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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I remember seeing screencaps on /a/ once of this in action, it looked pretty good. Its paid software, but theres always torrents :p


you know, I didn't greet anyone Happy Pi Day on Wednesday.

Well Happy Pi Day. XD;

....and since when was I WinXP?


Quote....and since when was I WinXP?
*Checks Chart*
10 post ago!


Quote from: "C-Chan"
Amiga-tan circa 1985.

Another great Amiga-tan rendition, she's cute.  ;010

Sorry I haven't been around more, and I seem to have missed out on quite a lot of things lately.  Usually I drop by, but I don't read up on all the posts all the time as the forum has become quite busy! (Which is good, of course).  

I posted some of your work (if that's OK) on an Amiga forum which I drop by sometimes,  and they liked it very much.   ^-^


I don't want to bring back old topics, but I need to do, cause seems some people now are taking me as a secessionist...

Quote from: "NewYinzer"Listen, C-Chan, you need to calm down. Sure, they're a bunch of bitches. However, they bring up a good point - our wiki isn't doing so great. Before you claw out my carcass, start thinking. Our site has been in need of a critic or two. We've been building it up like a golden cow, only to find that in the eyes of some - it's just a bloated cow. I like this site - I'd do whatever to defend it. However, we must be open to criticism. Sure he said a lot of things that are dumb - like how our designs are infringing on Nijiura's copyright. However, he did bring up two important points:
- There are advantages to anonymous posting
- Our wiki isn't that great

Quote from: "C-chan"Feel free to change and evolve as much as you feel it's necessary, but do so respecting what makes us strong and unique.  
Now now, New Yinzer has spoken everything I think.
No, I don't want another Waka here.
I DO support Anonymous posting, but I never said it should be over the whole boards, and it MUST be  moderated to avoid flame wars. There are advantages (and disadvantages), but I'd NEVER support any kind of proposal to change this into an all-anonymous forum. I just suggested that allowing that kind of posts in certain subforums, because I think it would increase critics and therefore allow improvement (improvement, not a complete change of everything we know).

But that doesn't means that I don't like the way this forum works right as it is now, but I think it could be improved in some points without changing everything.

Quotelike how our designs are infringing on Nijiura's copyright.
That's something that really makes me laugh, thinking that OS-tans are property of some small group and that they should be created only by Japanese people at japanese sites.
I certainly think that every character created here has the same validity as any japanese design, but I do recognize that for that to happen, it needs overall recognition from the whole community, not just from us. That's why I suggested changes at the Wiki. I do not think that we should give up our ideas, but we should also take into account the whole OS-tan community to avoid becoming the next Dejavú.

Quote from: "C-chan"I want people to learn about different systems, and I want everyone to realize that new things can be created and everyone can play a role in that creation
As stated up there, I have nothing against that. In fact, I DO support that.

well, as final:
I don't want to change everything here, but I want it to improve even more and without. I tried to make myself clear at that, but I guess I failed :D.
And If anyone felt like I was attacking or trying to destroy everything here, I apologize for not explaining myself well enough. :)


Well, that topic aside...

Well, not taken home, but It explains my opinion pretty well :D

This has to be the best one from your works, it really shows a HUGE improvement over everything you have done before. Looks like you have started to vary the width of your lines, and it really helps, makes it more lively and interesting. The coloring works its also better than before.

Seems we have a strong nominee for the wallpaper contest...

P.S: in before "tl:dr"


QuoteI don't want to bring back old topics, but I need to do, cause seems some people now are taking me as a secessionist...

I'm very sorry if I spoke in a mean way, or said anything insulting. Please let me assure you I meant no harm.

QuoteI DO support Anonymous posting

Which is absolutely fine. I understand the desire for anonymity, and perhaps if you had suggested such things at a different time, it would have been received a bit better. Suggesting this right after a wakachan flame war was, in my opinion, was quite tact-less. (Sorry if that is rude)

like how our designs are infringing on Nijiura's copyright.

That is absolutely ridiculous! We might as well say that the entire OS-tan concept violates Microsoft's copyrights!

QuoteI don't want to change everything here, but I want it to improve even more and without. I tried to make myself clear at that, but I guess I failed

Like I said before, I think you should have waited before suggesting Anonymous posting

QuoteWell, not taken home, but It explains my opinion pretty well

Mine too!!! That is utterly Amazing! Astonishing! Astounding!
*Continues listing compliments A-Z*

You can't stop!!! You have to finish it! Everything will work out, ok?

In conclusion, I'd like to apologize for any snide, mean, or otherwise insulting comment I might have made. It wasn't the best day... ^^'

Added after 1 hours 21 minutes:

Ooh! Random note: My post count is 1234!


Hehe at least we have some interesting convo around :p

Everyone is free to have its opinions (hopefully ^_^ ) so everything is ok. I hope also you understood my anonymous board was a joke, since i think this whole matter is just stupid (more exactly, it's the way it was shown which was stupid more than the matter itself).

