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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Nice :3

I hope I actually get my paycheck tomorrow, so I can pay car insurance :\
(At the very least, I did get some monies from Kari, so I can dump that into savings when I get out tomorrow)


good luck, bro. :0

i really think i'm gonna have to file a dispute with amazon over some stuff i ordered. it does NOT take 2 weeks to ship a book to NH from IA.

@bells: it's a good feeling, right? i rarely had teachers that nice, haha.
@pent: i'd say i'm surprised your manager can keep dropping the ball like that, but my sister's manager when she worked at GameStop did almost the same thing. :\
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@Kari: That sucks :\
Also, indeed. This really happens far more often than it should :\

Crispy M&Ms. I has them :3
(There was some clearance Halloween candy still left  at Walmart, so I grabbed a bag)


lucky. i dig those. ;^;

apparently it DOES take 2 weeks+ to ship a book, since the expected arrival date is the 14th. i ordered it a good week and a half before Halloween. =__=;;
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Ahh :\
Hope it arrives soon, though

So, mom knows about the moving plan now. Since I've actually started to talk more about it with her, she seems fine with it...and I told her to have dad fix up the Ramcharger, so I'll have something to drive when I fly back here to visit for a holiday :3
(Since flying down here and borrowing the Ramcharger will be cheaper than me driving cross-country again ^^; )


damn straight it will. while you're at it, ask her to get on his ass about installing that new belt for the car. best not to have your kid driving in a death trap. >>;;

(i hope it gets here sooner, but idk if amazon is giving me the absolute farthest out date it can and that these people are going by that...the book i ordered on sunday (?) isn't set to arrive till about the 24th. ><;;; )
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Indeed. Although, I found out the sound I'm hearing is actually some of the bearings in the steering box. It's fine for around town, but I might have dad look into how much it'd cost to get that fixed (Which would likely require taking it to a shop, as they'd have to realign the wheels afterward), to reduce the number of things that could go down mid-movement


oh, that's good. hope it doesn't cost too much. :0
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Pros of being a CS student:
-Get congratulated for breaking your professor's things (code) instead of punished
-Open discussions about pirating shit
-Can freely identify yourself as a brony
-Eating in front of your computer is encouraged


Bells you're making me jelly of your college experience again

alright for those of you unaware, i got the most badass headset ever yesterday. go look in random videos/flash thread. i posted a link to a video i made with them.
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So, company-wide internet outage over here. Fucking great; it's not like I wanted to stay home until it was time for work, anyway, and I obviously wanted to use the library's internet to download the new Oddity Archive instead of just watching it at grandma's office >>;

Today has gotten off to a godawful start, if you couldn't tell. Hopefully I'll be able to do anything at all when I get home :\


if it makes you feel any better i got bitten by a door early this morning, and had a massive stack of papers fall over. also discovering yet again that my laptop is shit~
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My internet is finally back up. Also, my sister brought me her father-in-law's old laptop for me to fix it up for her (It was running 8 and nobody knew his password, so she told me to reformat and put 10 on there. I'm a little weary of 10, after what happened to 2k, but she requested it, so eh).

Dr. Kraus

tfw when you keep coming up with good game concepts and you can't build them to look nice due to your skill "art" being too low lvl.



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