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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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hahahaha, awesome. aaaaaand now i break the sanctity of the crisp, clean 30k. but never fear, both me and cocks screencapped the moment.

@pitkin: hope i didn't overshadow the survey! it was really fun! ;^;

also i got denied for food stamps today. cue several hours of fluxxing between crying, angry, and just emotionally defeated. :0
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Lurking powers deactivate.


Congrats Kari, lovely artwork too! *__*

The best part of my first day of class was almost certainly my math professor, an engineer by training/trade, quoting TF2's Engineer almost word-for-word accidentally. (Probably.)


That's a lovely drawing, Choco! It'd deserve even more visibility than just one post in the topicless!

Congrats for the milestone!


heh, thanks guys. ^^

@pit: one, your new user name is adorable. ;v;
and two, what should be done with it? :0

we (me and Steve) have been given so much food lately...
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So, I setup the new router at grandma's office (Finally retiring that old Wireless-B router that I'm surprised still works, in favor of a fairly high-end, gaming oriented Wireless-N router I bought at a thrift store a few weeks ago). Now, to take a break by going for the hike I mentioned, before coming back here to upgrade dad's laptop to Windows 10.


>be me
>leave house at 11
>get to parents' by 11:45, everything is fine, karen says she'll put in laundry, chat for awhile
>go to grandpa's
>car stalls shortly after leaving, turn back over and don't think much of it
>arrive at grandpa's
>get given an entire sack of free food
>vacumn, get paid
>get call saying karen can't go to nashua today after all, will go tomorrow
>leave for parents'
>check laundry, looks like she put it in just before she left
>17 minutes left, she'll probably flip it after she gets back
>go to volunteering
>arrive an hour early, chill out and have a grand ol' time
>show anime to kids to delighted response
>leave volunteering
>karen just got back, has not flipped laundry
>decide to kill time by getting groceries
>grocery shop, leave parking lot intending to get gas
>car stalls at exit to parking lot with people behind me
>attempt to turn back over, fails
>fails and we signal person to go around
>turns over, barely crawls to middle of intersection, stalls again
>fails to turn back over
>freaking out
>turns over, crawls to other side of road
>start getting it into driveway of parking lot, get it to turn over proper in parking lot
>stalls about 20 feet out of driveway, make it into second driveway (barely)
>car is stuck in driveway
>attempt to push it, brakes lock and car starts to roll backward, guess that's nixed
>call grandpa twice, not home
>call sister, turn on flashers after her telling me where they are
>call mum, tell her what's going on
>still freaking out
>Steve runs in to tell restaraunt people there is a car stalled in their driveway
>wait a few minutes, car turns over proper and drive it into parking lot
>not trusting it enough to drive it around now
>wait 45 minutes, mum shows up
>drive to auto shop
>leave detailed-as-fuck note with keys and drop through mail slot
>mum drives us back to parents'
>eat dinner, pick up laundry, get given ground coffee and filters
>i proceed to get extremely sick
>FINALLY leave
>am sick entire way up
>get dropped off, come into room and literally give no fucks outside of putting perishables away
>change into newly acquired sweater, write post on OSC

the upsides of today are that i got a new sweater in the mail, and a bunch of free food (canned goods, pasta, jar of sauce, potatoes, etc etc). also kicked off the anime club, which was nice, and bought a cute(sad) picture book. and technically we dropped off the car BEFORE i got gas, so at least i didn't sink money into it this week. :\

other than that, this day is shit, especially combined with what else has gone on this week. can't go to the special dinner with the other librarians tomorrow, which sucks, but is also kind of a relief, since it was kind of far and kind of pricey. :\
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Wow; at least the van never gave me problems on that level :[
(The Dart sure did, though. That car sucked)


Sorry about the sucky day, but damn that sweater is cute! :O

Today in the CS lab me and another student worked out math/logic stuff on the big whiteboard for like a half hour! How sciencey!

Also at various points our professor punched the floor, almost tripped over himself and went on a tangent about RWBY.


You know, I kinda want to see RWBY, although I know it seems to be an extreme target for hate among anime anything extremely popular :\


Same here, apparently our professor really likes it! (And yes, we ended up discussing whether or not it should be counted as anime at one point...)


Mmm. I've seen it lumped in with Kappa Mikey and My Life Me in a post someone on Tumblr made, showcasing what happens when the west takes inspiration from the east...and in contrast, how when the east takes inspiration from the west, we get Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, and Space Dandy.


dude, the kids i mentor eat that shit up, so do a lot of cosplayers i know. it begs the question that i've been reading about at work when i have time to kill. as far as i'm concerned, it's anime, but on the weird fringes with the other CG-only stuff. (it's made using a Japanese program, for shit's sake).

@bells: it doesn't fit properly, sadly, but only in that it's too short, everything else is fine. so rather than a sweater dress like in the picture, it stops at my hips like a regular sweater. :0

@pent: yeaaahhhh, i REALLY don't want to let Katja go at this stage (she hasn't even broken 59k miles yet). but since we only paid 2 grand for her, if it's something major like the electric/computer, i may not have a choice...
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Indeed; a computer for it will be very expensive. To put into perspective, the computer for the van I used to have is less powerful than an original PlayStation, which was made around the same time...but the van's computer is far more expensive to replace.


it's a car part, not a toy, so of course it'll be more expensive. it may be less powerful, but a faulty playstation won't kill you. :\
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