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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Awesome its good to back to the internet! I've been offline for  a while...
"Life begins with a disk drive"


"It's not dead! It's pining for the fjords!"
- NewYinzer's reaction after watching both versions of episode 12 of School Days

It looks like OSC has grown and developed since I have gone. I'm back on a little visit after being extremely busy for the last year. My priorities shifted, my friends have all seen Azumanga Daioh, I've loved and lost, seen Chicago and Orlando, went to /b/, hated it, and left, found a DEC Alpha processor in the trash, built some robots, and came up with some new ideas:

School Days remix of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Theme Song:


Now, this is a story all about how
My life got rickrolled around and around
And I'd like to take a second
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a school called Sakakino

In Haramihama born and raised
On the computer where I spent most of my days
Hackin' crackin' lulzin' all cool
And all shootin some noobs for somethin' to do
When a couple of girls
Who were up to no good
Startin making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in a love triangle and my mom got scared
She said 'You're movin' with your childhood friend in Sakakino'

I begged and pleaded with her day by day
But she packed my backpack and sent me on my way
She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my train ticket.
I put my MP3 player on and said, 'I might as well kick it'.

Third class, yo this is bad
Eating pocky out of a styrofoam glass.
Is this what the people of Sakakino livin' like?
Hmmmmm this might be alright.

But wait I hear they're insane, or just a little nutty
Is Sakakino the type of place they send this nobody?
I don't think so
I'll see when I get there
I hope they're prepared for the prince of Sakakino

Well, the train stopped and when I came out
There was a girl who looked like a murderer standing there with a knife out
I ain't trying to get shanked
I just got here
I sprang with the quickness like lightning, disappeared

I whistled for a boat and when it came near
The name said "Sekai" and it had a neko doll in the mirror
If anything I can say this boat is nice
But I thought 'Naw forget it' - 'Yo homes to Sakakino'

I pulled up to the school about 7 or 8
And I yelled to the boatsman 'Yo homes smell ya later'
I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the Prince of Sakakino


Wow............... Well now my computer is weird again! Don't know how Im going to react to the computers at school, they're weirder compared to mine.
"Life begins with a disk drive"


It's... in hibernation? lol....

I haven't really been posting much here lately, but you may see me lurking every now and then. haha

Oh, btw, the opening cermonies was fun to watch.  And the following links are presented for your amusement.


What...? Computer crashed at Olympics? Why...? I have lots of questions.
"Life begins with a disk drive"

Aurora Borealis

School started for me yesterday. On the bright side, I got a lot of the classes I signed up for! And today, one of my friends gave me a packet of freeze-dried ice cream; just like the kind the astronauts eat!

It was actually pretty good (although very dry) too!


What does freeze dried ice cream taste like?
"Life begins with a disk drive"

Aurora Borealis

It tastes like the original, but warm and dry.


Hello everyone

Where have I been?

Went to Germany for awhile, it was fun.
Got rejected or something from a college NROTC program...and by that I mean the guy never responded back to me I haven't done anything.
And I have been ripping my hair out looking for a battle menu translation for Seinarukana....

But I have been moping around too much to want to return to forums because of it. It was a fully paid for scholarship and I would have been GIVEN spending money...and then they never respond back...

So I pushed myself into videogames, and eventually came back...
I don't feel very ninja-y right now...

Is this my glorious return to forums? Give it a good chance...
So please take me back OS-TAN forums.

(BTW my avy is of Karura from Utawarerumono...she is my favorite just like Touka XD)




Sorry, cruise control was on. My bad.

Dare I say that I can feel a slight lack of life around here? Someone needs to go on a crusade and hunt some life into some old and new members!

In other news, so now I'm a third-year and the duty is mine to scare the living HELL out of the damn first-years (among them my little sister. Har har har~). Also with the version upgrade to 4.10.13 this summer I'm finally able to sleep properly. The upgrade process has also resulted in me, literally overclocking myself. My chronical perception has been pretty screwed up these last weeks, with time going slower and faster and swinging around like a pendulum on speed.

I might not be around as much as before, but I'll try. See you around, chaps.





I've been quite absent, too, over the summer. And you have time perception problems? Me too, sometimes. I swear the last couple of weeks just swooshed past me. O__O

Hope we'll be seeing you around, though.


I could get somone here...

but said person...well...I know her in real life, and is is a talented artist of sorts.

Though her finding out about my little hentai section might not be a good idea...

Well people what do you think?


well, you know her better than any of us.  
As much as I'd love for another artist to join us, it's all up to you.  

Speaking of art..... I do need to scan these random sketches of mine one day...

but alas, classes have started.  And soon, I will be buried in physics and lab work.....


I hate you Sleepy...

no, I got all the crap easy classes...though I wanted physics...

fun fact about myself:
I barely passed pre-calculus (As in I count C- as barely passing), yet I was 1% away from an A- in physics. How you ask?

My precalc teacher was a bastard. Seriously, the ENTIRE class got less then 45% on the mid term, and 50% of the class got grades averaging around C's...


didn't get in the classes you want? I hear ya...

It's kinda rare to see people wanting to get into harder classes these days.  I knew a lot of people in high school that did, but I knew even more that would just take the easy route.

Although, if ALL the classes you're in are absolutely, positively, disgustingly EASY MODO, then I could probably name a lot of the "normal" people who'd hate that too.  haha

Ah... THOSE teachers....  a lot of the time the student has to adapt more to the teacher rather than learn all the material.   Your teacher must have been a pain in the ass.  

Well, I hope you don't die of boredom this year.  And I hope I don't die of overwork. XP