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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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OK, so after more bullshit with Taz (she threatened to report me to a child exploitation site for chrissake), I had to block her on EVERYTHING.

So she's gone... at least for the foreseeable future


That sucks :[
Hopefully, things will work out. I've had my share of unreasonable people in the past that I've had to cut ties with :\

On an unrelated note, I think I need a new mattress sometime soon, although the big issue is not having the money for it right now, since I'm trying to save money for my trip next month


Quote from: Ye Olde Swagfag on February 13, 2017, 01:54:22 AMOK, so after more bullshit with Taz (she threatened to report me to a child exploitation site for chrissake), I had to block her on EVERYTHING.

So she's gone... at least for the foreseeable future

I'm sorry you're going through this. You did the right thing in a tough situation and she reacted badly ... it's really out of your hands at this point.


Welcome back ^^

>TFW successfully knocking out two items needed for a cosplay from trips to local thrift stores -w-


Was just passing by, nice to see some activity around.

So, Hi o/
Nobody wants to adopt a lonely rabbit ? ~.~

Dr. Kraus

Bonjour Fedora!
Good to see you around again!

I hope that everyone is doing well, I've started getting into crunch time with university but it is enjoyable.


Thanks for the support, guys

I got a PSP, I guess.


@Fedora: Hi :3
@Swag: The PSP is honestly an underrated handheld; there's a lot of great games on there, especially if you're into RPGs.

So, I'm slowly getting everything in order for my trip. In doing some testing last night, I think I might need to find a different shirt for my cosplay; as the sleeves are a little short on me, although, given that it was a Goodwill find, I can't complain too much. The skirt isn't even close in style, but the color is just right, so I'll go with it unless I stumble onto something better later on.

I do still need to tell the parents about my trip, and iron out the logistics; if I can talk my dad into dropping me off at the airport, I can make my trip longer


Greetings Fedora-Tan, Aurora and Kraus! S'good to see you around!

Been trying to balance "work" (school) and life better this semester, so I've been working on homework more from home instead of hanging out in the lab until the wee hours of the night, so far I've had a lot more free time and been less stressed, but it's also paradoxically stressful to enforce time for work and time for play. :(

Also, it sounds like Stew is very close to having full time work near Washington DC, I'm really excited about this because then we'll finally be able to live together after I graduate. Is that happens I'm either going to try to find an internship/work in the DC area, attempt freelancing (or as I like to call it, become a "programming mercenary" because that sounds more cool) or pursue grad school, or maybe a combination of those things.


@Bella: Sounds nice in regard to you and Stew :3

So, my dad is now aware of the plans for my trip, and is willing to drop me off at the airport. Now, I just need to tell mom about it tomorrow, and then when my tax return shows up, I'll start to hammer out the details with Kari on the flight and going to the con.


Sounds good, Bella and Penti-chan!

I'm in bus for Paris right now. Going to see a play tonight. :)


Nice :3

Mom is now aware of my trip. Her only request is, for convenience, that I come home on Tuesday rather than Wednesday (Not too big of a deal; I plan to time the return flight so that I'll arrive when dad gets off work).


Hope you had fun, Pitkin!

Also we definitely have to arrange to meet up when you come up here, Pent! How long will you be staying?


I plan to fly up on 3/30 (Arriving in the afternoon), and return home on 4/4 (Leaving in the afternoon). The convention itself is 3/31-4/2, leaving 4/3 as an open day for whatever :3


my search for the one continues