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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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blue-ray and HD don't affect the hard drive.

Blue-ray is a more effective way of reading/writing CDs,
HD (High-definition) just gives your TV or Moniter (if capable) a better picture.


i know tht blu-ray will be able to hold 25Gb/200Gb and tht HD-DVD will be able to hold 20GB/60GB .... that abt it



yea, that's holo-ray, its still needs the support of microsoft, or apple to become a standard, or at least get it's foot in the door.
but you forget that blue-ray is what the PS3 is going to use, the PS2 is the current most popular game consol. followed by X-box and GameCube.
If people don't buy the X 360, and wait for the PS3, blue ray should become main stream.

panda added the following  1 minute after last message :

isn't that suck a stupid tat? yet I kinda like it



That's nuts, panda-san. :D



I know blu-ray is goin to make it big in japan, it just the other counties like the usa, UK or china some where big .....

and panda stop play god .....making Hybrid cat, bird or cat, weird looking thing .... all this power will go to ur head and ur become a hybrid pandan, human and cat thing ..... lol ... really u won't be able to hide the eats and then u become anime star and have ur own tv show and become a big hit ... c do u really want tht ... stop and think


panda added the following  18 minutes after last message :


Q4(V) reminded me the link the gallery wasn't here, so i put it. About the pages problem, yes i'm aware of it and i'll try to fix it ASAP, but i'm really somewhat very busy atm  ;hi


i think we'll get by. . .


dam it i have a cold *cough cough* and now i'm goin send it you HAHAHAHA
*cough on web site* *cough out blood* 0.o err blood dam i trying to hard to cough, arrh i send it in a e-mail as a cc to u all HAHAHAHA ..... i missed a lesson become of this dam evil cold, it was basketball ... i like BB ;015. wht will make me happy is get a fighting machine lol
and panda i can't c the pic


god, it sucks being a teen, . . .


Why's that, Panda?

I guess I'm not a teen anymore, but I've had my share of teenage pain T_T
If you ever want to talk, I'm around <3
So cute it\'s deadly!


Its not really me, but my parents.
I know I'm not the best kid, but I'm better then average.
But they are usally fighting, and insulting each other behind each other's back.
It might be better if they got a devorce. . . as long as I go with my dad, he's the better of the two.