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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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3 hours is still bearable..
here we had a typhoon and our internet connection got cut because of a fallen tree.
no net and electricity  for about 2 weeks.
i could have killed myself!!
My my, aren't you lovely~


i thought aroura aready hit 666 posts o_O is it staying like that or am I thinking someone else we noticed that hit that point?
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I think that was me.

Remember, I posted but it didn't change
See Here


2 weeks without electricity? :o that is harsh.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!

Aurora Borealis

That sure is! 2 weeks without electricity, now that's awful!

Today at lunch I asked my friends about the winter storm and how badly they got affected. One of them lost power for 3 hours like I did, one of them was completely unaffected and didn't lose power at all (lucky him!) but another of my friends lost power for 6 hours and he's a computer junkie like me! :(

The longest I've been in a blackout was a whole day but I managed pretty easily (luckily this was years ago, before I used a computer and/or the internet reguarly!)


it makes you wonder what would happen to all of us if all electrical things die out. ;063
My my, aren't you lovely~

Aurora Borealis

Civilization would go backwards! Our society is so dependent on computers and other electronics, electronic-related businesses would be sure to collapse, retail people will have to relearn how to use the abacus or do math on paper which is not as nearly as efficient as using a calculator, there'd probably be an urban-to-rural population shift, we'd have to resort to hunting again as supermarkets wouldn't be able to function anymore, exchange of information would be very limited...

And then the computer, TV and videogame junkies would go absolutely insane!

Scary thoughts! :(


people would be playing counterstrike on the streets, with real guns!! ;026
My my, aren't you lovely~


The longest blackout I've experienced was two days. The longest I've gone without electricity, however, is only a couple of hours. It helps when you have rich friends who are terrified of the "Imminent Nuclear War" ^^;

Aurora Borealis-sama is right. All the worlds superpowers' economies rely so heavily on electronics, the world would be in Chaos if they all disappeared!


whoa, 2 weeks. That's a lot. I think there have been similar cases in the farthest areas of my city, 1 or 2 weeks, usually when there's a severe storm.
In the last blackout (around 4 or 5 hours), the thing I missed the most was...electric fans. Not really easy to sleep when there's 35Ã,°C and a lot of humidity in the air. Yep, that'd be it. I could survive a few days without using the computer :D.... Like 1 or 2 days lol

Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"Civilization would go backwards! Our society is so dependent on computers and other electronics, electronic-related businesses would be sure to collapse, retail people will have to relearn how to use the abacus or do math on paper which is not as nearly as efficient as using a calculator, there'd probably be an urban-to-rural population shift, we'd have to resort to hunting again as supermarkets wouldn't be able to function anymore, exchange of information would be very limited...

And then the computer, TV and videogame junkies would go absolutely insane!

Scary thoughts! :(
Indeed, specially in developed countries and urban areas. The first consequence would be looting and civil unrest. In a long term scenario without electricity, I don't think we would resort to hunting a lot, as agriculture doesn't necessarily needs machines to do the work (yet, it would be more difficult and less productive). Warlords would appear.

and the suicide rate in japan would increase exponentially, specially in all the areas near Akihabara :D


Quote from: "zjhentohlauedy"people would be playing counterstrike on the streets, with real guns!! ;026
and without spawn points :D

Aurora Borealis

I've heard a news story a couple years ago about 7 teenagers who actually went outside, gathered their weapons (shotguns, chainsaws, etc.),and  fought counterstrike-style, thinking they could respawn if they died! NOT WHEN 4 ARE DEAD AND THE OTHER 3 SEVERLY INJURED! (or something like that. I don't remember exactly)

It's sad. Boo-hoo sad for their being (horrible) deaths and severe injuries and pathetic sad for actually thinking they could respawn!



They deserve darwin-awards!! They really do!

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!

Aurora Borealis

Probably did! I mean, what the HECK makes people think they can respawn?! And speaking of Darwin Awards, one of last year's top Darwin awards involved 2 people making real lightsabers and fighting each other with them! That making it to the DA's, it does not end well...


I was in psychiatry (to visit someone, mind you), you'd be amazed what some people think...

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


The ending of Arjuna paints a pretty convincing picture of life in a developed country with no electricity (although it goes the extra mile with no PLASTIC OR OIL too... ^^').

I would imagine some chaos in larger cities, but smaller communities should be able to pull themselves together.  For one thing, there are such things as portable generators; and we know,... from recent events,... that people can scrape a living for years with only a few hours of electricity per day.  -v-'

(Certainly it wouldn't really impact a good 80% of the world's total population, which have no such amenities or don't make much use of it to begin with.  -.-)

And in lieu of standard modes of AC power generation, the more resourceful among us will remember that you can still power machinery via other means (or at least pony up the money for it).  Solar and Wind power for one thing.  Landfill gas and biofuel another.  
Something like this could easily render fossil fuels obsolete, as it could turn every building, in the developed or undeveloped world, into it's own power generator:

And with an ongoing power "blackout", you would have to do some serious arm pulling to convince people otherwise (good luck without TV).  ^^'

And then, at the very least, to get your manufacturing up and running again, there's always good ol' steam power.  -v-
So you go back a few decades,... ah well, at least you're putting some
people back to industrial-level work.  -.-
Hopefully the rest get busy with constructive work as well.  -v-

This, of course, is assuming peacetime extended "blackout".  Wartime induced disabling or destruction of the power grid is a whole different story altogether.