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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Crap, breaking one's watch (especially if it's the only one one has) can have serious consequences. After years of carrying a watch everywhere, suddenly not having one can drive a person paranoid in a few hours. Broke mine during the military service... a cheap non-brand watch, but enormous mental value. :D


Seiko and it was a b'day persent nov last year so see if a can get it fixed be my brother .... think it still got warranty, it not be a year yet.

Q4(V) added the following  1 minute after last message :

oh and has every1 on this site been in the military or something ...


Well, for me the military was/is/will be compulsory, and not up to me therefore. Back in 2004 I went there for the first time, and did well apart from eventually breaking my right foot and being forced to withdraw from service. After that I've not really been feeling like going back anymore, and even though I've been ordered to return to duty for 10 more months (NCO and maybe officer training) starting this September, I'm considering the option of appealing to postpone it till I've finished my studies.

But I don't really want to play the role of a soldier anymore; I'd rather skip the rest of the service, as I've already seen what it's like. Plus, I'm far from being patriotic. ^^;


yo red

panda added the following  1 hour 16 minutes after last message :

you completely missed me.


Quote from: "Pitkin"Well, for me the military was/is/will be compulsory, and not up to me therefore. Back in 2004 I went there for the first time, and did well apart from eventually breaking my right foot and being forced to withdraw from service. After that I've not really been feeling like going back anymore, and even though I've been ordered to return to duty for 10 more months (NCO and maybe officer training) starting this September, I'm considering the option of appealing to postpone it till I've finished my studies.

But I don't really want to play the role of a soldier anymore; I'd rather skip the rest of the service, as I've already seen what it's like. Plus, I'm far from being patriotic. ^^;

Just like someone said "You may not be a great man, but just be a man. That way, you'll be the man"


the one rule of life.


really ... well i have to change something
*get book of life
*scratch out fighting solves nothing
*write in fighting solves everything

hole new way of life, beat the crap out of every body .... lol .... really don't sound right

Alfamille u stole tht of star trek

Q4(V) added the following  27 minutes after last message :

yo Pitkin how r u?


Hiya Q4(V)-san. ^_^

How am I? Oh, today's been so busy... six hours of lectures and I still have to stay at uni and study at least a couple of hours by myself; dang taxation law exam coming up next week's Wednesday. -_- Can't lurk around for hours today. v_v

And how's it going with you, then? Apart from the new paragraph in your book of life (by panda-san), of course. :D


well i was using the computer with out a mouse which wasn't that hard, but with firefox there no way of gettin to other tab so it was a little hard but solution have more then one window open.
I've got a lot of work to do have to find info on a NIC and a mesh then do some work on topologies, and then work on 1st, 2nd, 3th normal form, data dictionary, ERD (LST) choosing a computer to put a database on, if there should be more then one computer and say why, build a progam to interface with the database, build 2 web site and do stuff from that then give it in when the teacher come back from China .... i think that abt it, i love life ... i wish i went to China now, got so much time to:
network: next week
database : april, may i think
programin: same as database
web site: when the teacher comes back from China ... don't laugh i know i should have gone China to

so i think that abt it.
*write in book of life
*plan a head
*don't waste time
*run in to the middle of the road
*turn back a page read the same think

... lol, things r ok ...


*looks around* yes ive definitly posted on every other thread, guess ill make the obligitory, Hi. :P


Quote from: "Q4(V)"
Alfamille u stole tht of star trek

HUH? what do you mean by that?


I was trying with all my might not to post here, it seemed like a bad excuse to get a free post, i tried to post in every other thread befor resorting to this one. :P


QuoteQuote from : Alfamille

Quote from: "Q4(V)"
Alfamille u stole tht of star trek

HUH? what do you mean by that?

I think Q4(V)-san means you were quoting Star Trek when you said "Just like someone said 'You may not be a great man, but just be a man. That way, you'll be the man'". Naturally, saying 'stealing' when someone's quoting is a bit harsh, aye? :D

Me? I don't know. Never watched Star Trek. ^^;


sorry he was quoting ... so it not stealing ...

and Pitkin u never watch .... hmmm

if i remember correctly it went like this:
it just so simplyer it, same meaning different words
"Just like one man said 'don't try to be a great man, just be a man'
"What idot sayed that?"
"you did"

Q4(V) added the following  34 minutes after last message :

oh and has one see CaptBrenden


Not seen CaptBrenden-san for a longer while, and I'm a bit worried because of that. I used to bump into him in Messenger from time to time, but he seems to have vanished now. :( I just hope he's alright with the deployment thingie.