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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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.... lol

err it snowin again and it goin to be spring soon in 5 days
Pinkin nice new pic and rdhdtwns good luck with ur coseplay ... never really done a coseplay before maybe try


Thanks for the compliment, Q4(V)-san. I like the picture myself as well. ^_^

Lalah, it's a nice day today; had my oral Swedish end-course pronunciation and listening comprehension tests, and they went well. Not to mention our group won the small quiz held afterwards. ^_^


yo rdhdtwns YOOOOO ....hello
wht u up to???

rdhdtwns is on the list now

Q4(V) added the following  9 minutes after last message :

dam it missed her, well maybe next time
she back on the list .. now back to vb


*laughs!* I'm sorry, I check it every so often... XD

I'm a little under the weather, so I left from work early. I don't think I could fall asleep if I tried .-. But I want to!

How are you doing? :D

I wish there was someway we could all find a time where we're online together.
So cute it\'s deadly!



Hi all  ;hi

Sorry i was - and still am - very busy lately but i took a moment to post there :p
I think i fixed the avatar upload problem, at least now it works for me.... i also didn't forget the idea to put an IRC room here, i'm just awfully busy and tbh... i've some problems also to maintain sever currently ^_^; so that's all i can do (sadly)

Anyway don't hesitate to mail me or PM me if you have problems ;) i'll do my best to answer :)

I'll be more here mid-march (i hope)

besides, for those who have my old msn i changed to ... easier for profesionnals contacts :p

See ya !


whats up red?

panda added the following  1 hour 10 minutes after last message :

come on, some one has to come on.


Tee hee! We all keep missing each other..

I'm ok. Still under the weather, though. I've had a crapload of cake too, hasn't helped much.

How're you doing?
So cute it\'s deadly!


fine, had a rugby game today, scrwed up my left ancle, agian.

how you been?


Awwww!! Be careful panda >.< Dont make me come over there and play mommy!

I'm ok, though, regardless of the sickness. Work week was stressful, but hey, I'm a whole year older now! :-o
So cute it\'s deadly!


I want to be a girl soooo f-ing bad! *crys*


Nooo, dont cry! *pets* You have it a lot easier.. you can still be a girl without the joys of the "monthly visitor". >.> Girls have it hard, I promise x.x
So cute it\'s deadly!


No, I mean live as a girl, I live as a "straigh" quite guy right now. And it really bothers me I'm not living as a girl. *contiues to cry*


Noooo :_: *pets some more*

Why does it bother you? Sorry if I'm being nosey.
So cute it\'s deadly!


I want breast and a vagina, not musles and a penis.
It feels like I'm living in a costem I can't take off, that I dont' like.