I may agree to make 1 (and only 1) anonymous board, provided it matches the followings :
- Same rules as regular forum. Anonymous doesn't mean "Now law area". And rules are just common respect, nothing restrictive.
- 2 members to keep a close eye on it, not forcingly CaptBrenden, for bakas and for bots (i can't guarantee posting bots won't invade it).
- There will be no support for this forum, and i won't take any suggestions or ideas from anonymous users.
- The forum will close anytime it bores the regular members or me.
- Keep in mind that IP and other browsing informations are logged anyway, therefore your anonymity will be only for members, not admins.
- Enough people interested ( > 10 )

If you are fine with that, and if you want that (== if it's a request from here and not because of fashion), then i may do that. (any other board will just not become anonymous, and i won't change mind on this unless exceptionnal things happen :D)

Also, i'd like nobody to insult or flame against wakachan or any others, because that'd mean we are as stupid as those who say the same. There are suckers everywhere, it's not wakachan fault.


QuoteAnother great Amiga-tan rendition, she's cute.

Sorry I haven't been around more, and I seem to have missed out on quite a lot of things lately. Usually I drop by, but I don't read up on all the posts all the time as the forum has become quite busy! (Which is good, of course).

Thank you AmigaBob.  
As an honorary Miggy guru, your praise carries much weight to it.  ^__^
I'll be transferring that pic over to your thread momentarily, since it's job here is done.  I have a lot to say about her design and what to expect later, but I'll do it there instead.  -.-

QuoteI posted some of your work (if that's OK) on an Amiga forum which I drop by sometimes, and they liked it very much. ^-^

Thank you again, AmigaBob.  ^v^
Amigans are known to be notoriously nice, so I think that's perfectly alright.  I just feel bad I haven't drawn a picture of her with her squirrel yet.  -___-

Can't do it in the current one cause that's her 1985 version (Amy wasn't around yet).
And the gala is far too fancy for that.  Maybe if I try a quick oneshot chibi attempt, perhaps?  ^__^

Well, not taken home, but It explains my opinion pretty well

This has to be the best one from your works, it really shows a HUGE improvement over everything you have done before. Looks like you have started to vary the width of your lines, and it really helps, makes it more lively and interesting. The coloring works its also better than before.

Seems we have a strong nominee for the wallpaper contest...

Thank you, Mr. Darknight.  ^__^
Forgive me if I just focus on that aspect of your response, since the rest of it deals with stuff that's behind me now.  -v-

The lines came at a cost of significant time expenditure -- maybe not as bad as I thought (since it's still vector-based), but certainly progress was slow enough to have made me suffocate back in the old days of my "Chibi-a-Week" endeavors.  -v-

Admittedly (and I've told you this in a PM), I've lost my speed somewhere around December, and despite my desperate attempts to restart it, nothing's worked.  Until I can get that back, I'm doomed to creating pictures that take hours, days and months to finish.  ;___;

That's one of the reasons I've pulled out of the Desktop Contest, aside from the other reasons I mentioned in my last post.  I was becoming too narrow-minded in my effort to finish something by April, and aside from impacting my presence here, it also began impacting some very important RL things for me too.  That's got to stop, so I am now officially.  -____-

Sorry if I'm gonna deprive you guys the luxury of seeing Fedora-dono wear an eComstation avatar for 3 weeks....  ^v^'

If it's any consolation, I am still in a collaboration with a very talented person on a wallpaper, so something C-chan-related will still be available for voting.  ^.^

QuoteMine too!!! That is utterly Amazing! Astonishing! Astounding!
*Continues listing compliments A-Z*

You can't stop!!! You have to finish it! Everything will work out, ok?

Thank you Tsubashi-donoe.  ^__^
Once I transfer it to the proper thread, I would be curious to see A through Z now.  ^v^'

She will be finished, but the wallpaper's progress will be open to the public, essentially from start to finish.  That way, I can allow more user input than in my previous drawings.  I really want to side more towards this kind of transparency, since I think it's better for everyone.  Besides, most of my best work during the past 2 months has been tucked away behind the scenes, and I just can't stand hiding things anymore when what this forum needs is even more art activity.  >_<

- Enough people interested ( > 10 )

If you are fine with that, and if you want that (== if it's a request from here and not because of fashion), then i may do that. (any other board will just not become anonymous, and i won't change mind on this unless exceptionnal things happen )

Just so you know, I nay.  But thanks for visiting Topicless either way.  ^.^


I can't help it, i feel at home here ^_^


*alarm sounds*

Warning: Alert About NewYinzer's RL Coming Up! Avert Ears!

*alarm stops*

Just so you know, in about 24 hours I will be away from OS-Tan collections for 7 days. My family is going on vacation to the tropics and I will be unable to contact you. I might stop in if I can find a computer, but it looks kinda unlikely. I will be active for about the next 24 hours, but I thought I might give you a heads up. Before I leave, I will give you all another warning.


Transmission concluded. Resume normal activities.



Enjoy your holidays!

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!



Ooh! Holidays! Doko, doko? Nani, nani?


Thanks for your kind words. Just so you know, I will be going to a former British colony that gained independence in 1973.


injoy holodays while thier there