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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I have a burning question about ELO to this day:
Who is Bruce, and why is he trying to bring them down? :P



(welcome back, Odin. congrats on the nuptuals. -w-)
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thanksgiving is so damn confusing this year....
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@Leaf: That they are -w-
@Kari: That it is :\

Tomorrow, long shift at work. Bleh


do you get holiday pay? probably not, right? :\

i made some mockups of tile schemes for my client yesterday. of course she picked the difficult one. i don't really mind, and it's gonna look awesome when it's done, but all the same, this is suuuch a bitch to do.....

because it has a 3d-look to it i have to tile each piece individually instead of tiling a section, copying the section, and pasting all over to make a quick background. an hour and a half and 50 layers later i have the top 2 inches or so done (it's a 1080p background, so not much). maybe i should charge her an extra $5 for this? but i don't want her to be like, "you should have told me!! we could have picked a different one!! ;^; "

not how it works, bucko. ;v;
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No holiday pay, no sick pay, no vacation time, shit-tier medical insurance that's just a prescription plan, and the only holidays you're guaranteed off are Thanksgiving and Christmas (Since the store is closed; all they have is a manager come in to get dough ready for when they reopen). Welcome to Hell: We have pizza


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Quote from: Odin Yggdrasil on November 22, 2015, 03:02:51 PM
I had been listening to Prologue/Twilight, (Daicon IV opening on youtube) but today I had a listen to Fire on High.

Good choices! Yours Truly, 2095 is my favorite song from Time, I also really like Sweet Talkin' Woman, Telephone Line and Mr. Blue Sky.

I was really unproductive the other day, I was at the lab all day and into the night but only got a few hours productive work done. The rest was spent being frustrated with my code and/or goofing off.


So it turns out i am in Arkansas now, moved down here like a month ago to stay with my mother and four siblings.
Found a job at Sonic as a car hop, about 5.40$hr or something with tips. That has actually been going well, one day i got like $37.00 in tips.
When i left Rhode Island i had a girl i was staying with that I was "fwienbly" with to say the least (miss spell intentional)
I miss her dreadfully but thankfully i can still call and text her constantly, a privilege I exploit as much as possible.
Which to my happiness is mutual.
Simon was here :P


Sounds nice on the job, bro.

So, Happy Thanksgiving Bird Day*; here's how my day went:
*I was sleepy when I got up to get coffee, and told dad "Happy Bird Day"

Phase 1: There was a guy named Joel; not too different from you or me~
After leaving the house, we arrived at grandma's house, as everyone ate; my uncle's spicy mac & cheese was pretty good, and the cheesy broccoli & rice my sister made was shockingly good...and mom made some of the Cheddar Bay Biscuits from Red Lobster (They have box mix for it *w*). Once I finished, I grabbed one of my brownies, went to the back room, and setup my laptop to catch the MST3K Turkey Day Marathon; coming in at the end of Outlaw, and catching Eegah and most of Gorgo when connection issues interrupted me. By the time those issues set in, I decided to actually visit with family (Some relatives I haven't seen in a long time had just shown up). It went nicely, and eventually, we left to go home (As it began to rain), drop off dad, and then prepare for Walmart.

Phase 2: You're a kid; you're a squid
We arrive at Walmart just before 5PM...and the setup this year was simply baffling; in past years, one could freely grab any of the lower-tier items they wanted (DVDs, games, etc.), and only had to wait in line for big ticket ones (TVs, laptops, etc.), while this year, you had to wait in a line for every last thing. I initially was going to throw in the towel because I felt Splatoon wasn't worth the extra long line...but my mom decided she was going to wait in line to get the DVDs she came for (Mostly for season 8 of The Big Bang Theory; as she already owns seasons 1-7), so I decided "eh, fuck it" and waited in the extra long line, chatting with the people in front of and behind me to help pass the time, while hoping that Splatoon doesn't sell out (I did have that happen in the past, with the Guitar Hero Double-Pack; they had maybe 5 copies tops to go around, and sold out before I figured out where they actually were). Thankfully, I was able to get it, and then began to try and track down mom...while evading a former coworker I did not care to see or even acknowledge the existence of (That asshat that worked nightshift). I wasn't able to find her, and she wasn't answering her phone, so I began to try and figure out where the check out line was.

