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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Only one class is open 24/7, while the rest close at 8pm. There's always room in the open-all-hours class, though, so it's alright... excluding the fact I cannot stay online all night as I have to sleep at home anyway. :D



panda added the following  11 minutes after last message :

so, how you been?


So and so, to be honest. I keep going through these waves in my mood; feeling very well at one moment, and suddenly most utterly depressed (never self-destructive, though) about things at the next... some issues just keep bothering me. Fortunately, talking to an online friend helps almost every time. :)

You? Apart from the CD...


o the usall stuff, thinking.
the normal thoughts about slaughtering humanity, death, murder.

why haven't you posted in the fethesis topic?

panda added the following  6 minutes after last message :

Pitkin, are you the one hiding?


I cannot bring myself to posting, panda-san. I cannot find the courage for that so easily. :|

edit: The one hiding? ^^;


people say that about me all the time, that I'm so curagious, but I'm really not, I just speak my mind.

panda added the following  57 seconds after last message :

if your not the one hiding who is? One of the new members?

panda added the following  2 minutes after last message :

the member who is "hidden"


Aye, someone else than me that is. ^^;

I'd like to think I'm courageous myself, even though I hardly ever speak 100% directly what I think. I try to be very careful most of the time. Mostly I act like a coward, though. Oh well, oh well...


well, this is the internet, speak your mind! its not like real life where people can make it extremly missrable.

panda added the following  3 minutes after last message :

unless people you know in real life read this fourm. . .


Ahem, but I have a fairly tamished reputation already elsewhere... at least here I can be all pure and innocent. ;179 (Super Ego: Yeah, as if that would happen...)

Well, I promise to post there, perhaps later on Sunday? ^^;

edit: They might. ^^; Almost every person I know online knows this site, even though they're not too interested in OS-tans. -_- Also, among those onliners there are two people I know in real life as well. Not like they'd do anything to me, though...


No ones pure, NO ONE.
but go ahead and post.

QuoteQuote from : PitkinFortunately, talking to an online friend helps almost every time. :)

go ahead and talk to me if you want, shal' I add you to MSN messenger?


What? Are you saying I'm not pure? Preposterous claim! ;179 Of course I know that no one's pure. ;)

Sure, add me if you want, panda-san. ^_^

edit: I'll post a bit later; right now I'm about to die here... I had to wake up early, work for nine hours, after which I sat down to the computer and haven't moved since... eight hours of reading and chatting. ^^;


no, I'm not saying your not, just that you can't compleatly be pure.

read my PM.

panda added the following  1 hour 8 minutes after last message :

hey capt.



I spent today packing to go back to cali and looking for vol 8 of mohoromatic again, to no avail

Ill be leaving again soon for cali, but its only a 19 horu drive so Ill be on again tommarow
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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did you see the fetishes topic?


Yeah, Im looking at it right now
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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