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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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>TFW Bella posts another reaction image

(Ergo, have a kitteh :3)


@Cocks: talk to your RA about it, and if that doesn't work, talk to the Campus Police, Student Life Centre, or your Advisor for advice. see if you can get moved next semester. and if this continues, try getting evidence (record each event in a journal, take audio, etc). and if all else fails, if she does it again you could always try the snappy comeback of

"Yeah, well i like sleeping at 3am, but your drunk ass sure as hell made sure i couldn't do that."

you don't have to stand for that kind of shit. unless she's in someone's back pocket, chances are she's crossed other people and has some kind of history with the disciplinarians. age =/= rank.
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Well, I planned to try and obtain a limited edition bottle of Pepsi Perfect...but it seems it already sold out. Eh, whatever; I'll just do as someone on Twitter suggested and instead Share a Coke with Marty, should I see him -w-;


finally 16


im 19 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.



i'm a responsible adult!!total lies

EDIT: for any interested parties i've started listening to Welcome to Nightvale and they mentioned FORTRAN
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[inb4 Bella posts reaction image -w-; ]

So, tomorrow begins weekend of awesome shit. I have basically everything I need, and have laundry going now

EDIT: I simply could not get to sleep in that dump; it was impossible to get comfortable, and I tried everywhere (Couch, bed, my car). So, I've been up for almost 24 hours straight, and just want to go home so I can attempt to get some rest. I decided to leave there for now, packing up all of my stuff and migrating to grandma's office (Which, I might add, is much cleaner), and also picking up some ginger ale, as my stomach is messed up from all of this.

I do plan to go back by the house to check on the pets and retrieve my breadsticks, but I am not staying overnight again; I have work Sunday morning, which I missed last weekend due to being sick, so I don't want to miss it again.

EDIT2: Seems I could have come home the entire time. Oh well; I got in about 3-4 hours ago and was out like a light until just now, so at least I got some sleep


jeez, how dirty IS her place that the barely-used office is cleaner?? o__o;
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Very. I mean, it's better than it was when her father-in-law was still alive, but they still have to do some things, like vacuum the carpet.


i read that as 'vacumn the rapist'.

also, eeewwww. i refuse to let my (future) apartment get any dirtier than a rental car.
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Yeah. There's some bits at home that seriously need cleaning, but at least I can walk around barefoot and not feel like I need to wash my feet immediately after :\


Tell them to clean that shit up! Dirty floors are disgusting. ><

I helped with the open house at school today and ended up playing card games with my professor and the other volunteers for a couple hours ... seeing how many games I can learn has become a personal goal for this semester. (I'm up to around a dozen, not counting the games in the projects we're working on.)


bells, y u so cool....

@pent: that's not saying as much as you think it is...
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Goujer (she/her)

The only card games I know are Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh, and I only find them to be fun when your playing with decks scrapped together out of old cards and booster packs.

An excellent investment is a Roomba those suckers will clean your floor like an extreme OCD person let loose on a pile of unorganized books.
If your lucky you can find them on eBay for $30-$40. Me and my room mate have one and our floor is the cleanest one on our floor.