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Topicless thread

Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: "C-Chan"..............Ano..... Gummuntu.........? ^^;
I hope that means you're planning to train her how to use a violin, and not the more traditional pairing of cat+violin.

I'm gonna try and train her, although it's something I wouldn't really do alot, just when I'm really bored, and hey! She can already plock teh strings.

Quote from: "Bella" you  ;015  I won't even go there.

;013 Please don't


show a pic of the kitty or she doesn't exist! hehehe
My my, aren't you lovely~


Do not spam! Spammers will automatically be blocked!

hummm ..... this is a topic thread?

well .... i hope to no beacuse all her anwers are spam ......

*joke =P

well.... see ya ... thanks for the post!!


I just wanted to say Happy Independance Day to my American friends! ^_~


Quote from: "zjhentohlauedy"show a pic of the kitty or she doesn't exist! hehehe

Oh and check out my new fancy blog!
Please ask if you need some translation.

And happy independence day yanks.


yes, the day when people get drunk and play with explosives :D

Im working tonight, fully geared, at a apartment complex with known drug addicts and dealers, they are gonna be drunk, probobly high, and possibly angery and will have explosives (tho they arnt soppose to in the city limits)  so im going out there with bodyarmor, pepper spray, batton, couple of pairs of handcuffs and possibly my gat to bust heads.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Erm... good luck and don't try to kill anyone...

And don't die!


What Gummster said! O_O;


Happy 4th of July, Americans!

Quote from: "CaptBrenden"yes, the day when people get drunk and play with explosives :D

Im working tonight, fully geared, at a apartment complex with known drug addicts and dealers, they are gonna be drunk, probobly high, and possibly angery and will have explosives (tho they arnt soppose to in the city limits)  so im going out there with bodyarmor, pepper spray, batton, couple of pairs of handcuffs and possibly my gat to bust heads.



Happy Fourth of July everyone!

Quotehummm ..... this is a topic thread?

Gomen, but you are wrong. This is a Topicless thread. Therefore, no matter the comment, one is incapable of being off-Topic here. Sure, from time to time we develop 'themes.' Those, however, last but a moment, being soon irreparably interrupted.

Though if I may ask, who is 'she?'


Are you meaning she as in Yuki? Or someone else I missed?


Ah, no. Sorry for not being more clear on that. It was on the last page (Something like 'all of her posts are spam')

Do be careful, Captain-san! I'm sure you are more than capable of handling yourself, but it would be very sad if you never showed up on the forums again! Make sure you stay safe, okay? ^-^


Darknight you crack me up XD

oh and I forgot to mention, I upgraded my D. Eagle.  Its not a 50 :D
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


You take care captain.

The kitty exists! cute but weird color  though.

BTW the American independence day is also my brothers birthday!
My my, aren't you lovely~


Quote from: "zjhentohlauedy"BTW the American independence day is also my brothers birthday!
Really?! Tell him I said Happy birthday! <3