...that was really stupid xD

but that might be a problem while playing RE4...


naa, should be fine. I mean, I play rugby so I just keep going


lol, ok then...whats a little slice, anyway? xD