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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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QuoteQuote from : Pitkin
panda-san, you don't seem to be highly popular on that site... :L
I'm not.


Why not? The whole site seems horribly negative-atmospheric in general as well...


just read this and this.

panda added the following  1 minute after last message :

also this.


Blimey, that was one heck of a... thread. I'll read the remaining two later, I don't think I can take any more hatred tonight. :L

You're brave, talking about such an issue even online. I hope somewhere in the future the world would be different so that one wouldn't actually need to be afraid, when such matters come up. Hopeless wish, eh? -_-

edit: Oh yes, also many members behaved correctly. Nice to see not everyone was hostile...

edit2: I can guess CaptBrenden-san will keep on being vexed even from now on... with that treacherous GNU/Linux title of his. :p ;179


I'm not sure if I'll go throught with it, as much as it pains me to say. I mean, I'm 6'2", big medium frame and build. . .

panda added the following  5 minutes after last message :

just so you know, that last one is me complaining about humanity. . . almost a year ago.


humm, *thinks back to one of the trans generation comics he read*  seems like (at least in the first one) that you may want to test the waters a little more before posting somethign like that again,   seems most people are far less accepting then us
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Well, I know only one person there in real life, so the death threat really didn't mean any thing to me. I mean unless he was obseced with killing transexuals, he couldn't do much.

panda added the following  49 minutes after last message :

hey capt.


hey panda.

you know for some reason when I said that just now I had azumanga flashbacks to osaka asking about pandas.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


well, my screen name is panda. . .


"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


it was suppost to be an img, but when I tryed the url it didn't work, and I can't remember what img it was.


Hey, panda-san and Captain!

How's it tonight? I'm having sore eyes after staring the screen for hours... ^^;


not much, just got back from trying to find a CD of Anti-heros.


Ah, "trying", you say... does that mean you didn't find it?

Me, I had my last day at work this winter. On Sunday I'll move back to my student appartment and start working on school again. No more 24-hour-internet access from home, but have to rely on uni computer class instead. Shucks. :|


this is what I was looking for, I'll figure I'll just order it off line.

That sucks pitkin, only in one class?