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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Do you not like the roles that are given to us as male and female, or do you think you were just born with the wrong body?
So cute it\'s deadly!


its just the wrong body.


*waves at rdhdtwns-san and panda-san*

QuoteQuote from : rdhdtwns

Nooo, dont cry! *pets* You have it a lot easier.. you can still be a girl without the joys of the "monthly visitor". >.> Girls have it hard, I promise x.x

Unfair, unfair. Guys can have it hard as well! Lots of problems, heaps of trouble. *nods*

But today it's another nice day to come. The weather's wonderful if a bit cold, and the ice-hockey season returns from the olympic break tomorrow. ^_^

edit: O_O *blushes completely red* No pun intended anywhere in my post, no matter how weird it might sound. Aha... ahahaha. ^^;



lol ... if u didn't say anything i would had miss tht lol
.... DL changed his name to Chani ... well he thinkin abt IRC which is gd think but he may take a long to make it  ...... tht's all i can say for now .. so how is every1, a part from pinkin fleeing? .... and all i can say is it's natural HAHAHAHAHAHA....... lol  ..... now the buzz is gone lol

Q4(V) added the following  1 minute after last message :

oh there some1 online ..... goin hi to jimmy2buc
HI and how are u today??

oh wait he's in the Gallery and he a new member, i'm scraing them away lol
i'm so hpyer today lol

Q4(V) added the following  19 minutes after last message :

yo red .... how to doin and jimmy ur back lol

Q4(V) added the following  12 minutes after last message :

AGAIN  missed them both DAM ITTT lol
now pen leaking... ink every way noooooo ... i had no pen ofr college, i got ink on me and i just missed two member .... THIS IS THE GREASIEST DAY EVER LOL .... SUPER HYPER .... errrr lol


QuoteQuote from : Pitkin
Unfair, unfair. Guys can have it hard as well! Lots of problems, heaps of trouble. *nods*

*pulls back* Oh no you don't. >.> If you hadn't said anything, I don't think anyone would've noticed... *strokes chin* Hmmm, Pitkin.. XD

QuoteQuote from : Q4(V)

.. well he thinkin abt IRC which is gd think but he may take a long to make it  .....

I mean, I'm not a genius at IRC.. .-.;; ..bah nevermind my suggestion would make no sense XD;; Otherwise I'm up for that.

QuoteQuote from : panda

its just the wrong body.

I'll give you that much, Panda. But theres always things that can be done. Keep thinking positive!
So cute it\'s deadly!


so...the Olympic games...damn!!!!I forgot about it -_-'. Stupid homework (and  stupid of my friends in school who didnt remembered me that the Olympic games already started...). Oh well, i can wait 4 more years for the next...dang!
As you can see, school tends to absorb a lot of time...specially when the 1st "wave" of exams (3 in the whole semester...) its approaching...just 1 week T.T
God bless the carnival...3 days free of school...but not of homework!!argh!
The weather here its weird...sunny 1 day, then the next day with a 70km/h wind, then, another sunny day, then a raining day, and then...can you guess? that's right!!! another sunny day. And believe me, you dont want to be exposed to the sun in a sunny day in Veracruz...hawt...argh!!it burns!!!my skin!!!argh!!!!!
Oh, well, maybe not that hawt. But this is not a good place for vampires to live...


rdhdtwns let hear your suggestion ... some may undersatnd it

the winter Olympic game was the only thing i got to watch, snowboarding, and i thing i don't know the name to here a link:


did you know rugby isn't a offical olymipic sport? it isn't!


lol .. i know the reason for tht because GB would always win lol .....

on my way to college to today with my psp to c have many idiots there are out there, and i found a lot ... but i really shouldn't call then idiots ... more sharing buddy lol ... there where abt 11+ ppl the don't have passwords on the wi-fi so my psp can easily surf the web, right like hell it can ... but i find out what wrong ... lol ... the internet will be mine through my psp ... i also learned how to crack a WEP key so ...

and the weather here is the crappies .... tht ppl come here to c it lol

just got to say this wow rdhdtwns, nice art Capt, panda kool, Gunsmith Cat err *back away slow * *then run* i wish i had one, rdhdtwns tht was very smart to start with tht picture, it just went bang in my face.


QuoteQuote from : Q4(V)
just got to say this wow rdhdtwns, nice art Capt, panda kool, Gunsmith Cat err *back away slow * *then run* i wish i had one, rdhdtwns tht was very smart to start with tht picture, it just went bang in my face.

..Eh? Wait what? ^^;; *is confused*

Uhm, the weather here is NICE :D I took a walk outside to go grocery shopping and stuff. Didn't even need a jacket~

Oh, the IRC thing ^^; Well I mean.. he probably wants to create a permanent one, but otherwise, as long as you just type in a channel name that noone has on the particular server (I'm always on efnet, for example), the channel will be made and stuff as long as someone's in it.. but that's kind of demanding-ish sounding. See I told you it was a dumb idea .-.
So cute it\'s deadly!


ok if u go to bottom of ur post u will www, the site tht u guys had made and well ur site is very good ... like wow ... how did u do all tht stuff.  

and no it not a dumb idea, wht i think he may do is get an older version of IRC like 3.01 or something, may be like this :
so it may be less demanding-ish, so tht it always on and we can keep the same name or wht ever ... don't know to much abt IRC but i under wht u say ...

Q4(V) added the following  1 hour 17 minutes after last message :

oh the the weather here is snowing oh wait it stop.... it keep on snowing then stopping.. snow, stop, snow, stop .. a loop, end loop ... lol


yo red!

panda added the following  6 hours 37 minutes after last message :

oi red!!


QuoteQuote from : Q4(V)

ok if u go to bottom of ur post u will www, the site tht u guys had made and well ur site is very good ... like wow ... how did u do all tht stuff.  

and no it not a dumb idea, wht i think he may do is get an older version of IRC like 3.01 or something, may be like this :
so it may be less demanding-ish, so tht it always on and we can keep the same name or wht ever ... don't know to much abt IRC but i under wht u say ...

Oh thank you so much ^//^ I've been doing HTML since I was 15-ish.. I suddenly feel old again.

Oh alright, I understand! I honestly have no idea how to do IRC in websites like that, so I'm no help. But that would seem to be a better idea for this place, I think.

Hi panda~ How are you today?
So cute it\'s deadly!


okay, twisted my ankle, but okay.

how you doing?


Ehhh??? Are you alright??? o.o

I'm ok.. I'm having some insane stomach cramps though. I can't find my medicine, either, heh. Meh, I'll make it. I bought some different boxes of Girl Scout Cookies.. I promised myself I was going on a diet, but sometimes a person just has to indulge *__*
So cute it\'s deadly!