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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I also have know idea what that pic was about, but if tsubashi-san didn't make it, then who did?
My my, aren't you lovely~


Anno... ^__^'
That's a screenshot of my console when I tried to connect to my server, Aftiel-san. The RSA key is something we use to make sure we are connecting to the same computer as before. Without them, some malicious hacker might intercept the transmissions without our knowledge. ^.^'


Two questions:

Why are you giving your servers names of angels?
When you say "we", are you meaning to tell us there are others managing your servers, or am I missing something obvious?


Answer 1:

Since you correctly identified Aftiel as an angelic name, you probably know of his ruling realm. Aftiel is the angel of Twilight, my favorite time. My vampiric origins explain that one, but Uriel (My best server, thusfar) was named because it is my flagship server. Truly the "Flame of God" among all my others ^^'
I guess it is just for fun, something left over from my childhood obsession with the hierarchy of angels ^-^'

Answer 2:

No, I'm the only one with admin access to Aftiel-san. I was trying to differentiate between those who do, and do not use RSA keys. Gomen nasai!


I just wanted to tell everyone you probably won't be seeing much of me this summer/early fall.

My folks travel all around rural New England as photographers, and I come as an assistant. Pretty much the entire time we're either at campgrounds (we have a motorhome), art shows or festivals, and not often do they have an internet connection.

So after next week, don't be surprised if you don't hear much from me until next October :(


QuoteSo after next week, don't be surprised if you don't hear much from me until next October



*prepares Seppuku gear*

Well,... *sigh* ...guess there's no reason for me to go on.   ^^
Goodbye c-r-u-e-l  w-o-r-l-d!!!!   ;^0^;

*catapults off sword*

*lands in open pressure cooker*

*closes lid and sets timer for 4 hours*


Noooooo..... Bella-chan... ;o;
Don't leave me!!!! *runs after you but trips*
I'm so lonely ;__________;

But on a more happier note, it's my birthday tomorrow!!! ^o^
*gets prepared for cake*


*taps from inside pot*

[muffled]  Happy Birthday, Lilly-san...


*taps pot*
Thank you C-Chan! <3


Take care Bella!!! ;hi


Happy Birthday Icelilly!! :birthday:  ;214  ;220  ;215


*turns off pressure cooker* C-chan is ready!

Where's the cake
My my, aren't you lovely~


*Unplugs Pressure cooker*
Senpai... ^^'
*Stands Guard*

Lilly otanjyoubi omedetou gozaimasu! ^o^
Omedetou gozaimasu!
*Bakes a Cake*

There you go, enjoy! ^__^

As for Bella-san's departure, I hope your trip is fun! We will miss you a lot. It's been fun watching you develop into a confident and competent Linux user! I'm sure the Linux thread will lose steam without you! ^^'
Just promise you won't stop drawing, please? I love your masterpieces, so while we will all be deprived of them while you are gone, when you come back you will flood the forum with creative goodness, ne? ^v^


thats quite the cake. happy birthday and all that *slinks back into the shadows*
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Ah! Captain-san! What a chivalrous person you are, to not take advantage of Senpai's vulnerable position (Since I'm hardly a match for you ^^')

The Shadows are the best place, ne? Less sunlight and undue heat. ^__^


T_T be grateful, Im working towards a being a kinder gentaler space marine
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Arigatou Gozaimasu, Captain-san! You certainly are a marvelous person in my books! ^-^