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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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evas are so much better then gundams anyways
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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but if you ask my opinion...

Why are Gundams better:

- Gundams are better because when you got hit you aren't immediately dead/hurt
i mean if the right arm of a gundam got shot away, you don't feel the pain of losing the right arm (like in a Eva).

- Gundams have a BIGGER Weapons arsenal than the Eva (but this depends from Story-time)

- Gundams can fly and some of them can go to space

- Gundams don't have a Electricity cable connection on the back

- The selfdestruction-exploding-radius (excluded Freedom and Justice) is smaller than a Eva (if a Eva explode a whole/entire City will blow away)

- Gundams don't go amok/beserk

- The Maintenance of a Gundam is a lot shorter than a Eva

- The Cost of developing new types of Gundams are cheaper and faster

- You can put an A.I into a Gundam, so you can fight without pilots too
~Everything is learnable!~
It comes only on it, how much strives and time you put into it.
And there arn\'t better or worse for us artist only different!
All Artists have their own individually styles and all drawings have their own good sides!


Well... many of those just make the Eva's more realistic, doesn't it?

But hey, I went to Harry Potter 5 yesterday, in an overcrowded theatre, which is weird considering that it's the only film that has been playing this week and the size of the community.
I'm not going to spoil it for anyone, but I'm going to warn those who read the books, it's (again) not close to be the same as the book.


Quote from: "C-Chan"*Godfather theme music*

*Don C mumbles incoherently*  Â¯o¯

[Translation]: Yo, welcome back Penguin God!  Where in the world have you been, btw?  Just when we're drawing Linuces and Unices left and right, you're not around.  -v-

TY! I have been studying for my finals :(

Must catch up on the new Linuxes and Unices though!

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


well, on the other hand, In a fight, a gundam couldnt even harm a eva.  normal weapons like they have are useless.  With out an AT feild of its own, it would be torn apart like so much tissue.

On top of that, gundams are generic.  They are just more faceless robots with nothing to really make them stand out. Other then the mecha samurai look they give them, they dont seem really any different then mecha from just about any other anime, they just became one of the most popular.  

The eva, now thats unique... I biomechanical mecha that contains a human soul, and was created with the soul purpose of defeating gods holy messangers the angels and keeping mans claim to earth and their very existance.  

Their "flaws" are what make them interesting.. Invincable robots with guns sticking out of every plausable surface (and sometimes not plauseable) like the gundams... thats like taking a machinegun and full body armor into a fight with 40 unarmed guys.. yeah numbers are in thier favor but cripes..

Now each battle with the evas, now that was something.   A time limit, each battle they had to conqure a new type of foe stronger then the last.. each time having to function within their limitations pushing themselves to the limit to win, now those were battles worth watching.  

Even their designs are more unique.  The silloette of an eva is like no other. It dosnt blend seamlessly into the giant mecha genera.. it stands apart from them.  

Evas are simply better then gundams.

but since we are talking eva vs gundam.. i feel this is relevant:
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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QuoteTY! I have been studying for my finals

Must catch up on the new Linuxes and Unices though!

*Don C mumbles incoherently*  Â¯o¯

[Translation]: Stay for the PCLOS-san, not the UNIX-sama....  ^^;

*scurries off*


Quote from: "CaptBrenden"well, on the other hand, In a fight, a gundam couldnt even harm a eva.  normal weapons like they have are useless.  With out an AT feild of its own, it would be torn apart like so much tissue.

So much truth in this post
Indeed, a Gundam would never stand a chance against an EVA. Or at least, a very little chance.
Destroy the EVA power source from long range (VERY long range), stay away from it for 5 minutes and the Gundam is good to go. Unless plot device activates and EVA goes into berserk mode :D

QuoteOn top of that, gundams are generic.  They are just more faceless robots with nothing to really make them stand out. Other then the mecha samurai look they give them, they dont seem really any different then mecha from just about any other anime, they just became one of the most popular.  

The eva, now thats unique... I biomechanical mecha that contains a human soul, and was created with the soul purpose of defeating gods holy messangers the angels and keeping mans claim to earth and their very existance.  

Actually, Gundams have a face. Don't know why, but it reminds me the face of a dog :D
About evangelion design...I don't think it really classifies as a mecha >_>
It's just a giant creature with armor and a hole in its spine to allow connection with the pilot.

