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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Leaf: Seconding Bella; hope it goes well :[

@Bella: If you're around, pop up over on Skype or FB? :3


So, I filed my taxes, and...yeah; so much for bumping my savings back up, paying more on the car, or fixing up 2k, as I didn't get anything back. At least I didn't owe this year, but still; all my plans are out the window now. I honestly don't know what to do now; I can't afford to repair 2k, and am left wondering if I should either just say "fuck it" and sell off some of my rarer games to fund repairs or just recycle it and focus on moving :\



@Leaf: I take it, it's not going well with the new foster family? :[

Also, my dad's laptop is garbage. Just printing this return label is a nightmare :\


@leaf: *hug* i hope you're feeling alright, even a little. it sucks ass that things have worked out this way, especially since you're an older teen now--do they honestly think that you're not alright to make your own decisions about health by now? regardless, hopefully the new family treats you nicer than the old one, and if you can, talk to a caseworker (not your current one, she sounds like a bitch) and let them know the old family were assholes. >>;

@pent: good luck with the computer woes. it's strange, usually you get at least SOMETHING back, even if it's small. :\

new glasses, new hair! and oh so glad to have the next 2 days off. =__=
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@Kari: Indeed; the assistant manager thinks maybe my W4 isn't filled out correctly, so we're going to look into that (We were going to tonight, but it was so busy that we never got a chance to)


@all of you:

thanks for the support, guys. i really do appreciate it. the new family ARE nicer, i can confirm that. unfortunately the social services are doing all they can to control (and in turn ruin) my life, so I'm kind of depressed about that.

i won't vent with poor grammar and dank memes, i'll just hope that things work out


Palemoon ate my post. ><

@Swag: your foster family might be able to help with that, in that case. see if you can get a new caseworker. (i mean, you're about 17. what the fuck can they do to control you at this point...?)
@Pent: good luck getting that worked out, hopefully your boss knows what's up. my boss emailed us two days ago saying that the W-2s have been mailed out, so now we're just waiting on the post. :\
(wonder if i can wait to file and get a slightly bigger bump....)
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Hi from Dallas - i'm here for business only sadly. Going back to France this weekend...


Hope it goes well. Things are shitty here; I absolutely despise one of my coworkers, and really wish they'd just fire that pothead already, as I'm so goddamn sick of him trying to get me to do drugs and have wild sex like him, because that's all he knows, ergo it's the only way to live.

I fucking hate this place I'm trapped in, and if he tries this shit again, I will file a complaint and potentially walk out. I don't even care if it's the Super Bowl; if he tries that shit, I will file a complaint with the managers and will walk out if they refuse to do anything about it. I'm tired of everyone's sick obsession with my nonexistent sex life and the fact I don't do drugs.


Depending on how much he's prying into your sex life, I think you could have a case for filing a complaint with whatever relevant corporate authorities there are. His boss might also want to know how much he loves doing drugs, since that's probably against company policy as well.


drug test tiiiiiime~

so Softy (my laptop) is dead. she can't boot anymore. in my panic and frustration this evening, me (and i dragged Steve, i am so fucking thankful i did) started to drive over to my sister's.

but we had a snowstorm today.

despite it having stopped hours ago, and the roads being plowed a bit, it wasn't perfect in some spots. case in point, we slid off the road and into someone's front yard, into their bushes, narrowly avoiding their mailbox.

thus began a saga of phone calls, me awakening my RESPONSIBLE ADULT MAGICAL GIRL POWERS by signing up for AAA, and good samaritans stopping to see if we needed help. it took 2 hours for the tow truck to come. i was wearing a track suit and a tshirt. i wasn't even wearing a bra, for fuck's sake. Steve's parents loaned us each a sweatshirt, but otherwise we were sitting in the dark and cold as the battery was starting to go, so we couldn't turn on the heat. we got a gradual tow, a jump, and now i am sitting here 3 hours after this whole ordeal began with a creakier neck than ever and feeling like a slowly defrosting piece of meat. my tits are so cold they're in pain. reeeeally knew i shouldn't have gone out today.

also, i knew that dead fox yesterday was a bad omen.
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@Bella: Indeed. Although there isn't any audio, both of us were on camera at the time, so there is video evidence of him being near me, so I need to find an opportunity to sit down and talk with our boss about it (We were so busy tonight, that I never got a chance to bring it up).

@Kari: That sucks :[
I'd lend you my heating pad, if I had a way to get it up there to you.

Work went better tonight, since the problematic employee was not there. There was another one I have issue with, but he's just an incompetent moron that everyone is annoyed with.



@Leaf: Cool :3
IF you don't already have it, get Super Mario Galaxy. It's good -w-