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Topicless thread

Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


I finished a first shot for the gallery, any comments ?


QuoteQuote from : CaptBrenden



indeed, and you will never know what I truly said
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.



'ey, panda-san! Sorry, I missed you a while ago; was watching a funny movie: Romancing the Stone. ;179

Now Indy's just cool, no person with just a sword can match him. *nods*


Test to see if it still shits with "this thread has no topic"....

DarkLord added the following  37 seconds after last message :

Test to see if it still shits with "this thread has no topic"....

DarkLord added the following  9 minutes after last message :

I changed some settings, please tell me if it still bothers in future (i can't make hundred posts to try du to my anti-double post feature :D )


Oh, we'll be sure to complain loudly if it keeps occurring, DL-san. ^_^

The new gallery's nice, thank you very much. ^_^


About other minor features that were on older site (shoutbox, etc...) i'll make them asap there. It wasn't necessary IMO to keep a half-dead portal just for those.



What is the next feature you would like to see // What is the feature you miss most ?


Oi to yourself, panda-san! ;179

The most important ones are here already in my opinion, DL-san; gallery and forums. The quotes can be collected inside a thread if needed, but maybe the shoutbox could be implemented to the top or bottom part of the forum. ^_^

edit: Oh, I've just learnt to love this smiley: ^_^


Just noticed the auto positionnement on forum don't work. I'll fix that (you should have told me)


there are a lot more ppl registered, logging in, but not tht many posting

D Lord i can't double post yyyyyy ;066

and i'm late dam bye bye


QuoteQuote from : Q4(V)

there are a lot more ppl registered, logging in, but not tht many posting

D Lord i can't double post yyyyyy ;066

and i'm late dam bye bye

Yes i wonder why ppl register without posting... even if i have an idea bout ot :D

About not being able to double post, it's a feature not a bug, if you do a double post it should be merged with the previous one. (if the 2 posts are more than 12 hours different, they will be separated however)