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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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money money money money money problems
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


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thanks im turning 19 in 10 days omfg
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.

Goujer (she/her)

I may be seen as an adult in the eyes of the law but that doesn't change the fact that I don't look at myself as one.


yeah, i'll be 24 in 5 months and i'm not a goddamn adult. just barely left teenager and even then i think i'll only ever be a really capable teenager inside. mental illness and confidence issues yay! (also peter pan syndrome tied in with the "fuck all" mentality and the creative urges driven by mental illness yay!)

but in all reality, all adults are really just teens that have gotten really good at faking knowing what they're doing. i have a job, and a car, and i'll probably file taxes next year, and i cook for me and Steve (and am basically the breadwinner right now though Steve now has a thing), and i'll be looking at apartments soon. and as exciting and fulfilling as this is, it also scares the shit out of me. my job barely supports what we need and my car is shitting the bed and we don't know why. my hours may even be cut in a month or two, i don't know. i've done taxes in school but i'm still sort of shaky on how to go about it and even if i have the proper paperwork. i don't have the proper facilities to cook much and we don't have the fridge space to store much, so we tend to subsist off instant (albeit decent) stuff. and now my computer's starting to shit the bed too, and i don't have the money to do anything about it. and i really want to get myself nice things now that i have money (decent work clothes in spades so i don't have to wear the same 3 outfits over and over?) but i have to be responsible and save and give money to people i owe it to.

and i haven't even finished college, and idk if i will. so yeah, i don't think i'll ever be an adult.
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I know the feeling. I turn 25 next year, and while there's so much I have done and have going for me (For example, I finally have a car worth a damn, after 5 post-Omni years of vehicles in varying degrees of "junk car", with the van being the only one I'd say was good), there's still a lot bringing me down; I still struggle with social awkwardness, I live in an environment where I can't safely explore myself, I've never been on a date or had anyone show interest in me beyond a pair of creeps, and while I'm closer than I've ever been to moving out, the big issue is working up the courage to bring it up to dad, when I'm afraid it's going to go badly because of being forced to buy that car.

There's also the fact that I feel like I don't have any real goal in life, but I suppose being unable to truly explore myself and figure out who I am creates a major roadblock from trying to understand anything else.


just email him at this point, pent

just say that your best friend is about a month away from looking at apartments and that when she has one you're going to begin the preparations for moving extremely north

and make sure to mention that you do love him and your mother, but that you're suffocating in that small town and need to explore new horizons

and if that doesn't work just say you don't have allergies up here, the pay is much better and we're tax-free

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I'm turning 23 in a few months, no car of my own, no job, socially awkward and somehow getting MORE socially-awkward as time passes (although I purposefully insert myself into social situations because I know I'll be unhappy if I don't), living at home, no chance of being with my SO barring some truly fantastic turns of luck, in one of the most notoriously difficult fields of study there is, I haven't a clue what I want to do in life besides solving puzzles and, if I have time to, having some kind of regular life with the person I love. Although there's a catch-22 there — I think pursuing my career will preclude having a regular "family" life, but I'll never be able to have that life if I don't pursue that career (because somebody's gots to bring home the $$$$). I'm well past caring whether I'm adult enough or not, I'm just trying to learn as much as I can and hope like hell I can force everything into place.


[places cute chibi plushie of me next to Bella]
You need something to snuggle -w-

[sips Coke]


*covers self in heated blanket and coats*
*is still cold*

@bells: i think i've said this before, but every one of our lives suck in different ways. :0

EDIT: shush bells, you're not younger than me.
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i... need help choosing an avatar


@Leaf: I like the one you have now, TBH :3


mmm, yeah, quite cute. :0
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Mfw I find out I scored in the high 90s on my calc exam


from r/asktransgender

my transgender friend posted this on facebook so that's why i'm sharing it
it sucks that in 2015 people are only accepted for who they are when they die