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Topicless thread

Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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QuoteQuote from : DarkLord

Just noticed the auto positionnement on forum don't work. I'll fix that (you should have told me)

What on earth is auto positionnement? ^^;


yo PitKin-san ..... wht up

edit : again missed him

so many more ppl, let c if i can talk to them:
bobthecreep, CaptBrenden, DarkLord, Darknight_88, Kotaro, Omega_Sephiroth, Ominous Innuendo, panda, Pitkin, rdhdtwns, shinsei, VisualGoth

and D Lord auto positionnement, did u make tht up?

D lord making things up, thts very  ... *think of made up word, to look smart * .... unintelligent .... dam it tht a really word .... wait it i'm goin to made up a word .... waddam ...


Hiya Q4(V)-san. ^_^

Today's lectures have ended, and I'm at uni. Had lunch with a girl from the Japanese class, and now planning to go home soon.

How about you? Been up to something today? Oh, and what have you done again to get down to the 7th level of hell? ^^; I remember taking the Dante's Inferno test and getting into either the 2nd or 8th level. Or purgatory. Or limbo. *cough*


well just had english ... and we did some dramer thing where i got a B and right now i'm in class ......

and the 7th level of hell is the last level were u can not come back from ... tht wht a believe ... wht a done to get there long list .... so tht's tht

and i want to go there look like fun .... no really i want to go ... no joke


Well, err... whatever makes you happy, eh? ;179


i don't know wht would make he happy .. but it would make me feel better to go to hell

and do u think tht auto positionnement is a made up word?

Q4(V) added the following  2 minutes after last message :

let test this merging business

man class is end no 1 is doin work and the teacher lettin them get a way with it ... i got to stop posting on this site and do some work ...... yes i will

##edit by Pitkin: Sorry everyone, closing this thread temporarily. The silly bug which gives the "Sorry, no posts exist in this topic" message keeps turning up every time another page would begin. This thread will act as a testing zone with its 420 replies. I'll open a temporary Topicless Thread 2, till the bug's been dealt with, after which the two threads will be merged again. *corrects glasses*

##edit again by Pitkin: Opened. ;179


To continue from the Topicless thread...

Q4(V)-san, auto positionnement has to be Frenglish word for auto-positioning. ^_^

Made-up word in English, definitely.

Sorry, by the way, that I vanished; had some typing to do elsewhere. Hope you got some work done in the class. ;179

We'll return to the original, panda-san's Topicless thread when the silly bug with new pages in a topic has gone away. DL-san will do that when he has time, so don't complain to him. He'll just hit me. ^^;


I made a workaround for the bug, i hope this will work (i didn't notice problems elsewhere so far...). I merged the other thread with this one and reopened there  ;hi


ok them .... i guess i can post in here ...... and this will be my 120 so bye win 95 hello something new ..... and if this don't work i'm posting some else ...

work errrr .... wht does this word mean .... is it another made-up word no wait i remmeber now i did do some work but not tht much ... man i did do some work in tht class but only a little ... hahaha ... and now it time for class ... hopfully i do some more work ... lol ... wish me luck .... i'm goin to need it.....

Q4(V) added the following  5 minutes after last message :

yo Darknight_88 & Pitkin sorry got to go c i laterz


Hiya again, Q4(V)-san (and others as well, of course)! ^_^

Had a few hours of classes today already, and now I'm free to go home again. Got myself a ticket to night's ice-hockey match as well, yay. It's been a few weeks since the last time I saw my favourites play.

Have to go now for today, ta-tah, see you all later. ^_^


errr really should not be here ....but if i can get some 1 to help me then it will be ok .... so any1 want to write an intro for CPU,RAM,Hard disk and motherboard

ice-hockey game sound cool and cold .... if there a fight take picture and then join in .... for the fun of it .....  tht wht think ice-hockey is abt


Since the forum is the main page of the site i'll remove this url :



Not my cup of tea ....... lol .... it just a can't understand a word of it
Hey D lord can you bring some of the things  from the old site like the shout box or the link sites and stuff i miss the old ways and like the new ways ...... so let have both


QuoteQuote from : Q4(V)

Not my cup of tea ....... lol .... it just a can't understand a word of it
Hey D lord can you bring some of the things  from the old site like the shout box or the link sites and stuff i miss the old ways and like the new ways ...... so let have both

Since you surely know i own already 3 public sites so yes i'll do it but i can't guarantee doing it fast :D (gallery and getting rid of the portal took already a big time ;) )

I also expect to separate ostan forums from blackdiam ones (it's like this at the moment) since it brings finally more problems than solutions to me :D