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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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my sister is on a air force bomb squad.  woo.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


looks like something out of Dr. who


shit fuck fuck fuck shitty shit fuck

I'm falling one class, and the teacher's called my parents, . . .

shit fuck fuck fuck shitty shit fuck

I'm going to lose privlages. . .

shit fuck fuck fuck shitty shit fuck

so, I might not be on for a while.

shit fuck fuck fuck shitty shit fuck
shit fuck fuck fuck shitty shit fuck

panda added the following  55 minutes after last message :

(well, I never really was happy)


Hang in there, panda-san. I trust to see you back again. :|


they haven't said any thing to me yet. . .

panda added the following  19 minutes after last message :

I was just told that half of rugby is drinking songs. . .

panda added the following  18 minutes after last message :

Otter Box, water, dust, dirt, sand, and drop -proof cases for electronics and other things. kick ass.


shit, my dad just said that my teacher called. . . so it begines. . .

it doesn't help that the teacher is racest, and admits to being racest. . .
She's a sub-bitch, you'a know, those people that aren't full out bitches but are kinda after you spend time with them.

panda added the following  34 minutes after last message :


yep, Im in big truble. . . can't talk. . .


Sounds bad. Sorry to hear that, panda-san. :L

Come back when you can, aye?


try writing a resherce paper in two weeks. . .
On a person who is insulted in the scientific camunity. Ryle, Gilbert.

I could write a great one on Hitler; you have to admit, he knew how to get power and speak, but that's it, he sucked as a general.

panda added the following  4 minutes after last message :

My parents are also talking about how "its going to make getting into collage harder", what the fuck!? Who said I was going to collage!? I'm probibly going to go to jail for some thing, or become a cop/marine. . . They say they don't pressure me to do any thing, but when they're yelling about how I'm fucking up my chace at collage is very suggestive that they're presuring me to go to collage.

It wouldn't be that hard to kill them. . .

panda added the following  9 hours after last message :

panda added the following  49 seconds after last message :

isn't that clover with the skulls cool?

panda added the following  2 minutes after last message :

Humans are suck pathetic creatures. . .


Naturally Hitler sucked as a general; he was nothing more than a corporal in the army, after all. It's true, he was a great speaker and had the charisma to grant himself the power to rule a recession-ridden country, but other compliments from me he'll have hard time getting.

Please, panda-san, killing your parents or even thinking of such won't make anything better. :(

Try to see the positive sides in life, the long cat for example. ;179

As for myself, I began a new course at uni myself today, the macroeconomics one. I've been looking forward to this for a while already, so it's very interesting at the moment (the teacher is a hilarious, pseudo-boring man). ;179


I woun't do it; they don't desserve it. though it might be mercy killing for my mom. . .
besides, there are many more people that desserve it. When I'm going to do it, they're first.


I'd let those people live their own pathetic lives and ignore them completely. After a long while, in the future, you could just look back and think "gosh, they were bloody fools" and laugh at them. :|


I'd still like to skin them.


"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.