QuoteTheir "flaws" are what make them interesting.. Invincable robots with guns sticking out of every plausable surface (and sometimes not plauseable) like the gundams... thats like taking a machinegun and full body armor into a fight with 40 unarmed guys.. yeah numbers are in thier favor but cripes..

Now each battle with the evas, now that was something.   A time limit, each battle they had to conqure a new type of foe stronger then the last.. each time having to function within their limitations pushing themselves to the limit to win, now those were battles worth watching.  

But actually, Gundams aren't really that unrealistic when you take into account that they're usually the "next generation" mecha. It's like taking a F-22 into a fight against F-5's. VERY small chance for the F-5's to win. Only another raptor or ZOMG CHINESE STEALTH FIGHTER can put up a fight. Or a very skilled pilot.
Each their own, I actually enjoy both Gundam and EVA fights.

And suddenly, an Armor Slave joins the battle!

I think it'd stand a better chance against an EVA in close range. Lambda Driver can do some awesome things.

Armor Slave = best combination between "real robot" and power H4X :D



*uncounted blade comes attacking any nearby eva or gundam.*


If we're talking about an actual Eva VS Gundam fight. the only Gundam Large enough to battle an Eva is the Devil Gundam in the G series(which is ironic since evas fight angels). Looking at the 15-19 meter tall gundams fighting a 40 meter tall eva its unlikely that any gundam could win.

The eva would just probably eat the gundam.
My my, aren't you lovely~


and once again.. I point out the lack of an AT feild to cancel the evas AT field.  I mean.. evas can take blasts that level cities, there isnt anything that a gundam can bring to bear on them that will harm them short of taking out the power supply.  even then, hello berserk mode, or S2 engin.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Quote from: "zjhentohlauedy"If we're talking about an actual Eva VS Gundam fight. the only Gundam Large enough to battle an Eva is the Devil Gundam in the G series(which is ironic since evas fight angels). Looking at the 15-19 meter tall gundams fighting a 40 meter tall eva its unlikely that any gundam could win.

The eva would just probably eat the gundam.
Smaller would be best IMO...
Gundams already have little to no chance. Making it a larger target doesn't help.

and then, if you take into account...
Quoteberserk mode
...yeah, the Gundam is pretty much screwed.
Best option  for the Gundam would be  to run into space and nuke it from orbit. Several times. It's the only way to be sure >_>
Quoteor S2 engin
GOD mode Hax, anyone?


Still, If I had to put a "conventional" mecha into a fight against an EVA, my bet still goes for an Armor Slave equipped with the lambda driver, and an ace pilot. I think it's the only "real" mecha that can really have a real (but slight) chance of defeating an EVA


once again, nukes may not do it :P think of the blasts the evas took on a regular basis!  the left craters a nuke would be proud of. only the angels were able to hurt them because AT Fields can be used to nulify AT fields, nothing else.  The eva wins, hands down. I love armor slaces but i still dont think they have a chance either...
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Quote from: "CaptBrenden"once again, nukes may not do it :P think of the blasts the evas took on a regular basis!  the left craters a nuke would be proud of. only the angels were able to hurt them because AT Fields can be used to nulify AT fields, nothing else.  The eva wins, hands down. I love armor slaces but i still dont think they have a chance either...
oh well...If you're not using an EVA-00...then I counterattack with a Dirac Sea attack!
try to get out of there without running out of life support systems and a berserking EVA :D

Don't remember how the AT field worked exactly (what generated it), but I guess the Lambda Driver (with an expert pilot) could do the job if the AS  ambushes the EVA: get a good shot to the pilot plug, using the LD to pierce through the AT field, and the EVA is dead.


watch the series again :P  the only time ANYTHING peiced the AT field without nulifying it first was when they used all of japans power to fire 2 sniper rounds out of a high power partical beam cannon.  I dont recall anything of that magnitude used in FMP.  

Thats why the hundreds of defence systems and even N2 mines (nukes) failed to do much of anything to angles or evas other then give them a sunburn.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


The Absolute Terror field (AT field) is the physical and psychological barriers which maintains the separation of intelligent life. It is, in theory, what keeps others outside of ones conscious. There are very few things that can pierce an AT field (The Lance of Longinus and highly focused particle beams). The EVAs generate them by melding the consciousness of former pilots into the cloned shell (aka Yui, and Asuka's mother)