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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: "Q4(V)"sorry he was quoting ... so it not stealing ...

and Pitkin u never watch .... hmmm

if i remember correctly it went like this:
it just so simplyer it, same meaning different words
"Just like one man said 'don't try to be a great man, just be a man'
"What idot sayed that?"
"you did"

Finally  I recalled it after many years of thinking about it! Thanks  Q4(V)!  ;010


Yes, didnt he go into active service? that is a scary thought...


Q4 love, I cannot believe you're not using a mouse. >.> I'm in shock!!

I have a lot of work to do, too. Cept it involves lots of sewing!! I'll stick to my work, heh..

Bah, we all need to find some kinda time where we can all be together at one point. XD The time zones are so crazy though, it'd never work.

Panda, where are you~?

I am so exhausted. I need to..shutdown.. har har har.
So cute it\'s deadly!


QuoteQuote from : rdhdtwnsPanda, where are you~?
what do you mean?


QuoteQuote from : panda

QuoteQuote from : rdhdtwnsPanda, where are you~?
what do you mean?

I hadn't personally seen you around, heh ^^;; Then again I haven't been fully active lately so >.<
So cute it\'s deadly!



I'm tired!
But I know I have to sew. I just added two additional projects, making it up to 10 things I have to sew before May 25th. Fortunately I just received a big package of fabric :D

Whats up with you, panda? <3
So cute it\'s deadly!


nothing much, did ya get my PM?


Yeah I did, thanks! ^o^
So cute it\'s deadly!


Quote from: "Q4(V)"now go post in Topicless thread to tell us where u went.

Your orders are my command. xD
Naa, I didnt went anywhere...I just was too busy...I even had to stop playing 100 battleships...sniff. But on the bright no more an slave of Ogame!!! xD
No, I haven't seen the Capt. Looks like the last time he was ever connected was in Feb 8, 2006. Maybe the marines aren't allowed to use Internet while in deployment.


Ich hab' keine Lust
Ich hab' keine Lust
Ich hab' keine Lust
Ich hab' keine Lust

Ich habe keine Lust mich nicht zu hassen
Hab' keine Lust mich anzufassen
Ich hätte Lust zu onanieren
Hab' keine Lust es zu probieren
Ich hätte Lust mich auszuziehen
Hab' keine Lust mich nackt zu sehen

Ich hätte Lust mit großen Tieren
Hab' keine Lust es zu riskieren
Hab' keine Lust vom Schnee zu gehen
Hab' keine Lust zu erfrieren

Ich hab' keine Lust
Ich hab' keine Lust
Ich hab' keine Lust
Nein ich hab keine Lust

Ich hab' keine Lust etwas zu kauen
Denn ich hab' keine Lust es zu verdauen
Hab' keine Lust mich zu wiegen
Hab' keine Lust im Fett zu liegen

Ich hätte Lust mit großen Tieren
Hab' keine Lust es zu riskieren
Hab' keine Lust vom Schnee zu gehen
Hab' keine Lust zu erfrieren
Ich bleibe einfach liegen
Und wieder zähle ich die Fliegen
Lustlos fasse ich mich an
Und merke bald ich bin schon lange kalt
So kalt, mir ist kalt . . .

Ich hab' keine Lust

panda added the following  32 minutes after last message :


I have a feeling that is german, but thats about all i could decipher :P But i love that kitty, you have a lot of kitty pictures posted here and there on the site of noticed, do you have any yourself?


Aye, German it is, and it's about not having fun (keine Lust zu haben). Some of the lines are pretty daring. *cough*


You know to many languages Pikin, your making me look worse :P