One employee just, a few seconds ago, said where it was, but when I tried to ask, she cut me off quite rudely and said "I don't know where anything is" (Amazing; my former boss would have scalded her with the fury of a deep fat fryer for speaking in such a tone), as I continued to wonder around, eventually finding the start of the checkout line. It took what felt like an eternity for me to finally be able to check out, as mom began to text me of her progress waiting in line to check out (She was on the opposite side from me, it seems), and when I finally got to the register...the person in front of me is having issues with getting their TVs. Finally, I was able to make my purchase, rejoin mom, and then we went back home.

Phase 3: [JonTron intensifies]
Arriving back home, not really feeling like getting back out to go to grandma's office, I settle in and watch new JonTron. That's where we are now; I'd say it was a pretty good day, all things considered.


@Simon: glad to hear you're well! are you initially from AK, or did your family move there? if it's the former, it must be sort of nice to be back in your home state. :0

@Pent: glad to hear you had a nice time with your family. it's your dad's side, right? if not i'm amazed you could even have a conversation. xD

>be me
>wake up at 8am
>fuck this shit, too early
>roll over and attempt to sleep, get up at 10am
>go in house, wait in line for bathroom behind Steve
>Steve's mom is cleaning, music is blaring, exchange a few pleasantries on the way out
>go back into room, have breakfast, proceed to dick around with Don't Starve for a few hours
>hurriedly get dressed around 1:50, 2ish
>go inside, realized i really rushed for nothing since only his parents and uncle are even here
>have some food, chat a bit, Steve's younger sister arrives with kids in tow about 15, 20 minutes into it
>eat and chat moar, Steve's older sister shows up with son and dog in tow
>chat and go outside with kids and dogs for a little while
>go back in and have pie, chat a bit more
>fuck this noise, we out (4pm)
>Steve gets changed as i get frustrated with my craptop while trying to fix some music that didn't copy properly
>fuck you laptop
>drive off toward Mel's
>fuck fuck fuck i forgot the food
>drive back
>pick up dessert i made for Finch and Mel
>arrive at Mel's around 5
>give birthday present, Mel loves the items, give pie filling, dog is not amused by cinnamon
>shoot the shit for half an hour and get two calls from Karen, mention to her that we are not going to make it for dinner but are still coming over, sorry
>leave there around 6
>go to parents' house (arrive around 6:20???)
>too stuffed for real food, i have some cider and pie and Steve has one of their allergy pills
>do inventory of manga
>shoot the shit again for an hour or two
>bid them farewell and herrpy thrnksgrvrng (8pm)
>drive back, put stuff inside, go out to car and do more manga inventory
>settle back in around 9ish
>be me now
>Steve is napping and i am finishing typing this at 10:27pm
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Sounds like a good day, yeah :3

Also, yes; it was my dad's side. My mom wasn't even willing to go see her family xD
(As she mentioned, gatherings with dad's family are just more laidback than with her family)


I had a mediocreish Thanksgiving dinner, on my computer table because the dining room table (and the island, and the breakfast table) is buried in junk, did nothing productive and watched MST3K for like 6 hours, I'd call that a draw.

It's easy to feel like an ungrateful fuckwit because the turkey was slightly dry and the candied sweet potatoes sublimated into some sort of instant-diabetes-inducing inedible sugar goo and my life crappy in other distinct ways*, but at the end of the day I'm free, I'm housed, I'm relatively healthy, I have food and water and a computer which puts me ahead of a heartbreaking number of people on this earth and means I really don't have much to complain about on the grand scale of things.

*I could do with 100% crushing aloneness, romantic frustration and constant terror about my chosen career path, but at least I'm sacrificing my happiness in the name of purpose, so at least it's not in vain.


@Choco: well yeah, i was raised in RI but was born in AR and it sorta is, the only thing i remember is shoving my arm through a glass door.

Also never talk to a religious about politics cause they end up contradicting themselves  I still count myself a christian but I cant take all that nonsence
Simon was here :P