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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I was awake 'till 3AM last night, and I didn't have nearly that much caffiene to go on. :(
Sadly, I haven't been to Starbucks in ages.


3AM? Who needs caffeine for that?

I was awake 'til 5AM yesterday, just because I forgot to go to sleep, and I'd had about 6 hours of sleep that night.

That's insomnia for you, folks.


:P your talking to the person that works 8pm to 8am on a regular basis, and does normal things durring the day
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


I stayed awake all night when we were headed towards Florida for a vacation once. I was slapping myself in the face trying to stay awake. I am NEVER doing that again.


I couldn't sleep the night before my Batizado. So I went through a 5 hour car drive, and 4 hours of uninterrupted martial arts training.
My system literally crashed halfway through.


Ive done 36 hour training ops before too.. now thats tired.. One moment im riding in the back of the truck, the next im 30 feet from the truck with the mortar system set up and my sergeant is yelling at me to get the data on the gun and get it ready to fire.. and im like "Sergeant I dont know how I got out of the truck, let alone what the data is!"

or driver said he kept seeing people run across the road infront of him..

Added after 1 minutes:

however, that says something about the ability for training to kick in under stress, I was able to dismount from the truck and assemble an 81mm mortar system and have it all but ready to fire wile i was techincly in a state of sleep.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.

Aurora Borealis

Military tasks + sleep deprivation shouldn't mix. T__T


:P unfortunatly they do quite often. most soldiers and marines rarely get a full nights sleep, and even when they do, at least a few get less as they take turns keeping watch
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


I dread for when I'll do my service... O_o


@Coffee debate: I'm no big coffee fan either. The only coffee I touch is the expensive iced mocha kind from the mall, with whipped cream and sprinkles and other tasty stuff on top. Now that's great!

@Techno: good to see you back, and happy to hear you're playing with Inkscape! I can't believe your computer takes a half hour to boot up, mine boots in about two or three minutes...

@Nejin: You have insomnia? Have you ever tried to treat it (like with melatonin or anything)? I couldn't function without a full 7 or 8 hours every night!

...And you're going into the service?


I went to Sonic last night and could've had a Java Chiller to see if it's any good, but I heard something yesterday on MSN that makes me want to avoid coffee for a bit. xD


Quote@Nejin: You have insomnia? Have you ever tried to treat it (like with melatonin or anything)? I couldn't function without a full 7 or 8 hours every night!

...And you're going into the service?
Chronic insomnia victim hear, yesh. Sucks shit, but it's been more and more annoying the last few years, since school takes more time. During terms I rarely get more than 4 hours of sleep nowadays, and that takes a toll on you.

And about service: In Sweden, the enlistment for the military service is mandatory for men (optional for women since 2005-ish) - however, the forces' budget has been cut over the years; thus the number who actually do their service is relatively small (and it carries a certain status with it, too). I turn 18 this autumn, so I'll likely enlist sometime next winter. I'll see then what happens, I guess, but my physique isn't exactly that of a computer nerd, so to say - thus it's possible I'll get selected for service.
Anyway. Rant rant rant. Might be topicless and all, but MEH, screw that.

Also! The final parts for DELTA are shipping on monday. FINALLY I'm getting somewhere.


Gah! I'm so sorry for the long wait. @__@ Our area had some crazy thunderstorms on Fathers Day that somehow fried the crap out of Secchan's modem so our computer wasn't recognizing any dial tone when any one was trying to sign on to the internet. But I was given the okay by my mom to install the internet on Saseko but it's really REALLY slow. But, it's better then nothing right? But yesterday, there was some power outage where I lived (that lasted for a few hours) and Moseko is making some weird (and VERY loud) beeping noises. I'm actually too terrified to turn it back on and see what was on the screen since it wasn't on when the computer was turned on. >.>'

@Aurora- Favourite subjects? My favourite subjects are History, Tech, Science, Geography, Law, Anthropology/Psychology, and sort of English. That reason is only because my strong point in English is creative writing. I suck at every thing else in English. But I can't seem to get any form of a half decent job with any of this stuff.

History- The only jobs that revolve around History is becoming a teacher. There is no way I would want to become a teacher. Those kids would break me so fast that everyday would be a nightmare. I would cray everyday at my desk... ;__;

Tech- Well, there's lots of jobs I'd love to do dealing with technology! Too bad the majority of them of have been shot down the drain. ;_; I tried to get into Communications (since they do pretty much EVERYTHING that I love) and this is what my counselor said to me:

"I'm sorry. You can't take it. The class is filled up. But here! I'll give this class called Independent Living. I think you'll love it!"

