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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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this weeks been pretty bad for me too.

panda added the following  8 minutes after last message :

panda added the following  1 hour 20 minutes after last message :

I have the key to the gun safe. . .


Aww come on everyone, let's find ways to cheer up! How can I be of help?

Panda, how did it go? o.o Inquiring (and nosey.. ._.) minds want to know!

Pitkin, the best advice I can give on dreams is to write them as soon as you wake up! Normally I've heard though, that the dreams you wake up from aren't necessarily the ones that mean anything.. I'm not sure on this though.

Q4, I'm sorry to hear ^^;;;; I hope you're doing ok~

My week hasn't been as bad as last week, however the week isn't over...yet. I'm trying to be optimistic.

On Saturday however I'm going fabric shopping for the XP-tan and Me-tan cosplay, woo! I'm excited, but I need to buy a wig brush, heh ^^; I found an old wig I had up in my cosplay bin, and it's terribly messy.
So cute it\'s deadly!



The tucking, I'm sorry ^^; Erf sleepy Codi forgetting words x.x *stumbles to bed*
So cute it\'s deadly!


oh, well, it was a little uncomfterble at first but after a few minites it was fine, but like I said I need tighter panties to keep every thing in place.
How are you?

panda added the following  2 minutes after last message :

oh, I forgot, a few hours ago I found the gun safe key, tomorrow is going to be a big day. . .


panda u play ruby so did i and i was good at it, well just the tackling not the pasting, oh and no 1 could tackle me, it took five or six ppl to stop me or sometime more..... i miss those days everyone was scraed of me then *sigh* i remember when i was playing i was abt to trakle some1 and the player gave me the ball no i think he run the wrong way, but it still funny ... but i didn't think i'm tht good a player, if i played with good player i don't think i'll do to good ..... my pasting skills aren't tht good, catching ok, tackling ok and getting tackled well i can't remember being tackled by a good player well may be the teacher, but u know he a teacher me ment to be better then good... errr i talk a lot ... panda try basketball, it is hard, just 1 big rush .... i know u have the heigh for it, wht was it 6.2 or 6.3 but any1 can play what ever there heigh ...

rdhdtwn err it wasn't tht painful ... well a part of me wants to do it again just the fun of it ...

Pitkin can u control wht dreams u have, i know sometime tht i can have the same dream more then once and control them, not easy u think to much and u wake up and if u think to little u lose control, but i be trying to had a nightmare i can't, do u know for a way to have 1 and don't say cheese ... and if you want tht dream again just think about the day u had the dream and then think as hard as u can on wht u where think abt before u went to sleep also any part of the u remember would also help

o hope every1 cheerers up ... as i never say each day is a fresh start


I don't have the build, I'm built heavy. well, more like heavy middiem, but still, I don't have the right build.

panda added the following  3 hours 22 minutes after last message :

Does any one know about corsects here?
I'm looking to get one to slim down my middle, this specificly.


this corset looks better.

hows it going rdhdtwns? (is that right?)


Go with the second one ^^ and don't forget to buy 4 inches under your natural waist size!

Are you looking for more of a hourglass figure? (like what corsets do), or do you just want to slim your middle? There are some other things you could look for instead of investing in a corset, just depends on what kind of look you want to achieve.

I'm doing ok ^o^ I bought the wrong kind of fabric for XP-tan though T_T Not heavyweight enough to hold a pleat in the skirt, so I'm going to have to go back to the fabric store and make an exchange. It's OK though, because I wasn't 100% happy with my 1st choice of fabric to begin with. I'm really, really anal-retentive when it comes to costume detailing ^^;
So cute it\'s deadly!


well, I want a femenem shape, so I want my hips to look wider, and my middle to be slimmer.

That's too bad. even though I don't know what that means.

panda added the following  53 minutes after last message :

all you guest who seem to stake me.


Oh then yeah!! Go with a corset!

Try that thread too, I know it's cosplay-related, but it can also apply.
I hope that can be of some help.
So cute it\'s deadly!


thanks, hormones should help but that will be a ways off.


Both of the corsets shown above look pretty good. Wearing one can be a very uncomfortable experience, though, I think. Still, they're definitely the most straightforward way for changing the way you look, panda-san, so trying them before hormones will probably be advisable.

Phew, for a few hours yesterday it seemed like I was going to spend the whole week sulking again, but miraculously my mood got much better during the evening and I'm feeling very good today. ^_^

So, everyone have a good coming week. ^_^

edit: Oh yes, my right shoulder seemed to be fine this morning when I tried doing push-ups for the first time in nine days now. Was very careful with it, but I think it's alright and ready for the normal strain.

Ah, and that 'sup' cat picture is cool. Funny pose neko-san has. :D


where have they all gone, i know they all have lives but they did post here from time to time, i thinking y have they stopped post ... orr r they just hidding:
L33t 4g3nt
and some others
where are u now ....


school, or work I bet.