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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


@Kari: Trust me; you don't want her old laptop; it makes Softy look like Asagi III .__.


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my cousins' cousin died yesterday. he was quite a nice guy, and despite his crappy lot in life, he was really turning it around and making the best of it. head-on motorcycle collision. i sort of feel physically ill with the news.
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RIP that really sucks i'm sorry kari
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


the wake's next friday. thankfully a few days has distracted me some, but i'll be crying when i go, i'm sure. i think i had a nightmare relating to it the other night or something, jolted me out of bed at 7am. ><;

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@Kari: Sucks about the funeral, but nice on the car :3

I feel a bit thrown off; I was off yesterday, and have to work this Saturday :\

>TFW you get so used to having your wig on that, when you take it off, you feel strange for your hair suddenly being a lot shorter


soooooooon, Pent.

Katja's back! and she's running great! feels good to have the car back, i'm in a good mood today. and i've started my xmas shopping and look freakin' fabulous. today's a good day. -w-
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Nice :3

I haven't really thought about Christmas, TBH. Well, I have a gift for you, and a few odds and ends to give Bella, but that's basically it :\


i managed to get all the presents for people planned out in one night and it's fab. -w-

(a loooot of people are getting sweaters, just a heads up.)
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Sounds nice :3

...there's a Luigi on my desk


there's an oddly-made turkey consisting of a pumpkin, some construction paper, and some feathers, all held in place by thumbtacks.
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Neat :3

So, lots good news:
- A coworker I didn't like was fired
- Cloud announced for Smash Bros; likely an Amiibo of him on the way eventually
- Pokemon Red\Blue\Yellow coming to 3DS with wireless trading capability, but otherwise, presented exactly as they were on Game Boy
- The 3DS remakes of Dragon Quest VII and VIII are finally coming out here

I think it's settled; my Christmas gift to myself is a points card so I can download the Smash Bros. characters I don't have yet (Roy, Ryu, and Lucas)


>be me
>wake up on time, 8:30 am
>go inside and wash face and whatnot
>Steve is up, decide to make some tea for us to go with a quick bite of breakfast
>get dressed
>leave with other piece of pumpkin bread (first slice for breakfast)
>drive 45 minutes attempting to make it to staff meeting on time
>arrive about 2-5 minutes late
>everyone's cars are already here
>no one is downstairs
>knock several times
>email some people
>text as many as i can
>call front desk twice, children's desk once
>lurk around building peeping in windows like a creeper
>pound on door
>finally get fed up and call Steve who advises me to text again and wait 10 minutes
>i do, send one last email to my boss
>i waited outside for 45 minutes
>car stalls on the way out of parking lot
>so much for having it fixed, cherry on top of today
>drive to my parents in tears
>converse with parents, go to bathroom, etc etc
>call library one more time for each floor
>check cell phone, FINALLY got a reply
>"we were upstairs, we didn't hear you"
>call coworker who texted me, "you didn't miss much", "should i come back?" "no, it's fine"
>never placing my trust in them again
>be resentful and emotional for the rest of the day

it stalled again on the way to walmart, to boot. also couldn't get through to the dentist's office or the guy that fixed my car, so i'ma have to waste MORE minutes trying to get back to them. >>;
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