I'm sorry. I didn't love it. That was 5 months of pure torture. And guess what? I can't take it in grade 12 because I don't have the grade 11 credit! *sigh* But, not all of my options are closed. I still have my computer programming that I've been taking since grade 10. I could probably do something with that.

Science- I LOVE the sciences. Well... all except for for physics. But oddly enough, I was good at that too. ^^; I tried to take Biology. In which I was told it was full. But then he said that the University level had some spaces in which I yelled at his face to put me in it. Until he asked me, "What level is science? Applied or Academic?" I said, "Applied." "I'm sorry, you can't take it." What's even worse is that my Chemistry was canceled. So much for science.

Geography- My school doesn't carry geography classes except for the one in grade 9 (that I passed with flying colours) and the grade 12 World Issues class that I was forced to drop. Like there's really any jobs dealing with geography anyway.

Law- I'm fairly good with Law. I don't know if I would do a career in it...

Anthro/Psycho- I'm good with both classes but Psychology is my strong point between the two. I had ideas of being a psychologist but from what I've heard, you need the sciences to do it. Haha, so much for that.

English- Like I said before, creative writing is my only strong point when it comes to this subject. Even if it's my dream to be a novelist, it won't happen. There's like nothing I can do with my creative writing. Unless I expect to be poor for the rest of my life and live in a cardboard box for the rest of my life.

I don't know if colleges and universities offer science classes that you don't need any grade 12 classes here in Ottawa. Or Canada for that matter. We'll see what happens.

@SleepyD- At our school, we have 8 courses while in grade 12 you can have a spare so you'll only have 7 classes. We have 2 semesters in which each semseter has 4 classes. For example, I'll use my old schedule from grade 9. In grade 9, I had these classes:

English, French, Science, Geography, Math, Phys. Ed, Technology, and Religion (I have to take this class since I'm in a Catholic school). In semester 1, I had French, Religion, English, and Science. Semester 2, I had Math, Phys. Ed, Geography, and Tech. Semester 1 lasts from September till about mid-January and then it's exams till the end of the month (sometimes leading into February). Semester 2 is from February to mid-June and then it's exams again. Students in grades 7 and 8 fall under a different system then us.

I hope that was easy to understand. ^^;

I hope that colleges and universities offer Chem 101 but I don't know how the system works here in Canada. The counselor I have seems to know nothing and always tells me to go websites. Actually, I don't even think he wants to talk to me. >.>' Oh well. What can I do?

@Kami-Tux- Thanks! I'll keep that mind. ^^

@Bella- Photography sounds like a great career! A close friend of mind actually wants to get into photography as career himself. ^^ But you're right, the sciences are a fascinating subject and have great careers that come with it. I'm sure whatever you choose will be a career. ^v^d

Holy crap. That was a long post. O__O'


stupid counsuler, apperently they didnt have your best interests in mind like they are suppose to.

Then again Im a little jaded.  Every counsuler Ive run into from my school guidence counsuler to my marine career counsler have never seemed to have my interests in mind when they start talking.. usually it was whatever was most convenient for them so they didnt have to do any extra work to get what I wanted.  Concidering their job it to try to get people where they want to go, I feel they are wasting air.

in other news, apperently today is Bill Gates last day at microsoft.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Quote from: "Icelilly"*snip*
You're almost getting up to Sempai and Bella levels, there. Watch it, lass! You might hit someone!

Also, HOW can anyone find physics boring? Physics is the most interesting stuff there is. And to quote XKCD, "Sociology is just applied Psychology, which is just applied Biology, which is just applied Chemistry, which is just applied Physics." So everything's just physics when it comes down to it ^.^

Then again, i guess not everyone is crazy enough to understand the physics Think. Expanding it craves being literally insane, at least for a while - until your ideas reach the public (then you're labeled as genius instead).

Counselors don't seem to be worth much, it seems, but as I've never had much to do with them, I dunno. Also wrong side of the Atlantic.

Quotein other news, apperently today is Bill Gates last day at microsoft.
Whoo! Ol' Billy is leaving? Seriously?

Wait. This might not be good. Now that guy is going to FUC­K­ING KILLâ,,¢ them all! O_o