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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Hi everyone! I just got back from lessons. I had a weird dream today...
"Life begins with a disk drive"


Dreams? Ha. Aside from this morning, last time I dreamt must've been sometime this winter. Insomnia fuc­k­s me up so much. And tonight I can't even sleep a bit, all for stupid Capoeira shit.

I hate this shit.


Then why do you do it?

I did dream of various bad things and all I remember that was the sentence: "Is our health insurance valid in Bangladesh?"

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


*sighs* I'm going to be honest here about something....

I'm kind going through a hard time with certain problems and frustrations. Some with school. Some personal. I won't go into personal (since some go a little TOO personal, even for this board) but I do a have a somewhat recent frustration and fear with school. Here's why:

Next year, it will be my final year of high school. I have no idea what the hell I want to do for career (I had ideas, but they are slowly dying right now), where I want to go for post-secondary, where I'm even going to get the money, and what options I have (but I kinda feel like my options are VERY limited at the moment). When I handed in my course selection sheet for next year a few months ago, I selected the following:

English (University leveled)
Math (Workplace leveled)
Computer Programming
Chemistry (College leveled)
World Issues
World History (University leveled)
Canadian Families (which is kinda like an Anthropology/Psychology class)

Extras (in case if some thing gets removed): Canadian and International Law (University leveled), and another class that I actually don't remember.

Now, when I came to check out my classes again for next year a few months later, I was forced to change some things and two changed on it's own. This what happened:

- I forced to make a decision on either dropping World Issues or Programming. My decision? I dropped WI and kept CP. Why? Well, that falls under personal reasons. If I ever said why, I think I'd be laughed at and/or criticized.

- Chemistry was canceled and replaced with Law. Which in a way, isn't bad thing, I wanted both but couldn't fit in Law. But in a way it's not because I had desires about doing a career in the Sciences and continue taking Science since I wasn't allowed to take Biology this year. Guess there's a bunch of careers I can kiss good-bye.

- My Math level was changed from Workplace to College level Math. Now, I'm going to explain something here... There's a reason why I choose the Workplace level... BECAUSE I CAN'T DO MATH. And it certainly doesn't help that the guy that teaches that math class doesn't actually teach you anything and expects you do know the answer right away. And I think he yells at people for no apparent reason too. ;__;

I don't know what to do... I'm stuck and I have to make decisions fast. Because I have a feeling it's going to come at me faster then bullet from a gun.

BTW, I'm really really sorry for turning this post into something depressing here. I just need some advice on what to do. ;__; *hugs plushies*

Aurora Borealis

^Whoa... That is tough! I'll try to help although I do not know if I am any good at all but...

For careers... well, what are your interests and favorite subjects? Surely you could find a career in that?

For getting money for college, the vast majority of students get their money from student loans and try to get scholarships to reduce how much they must pay. They also often have part-time jobs to (usually to help pay off said student loans) but I do not know how the heck they manage to go to school, have a job, have lots of homework to do AND still get some sleep! I'm very intimidated by the thought of that :(

Keeping programming I think is a good choice. Programmers are in high demand!

It's a bummer that you didn't get your science class for next year, but you could make up for it in college, right? If so, you shouldn't rule out science-related careers completely- especially if it was something you really wanted to do.

Man, it absolutely sucks that you got moved up to a harder math level than you can handle, and with a not very good teacher either! I was in that exact same situation in 7th grade. I got through it but not very well :(


Quote from: "Icelilly"
And it certainly doesn't help that the guy that teaches that math class doesn't actually teach you anything and expects you do know the answer right away. And I think he yells at people for no apparent reason too. ;__;

Wow... that's stressful. I wonder why he yells at people like that?
"Life begins with a disk drive"


Dang, that's a lot of classes.  How does the time/week schedule work out there? My high school only gave us 6 classes.  Are some of the classes 1 semester long?

As for the crazy teacher: Different teachers, different attitudes.  A good student doesn't just study the material, he/she studies the teacher.  

Easier said than done, I know, but at least you can try to see what you can do to get on the teacher's good side.  Or even the side that doesn't get noticed. I know I chose that route a lot. haha

I will say this though, nearly every field in the sciences requires some high-level math.  Certain fields more than others.  

In college, even if you do decide to take the science route, most colleges will let you take Chem 101.  There's no problem in that.  Some people just get unlucky when it comes to getting the class they want.  You could explain your passion for the sciences in your college application essay.

If you need any assistance from my point of view, I am majoring in aerospace engineering (math and physics up the wazoo) here in the US, and with a minor in computer science, I can give a small insight into that area as well.


This penguin also knows quite a bit of math and can help as well.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


That sucks...and I agree with SleepyD, that's a helluva lotta courses! I only have like, 7 classes O__o

I guess I've been really lucky to be doing as well as I have in school...I have found that, even though I am a very creative person and enjoy reading and writing and stuff, my favorite subjects are actually those that have to do with mathematics.

I agree that a good teacher is crucial. All throughout my young life I really hated math...nothing "clicked" for me. In high school everything has really come together for me when it comes to math, though; this is due to my teachers. I also try to maintain an upbeat attitude even about tough subjects...

and I am unsure of what career path I may take, as well. I've always assumed I'd get into some artistic field, probably photography or writing...but then again, something about science fascinates me, especially physics...I look at it almost as "learning how the universe is programmed", I mean, leaning what makes everything work as it does. But would I want to make my living as scientist or physicist? I'm don't know. My family is certainly a bit freaked out, they think I have a talent for it ^////^

Aurora Borealis

^Your experiences with math class are similar to mine too!

Although in elementary school, I was great at math.But when I took pre-algebra in seventh grade, it all took a turn for the worse! My teacher was not very good- he did not explain things at all and expected everyone to know the answer but I was struggling with all of the new stuff because it just didn't 'click' and the teacher of course was not much help and I barely got a D in that class.

Although when I took Algebra 2 in 10th grade, I finally understood all the stuff that I struggled with in junior high and I was actually doing well in math again since then! (and of course I had had much better math teachers since then too)


I'm through with math now, and I'm happy with it.

But that's just because I'm too lazy to study...

And now, my problems might not be as big as dear Icelilly's, but still...

So I'm off for a weekend Batizado (Capoeira Graduation stuff), right, whilst my family buys a fukken dog, right. I also end up emptying my bank account, or damn close to it. And I'm cool with that, since I'm getting my paycheck next week, and I don't have much stuff to buy, and the dog thing was pretty planned out, etc. BUT. Now when I come home and turn on my computer, the first thing I see is my Thunderbird giving me a flashing "Important Message - Please Read" from my e-mail provider, Bluebottle.

Turns out the service has been canceled, and I've got 5 days (WTF!?) to get a new one and inform everyone about the change. That includes account information for I don't know how many forums and shit.

So. RAGE. I've lost faith in the internet now. Maybe.
So I'll stay over the water with my IM mail now, until I get my pay and can buy myself my own hosting. So I'm pretty pissed. Fukken shit.


Wut? >_>



Good grief, i missed a whole page of randomness while i was gone...
(officialy i am still gone, i'm just hijacking my neighbours internet for a while until my own connection is here) :P
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


H-H-H-HIJACK wait, this is topicless, anyone can hijack it. Silly me.

Wut, unprotected networks? AHAHA OH WOW, losers.