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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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What the hell? They were inside the building and didn't hear you or hear the phone ring? 0__0

My life is being sufficiently consumed and destroyed by this semester, after it's over i'm probably going to play FO4 and let that ruin my free time. I just have to avoid being spoiled by all my friends who are playing it ...

We spent like 10 minutes of yesterday's class explaining Fallout lore to our professor, who's mildly agitated that everyone's now more interested in playing FO4 than, you know, doing homework and stuff.

Also, tfw your friend asks how you and your partner met and you don't know how to explain it.


@Bella: I want to play it, too. Only problem is I either have to buy a PS4 or rebuild 2k :\
(I'm stuck on a desktop that, at best, could run Fallout 2)

@Kari: That sucks :[


@Bells, Pent; Fo4: it's fucking awesome. i don't have low enough blood pressure or a good enough setup to play myself, but i get enough joy watching Steve play. the base-building mechanics are sweet! though his building planning frustrates me. as someone who adores games where you get to build little settlements, i get miffed with him just plopping shit down at random.

@Bells, Pent; Library: seems they were meeting in the Molly Hobbes room; it's a room on the top floor in the back that we use for various programs (storytime, movies, clubs, etc), especially when things get loud. when you close the door, you can hear jack shit unless it's right outside. though that everyone answered their phones AFTER the meeting to be like "Oh, we didn't hear you!" no shit genius, you'd think you'd have your phone and that if EVERYONE GOT A TEXT MESSAGE AT ONCE they might think to check it. or at LEAST that i'd have the courtesy to call or email prior saying that i wasn't going to be there. one of them said that they "forget who has a key and who doesn't", and that they're going to have to get me one.

or maybe you could just meet in the front room, since that makes more sense...?

@Bells: just be honest about it. say you started off as friends online years ago, and over time realized that you had fallen for one another. i think it's really sweet. :3

also, Bells, Pent and I have a plan to get you into Mori Lolita. or Sweet Lolita. whichever we can. then we can be BROTHER LOLIS.
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who do arabs have to do such shitty things


1. That's racist, 2. I think you mean Islamist extremists.


I heard it wasn't Islamic extremists at all. IDK who did it, and I'm solely going off of Zen remarking on some Tumblr posts that "it hasn't even been 24 hours and people are making shit up about it being ISIS", so IDK :\


According to all reports, ISIS/ISIL/IS or whatever they go by is behind it. President Hollande declared it an act of war by ISIL, a Syrian passport was found on one of the attackers, witnesses heard phrases in Arabic, and the MO is similar to other attacks that have been carried out by other radical groups in decent years. Not to mention ISIL claimed responsibility for it.

Quote from: Penti-chan on November 14, 2015, 03:29:40 PM
"it hasn't even been 24 hours and people are making shit up about it being ISIS"

That was probably a post made by a conspiracy nut who seriously believes the attacks were carried out by white supremacists / nationalists / the government / the illuminati in an attempt to frame middle eastern immigrants and stir up anti-refugee sentiment. In other words, crazy people.


@swag: you know better. stop trying to stir the pot.

this week has been a sucky one for erebody. :\

also, Bells, do you go to Plymouth State? a student there's gone missing. :0
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Ok, I reread those posts, and it's more about the misinformation; like mosques in France being destroyed in response to the terrorist attacks, and various other bits. Now, I'm not as confused

Dr. Kraus

Well the mass movements of refuges has been part of ISIL/IS' plan to infiltrate western Europe due to being able to hide a needle in a hay stack.

Think about it for a moment, you put a single infiltrator among the estimated 3,000 crossing the former Yugoslavia each day into western Europe its going to be really god damn hard to find that person.

Q: But don't they have their passports checked and whatnot before crossing the boarder into the EU? How could they get pass when most ISIL/IS' members are probably flagged by Interpol?
A: There have been many cases of refuges storming across the boarder posts en mass where only a few are apprehended at a time and many are able to slip away into refuge areas/camps/homes without notice.

Refugees are not the problem but the ones who hide among them ARE the problem, granted this is an argument that will go on for some time.


Quote from: Dr. Kraus on November 14, 2015, 10:28:24 PM
Refugees are not the problem but the ones who hide among them ARE the problem, granted this is an argument that will go on for some time.

It's very scary to think that a handful of radicals among thousands of innocent refugees can cause so much mayhem.

Aside from increased border security and better identification of immigrants I really can't think of a way to stop it. And even that (as you pointed out) isn't foolproof...


Arabs are an ethnic / cultural / language group, and there's no link between Arab identity and the terrorist attacks. There is a link between religious extremism and the attacks. Don't draw false conclusions or generalise. The terrorist groups enjoy every moment we keep blaming entire populations or religions. That's exactly what they hope would happen.



Generalizing is a really crappy thing to do. I have a hard time taking seriously the politics of anyone who thinks all men / women / blacks / whites / arabs / Christians / Muslims / Jews / etc. think or act alike. It demonstrates a dangerous immaturity/simplicity of worldview, IMO.



also, shouldn't this be going on in HBT?

EDIT: i wanted people to know that there's a Pitkin County. it's in Colorado. :0
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Sounds like an awful place. Who'd name county like that? :p