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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Well, Internet and phones are out city wide...except AT&T, as I just borrowed dad's iPad and it's working fine. I just wanted to get this message out somehow; I'm doing fine, Some frustrations aside. I'll be on tomorrow, hopefully

Odin Yggdrasil

Someone screwed up it sounds like.


Indeed. It's back up now; hopefully with no further delays


Glad you got your internet back!

I'm looking forward to finally being able to rest, but I'm sad I won't get to hang out with my friends almost every day anymore. ;__;

I'm also panicking over finals. :|


Mmm :[

So, on New Year's Eve, I'm going to have the house to myself : D


I had a long, elaborate post about this but it got lost so fuck everything.

I just wanted to sort of tell my OSC family something that Kari and Pentium already know. I wish to - for the first time in my life - dye my hair totally.


Why? Because I've wanted to do it for a long time but have never dared before. I'm a flaming liberal at heart but my style's always been closer to a Bible-belter. Some / a lot of people might think this is a silly thing to do or that I'll look ridiculous, but it's something important to me.

When? I'm going to have my hair cut a little first. Then, I'll dye part of my hair. Finally, it'll be totally blue for the Pride season, unless for some reason I really change my mind. Possible, yes. Improbable, yes as well.

What's with this coming out? Well, I felt I wanted to tell everyone about it. Like I said, it's something important to me. Also, it will land me in very deep trouble with my parents, who'll probably just disown me afterwards, but well, fuck the police and all that. :p

Thanks for reading this messy post, anyone who did. S'all.



Don't let your dreams stay dreams Pitkin!

>that feel when your chances of living a happy life with your SO /may be/ collapsing faster than matter into a black hole and you basically want to do nothing but cry but you have to make it through finals.

I stayed at the lab until 10 tonight because I knew the minute I came home I would start self-pitying and not want to do anything. -__-

Goujer (she/her)

I always thought that unnatural hair colors looked better when done completely vs half way. Follow your heart and DO IT!

Bella may we both get through finals unscathed, and any one else in here doing finals right now for that matter.


nothing should stop you from doing what you desire the most


your parents are immature. there are A LOT of other things to disown a person for than self-expression. :0
click to make it bigger


Thanks Bella, Lego, yeolde and Choco for the encouraging words! I'm very sorry Bella that you need to be going through such feelings, I sincerely hope things'll work out for you.

The hair-dying thing has been on my mind a lot (yeah, my life's big questions :p) and a couple of weeks ago a very close person had their head shaved despite issues it would bring with their family. Their determination inspires me as well.

To elaborate a little the bit about my parents: first, they have no say in what I do. Back in time they used to really have their hands on my life, but especially since moving countries they've realised I'm the only one to control myself.

Second, they and I went through a really difficult period that lasted several years over a half a decade ago and had they wished to disown me, they would've done so back then I suppose. I've not been very open about that particular time in my life here, but I feel the time to change that isn't really very far away.

Third, my parents live by the principle, "Career is the thing that matters the most." Everything they judge might hinder one's chances at job search, promotions or golden parachutes is automatically bad and banned: unusual/gender-non-conforming hairstyles, hair colours, tattoos, clothes, shoes, political opinions/activity; religious conviction or lack of it; hobbies, you name it. Everything's to be scrutinised from a potential ultra-conservative and bigoted employer's point of view. Conform and contain yourself, you'll fulfill your life's goals by doing accounting and working stable hours. If you wanna have a good time, just give 'em a call.


My personal life is imploding but I think I just aced 3/4 finals (4th is tomorrow), at this point I'm wondering if my academic performance inversely proportional to the quality of my life at any given time. Go me?

Goujer (she/her)

The school paper in celebration of the end of the year realeased a gag newspaper today, that I have to say might upset some people. There were articles about ISIS setting up a booth at the career fair next semester, a girl dropped her tampon and switched schools, teacher askes for extension on the time to grade an essay after getting addicted to Breaking Bad, the fired athletic director picked up a bunch of pervy things out of his office as he packed up to leave, the rise of hate groups on campus, and the doozy, the real reason racial profiling was removed from police descriptions was because they ran out of colored people to arrest.

I thought they were all funny but I know some ones jimmys are rustling out of control because of it. I've actually seen people go around and tear up stuff on campus like this before so you never know.


I guess it depends on how it was written and whether it punched up or punched down, but some of those seem over the line even to me.

So it turns out the one and only thing I was looking forward to on break, getting to see Stew, might not happen, which almost inevitably means I won't get to see him until summer. Fuck my life.


fuck me
today was boring