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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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The weather here is insane ._.

I don't like the up and down, up and down, cold to warm. It really messes with my allergies! (and makes for a sneezing Codi)

I hope everyone else isn't under the weather!

In the meantime, I'm waiting on my shirt pattern for XP-tan. Fun!
So cute it\'s deadly!


I did an e-brake in my car, at about 10 m/h it takes about 4-5 ft to stop in nice weather.
. . .
if I ever have to really e-brake I'll be in trouble.


well it is cold ... and that it we do have warm days but it rare

e-brake, is tht hand-brake or something


an e-brake is an egmergency brake, like if you slamed on your brakes.

a hand-brake is when you pull the parking brake whale still driving.
(parking brake is that lever on the left, the horzontail one)

panda added the following  7 hours 22 minutes after last message :

s^p codi?

panda added the following  8 minutes after last message :

I've been looking into getting a motorcycle.
hmm, I'll need a jaket, gloves, pants, bike. . .
expensive. . .
and still not bike. . .


Aye, panda-san. Such special clothing sure can get to one's wallet. ^^; As I think I told you earlier, motorcycles aren't really my cup of tea; I have a driving license for a car, but don't really like driving that either. I just prefer walking/cycling/train-rides. ^^;


Nothing really.. I just ate dinner, I ate too much.

Hobbies can get so expensive! Sometimes the accessories cost more than the actual hobby itsself! XD

I don't really like driving either.. I live next door to my work, and about a 10-minute walk from a shopping center.. so if I can walk to a place, I like to do that. Better for me anyway!

I'm pretty bored though .-.
So cute it\'s deadly!


i stirckin to walkin, bus or some drive me there now!
those gloves look scare ... i don't like bikers or motorcycle ... wht if u ride 1 and crash .... scary ....

oh i found a floppy .... *look through floppy* ... very nosey ... look at all this work HAHAHAHAHa *give floppy in to lost a found and not deleting it* ... can't believe that ppl still use floppys .... i use usb x3 and media card, so far i got 128, 256 and 512 x2 .... then there my hard drive 400gb sata, 200gb sata, 200gb IDE, 20gb IDE and 4gb IDE ... but friend has 1.5tb=1500Gb .... he has so much more stuff then me he has a lot of anime / manga ... and that y i have so many HD, it's a lot easier to get stuff off him ... i was thinkin tht i should take all his HD and computer stuff away, but he had a little problem with tht ....


My uncle is missing his left leg below the knee because of a motorcycle acident.

gezzz. I only got 80 GB and I have to share it with 4 other people.


Motorcycle? nah. Even when I have a driving license, I preffer to take a bus or walk, it brings less stress than driving.
And some ppl still use floppy's Ã,¬Ã,¬ (just for some computers in school that have the USB port "hidden" in the rear). But I just got a 512 Mb USB memory, and I have 1 of 128Mb and 64Mb. In the computer: I just have 1 HDD of 250GB (but only 230 GB available...the remaining 20 GB are gone with the OS (Win XP home) and the  "partition bug". DVD's are useful, i have 40gb of files in those things (anime, music, programs, anime, anime, anime, music...did I mentioned that I also use DVD's to store anime?).
I dont recommend to have more than 60GB in a HDD (even when its of 250GB), because the computer starts to turn sloooow...even with 1Gb of RAM


QuoteQuote from : panda

gezzz. I only got 80 GB and I have to share it with 4 other people.

Where are those times when 2Gb was all that was needed... *sigh*

Or rather, those times when a C-cassette could hold a game and you could spend the loading time outside mowing the lawn... *another sigh*

I've a 10Gb hard drive on my older computer, the Tripo-1. The newer Tripo-2b Luton nowadays has two 160 Gb hard drives, called Shisutemu Ekusupii and Ooesu Emuii. ^_^ Most of the space is still free as I had a dramatic reformat during the summer with only a fraction backed up, but things are slowly starting to accumulate again and fill the room... ^^;


errr DL, DL, DL ..... if u say his name 3 times he will appear and kill then fix the site lol .... does any1 else have a problem with the site ... like having the same post on two different pages ....... and the links not workin right ... go to page 21 get on 20 to to 23 get on 24 ......

C-cassette, i don't want to know how old they are .... i never hear of Cassettle tht could hold games .....

Hey Darknight_88 ... can have all ur anime plzzzzzz ... lol .... and Pitkin can u tell be abt Tripo-1 and Tripo-2b Luton, like wht they are, wht they look like and any link abt them, i did try to seach of it but i only found u and DL again on blackdiam talkin abt (i'm not a stalker {y did i say tht now they goin to think i am 1 now ....awwwww *run around in a circle* }) ...... oh and can also have all ur anime .. lol ... tht gose of any1 else who has anime .... can i have it plzzzzzzz ... lol .....


Oh, I've just named my computers Hereford-1, Tripo-1, Hereford-2 and Tripo-2b Luton so I wouldn't have to refer to "my first PC" or "the second computer". Such models do not exist... ^^;

Commodore 64 supported C-cassette games, along with those huge floppies and also cartridges, in 1980s. Many of my all-time favourite computer games are from that period. ^_^

About the nasty page bug, it's also present in the other forum. Been there for a while. v_v


err so is it going to be fix soon by DL or may be u ......

man i have to give my 20Gb HD to my little brother .... i'm goin to need a new HD ...  wht size hhhmmmmm .... wht price ... cheap ....  hey any one give away a HD ... lol ....

hey dose any1 Blu-ray and HD-DVD ..... i like computer tech, want to know a lot ....


Oh, I'm absolutely no good at technical things (at the moment at least, next autumn I might have the chance to actual learn scripts at uni ^^; ), so I cannot promise any fast fixes coming from my behalf. DL-san's extremely busy at the moment with some other websites, so I don't know when he'll find the time to fix this. :|